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Everything posted by iHyperlite

  1. please clarify if the limit is server wide or character wide the event page doesnt specify...
  2. @Hermes yo, special craft isnt activated. also, why ninja nerf the rates to 5% from 10%? lame...
  3. Is the 1billion chest compensation being processed?
  4. season 1 was so-so on rewards, season 2 is very lackluster. so much so i doubt i pay for it. yet again, korea needs to understand our market and playerbase and average gear levels.
  5. u havent played for 5-6 years but yet u come here screaming and crying about a class u dont play anymore? u make 0 sense m8 and if you have no clue barrage of nails works on non targetable targets, then u clearly dont know dagger at all.
  6. 100% agree whoever makes these marketing decisions thinks that normal players will buy mermaid chests to get 1 gem energy / 720 ncoin (they drop at 10% rate) for an item that has a value of 1/20th that. if gem energies were sold as a pack I would 100% purchase a large qty to gamble. making me pay 20x the price for them to do the event by hiding them in very lackluster chest is a hard pass. this entire event is completely disconnected with our region / market / playerbase / etc.
  7. We appreciate the responses and effort. I know you don't set the prices. But 75 bucks for a lvl 5 jewel random open is really bad. Only 2 of the potential rewards from that box even remotely reflect that price in game currently. The others are barely 10-20% of that value. We know whoever set that price has no clue and 0 care to actually understand our economy and playerbase. The anger isn't reflected towards you personally, we've been dealing with this type of stuff for years. We literally think Korea has no care for our region, our players, or our game experience. Maybe you can prove us wrong on this assumption finally... RU/eu had a price reduction on ncoin. Japan has all gear on everyone. We have very high prices, chars that cant kill green mobs, and a declining playerbase...
  8. i aoe just fine with wild plunder. i also 1 shot ppl with barrage of nails, including iss's in stone. not sure who u are, but u are very angry.
  9. If an iss transforms to stone, use barrage of nails. Easy win.
  10. iHyperlite

    Vital Point

    Vital spot and what it truly affects needs tested better
  11. Any preview on whatever is coming next week? Server transfers aren't disabled for small updates...
  12. dw only gets a 3rd sa crystal. Shilen / exalted / giants
  13. Corrected 1 typo. I wish these forums didn't lock posts for edit so fast @Juji
  14. I do not believe you understand correctly how stats and element relate to on target damage. Element can be a MAXIMUM of 24% dmg boost if you are 240 element over your targets resistance level. If you have 500 element over the target's resistance level, you still only get 24% dmg boost. There is no negative dmg penalty for being under the mobs element resistance. To the levels stated: 110 = 1380 element rating for max dmg boost - This means you need a minimum of 1140 atk element to begin adding element to, because 1140 gets 0% dmg bonus. 112 = 1530 element rating for max dmg boost - This means you need a minimum of 1290 atk element to begin adding element to, because 1140 gets 0% dmg bonus. 114 = 1680 element rating for max dmg boost - This means you need a minimum of 1440 atk element to begin adding element to, because 1140 gets 0% dmg bonus. 116 = 1830 element rating for max dmg boost - This means you need a minimum of 1590 atk element to begin adding element to, because 1140 gets 0% dmg bonus. You say you have no clue how to get high element with low lvl, min gear. I 100% agree with you, this is why I DO NOT recommend ever speccing element as a dagger, ever. It is very difficult to maintain the proper element for a boost without a 999 element weapon. For this reason, any other stat is better to take bc those stats guarantee dmg in every situation, but just a situational one. Now lets discuss stats. Stats have a 1:1 ratio on their listed % and the dmg increase on target in %. For example, as a rule of thumb, one can be safe to view 1% patk = 1 % dmg on target, % p atk crit dmg = 1% dmg on target, 1% p skill crit dmg = 1% dmg on target, 1% p skill power = 1% dmg on target, and 10 element = 1% dmg on target in the correct scenarios. I have tested this further, with max gear in a very controlled manner to show the following stat relationships: 1% Patk = 0.8530% Dmg on Target 1% Patk Crit Dmg = 0.9431% Dmg on Target 1% P Skill Crit Dmg = 0.9592% Dmg on Target 1% P Skill Power = 1.1147% Dmg on Target 10 Element = 1% Dmg on target (if within 240 element threshold) Now, you speak low end dagger, I assume this is 105 to 110, but then you reference 110-116. The point about element is its a maximum of 24% dmg boost in the right situation. Most daggers do not reach high element thresholds. Especially exalted gear daggers who mave have an R99 or R110 +12 pve wep. They are probably in the 700-900 atk element range, maybe 1k. Row 1 element over patk may help in a very unique situation. But if this dagger is sitting around 800-900, even 1k atk element at lvl 110+, Row 1 element does nothing for you, ever. It literally will not increase any dmg output. Row 1 Patk will always give dmg output, roughly +3-4% dmg on everything you target. I never had the proper element for a zone once I was 113+ without using roses etc. Because of this, I built my toon around not needing this stat. Daggers stack both crit dmg's on their blows, their dmg output on target can be scaled to insane levels if you stack the 3 top stats for othel: p skill power / p atk crit dmg / p skill crit dmg. Patk is added afterwards because it is still damage. Even if the 40 element applies to give you dmg, you get 4% dmg. If you apply 4% patk, you will see pretty close to a true 4% in dmg at low and mid lvls. It makes no sense to take this if you truly care about dmg on target and have to choose between the 2, which as a dagger, you do. Berserker Blessing is fine if you have no other dmg increasing AP to take. That extra % wont matter unless we have an xp event. Its a wasted opportunity if you can slot more damage for ever situation. Your comment about Berserker's Binding Attack is just wrong. Immobile Opponent = Shadow Chased / Bluff / Stunned / Etc. 75-80% of the time you are attacking a mob that is immobilized. You want a 10% dmg boost in that situation. Even if you consider a party atmosphere, like neutral zone, ketra, etc. Many tyrs exist who will aoe stun the pack of mobs. You are typically always hitting an immobilized target in the game, especially in lower and mid levels. To not take this would be silly for an othel as your dmg is based on having the rear which requires an immobilization debuff. Maybe instead of insulting people, you should attempt to have a discussion. You might educate yourself in the process. Also, if anyone wants the tests showing the above stat relationships, join the l2c community discord and go to their #Learnatorium section. We discuss the game mechanics in depth there and do tests to try and give sense to the way this game works. New players are welcome and encouraged to chat. It is fan run, but the largest community and info resource about this very old game Link: https://discord.gg/l2community
  15. Please show what is incorrect about that AP choice then. That is max pve dmg spec for a dagger in AP. What would you do differently oh wise one? Rows 1/2/3 are pretty much set. 30 element isn't changing anything for you on row 1. Rows 4/5/6 are also full dmg spec as well. Lvl dif doesn't change the basic mechanics of a dagger. How stats affect dmg is the same regardless of lvl. Instead of coming in here claiming people are wrong, maybe try to post a counter post with info and substance so people don't look at you like a troll.
  16. The hero coin store update is comical. They should have left it as it was, and I wouldn't be as upset about it. They updated the obsolete store with new, obsolete items. And the blue/red stone costs at 15 Hero coin each?? Wtf.... Have the devs even opened the collection book and looked at the requirements? These should be 1 hero coin max. Ncwest claims to look at our market values for items before making promo prices, yet they artificially inflate the market by starving us of items for months in end. No eihnassad store. Then, you set store prices based on these inflated prices. I'm tired of people quitting. The imbalance in pvp. The total lack of features our region gets. The absolute price gouging in events. Get a clue about the economies you service and the average income of your player base.
  17. I have always thought the hero coins tore would turn into the eihnassad shop. I'm convinced we will never get either, a hero coin store update or eihnassad shop. This add to the hero coin store, overpriced obsolete roses to an already obsolete item filled store is just a bad joke. @Jujiplease tell us something better is planned for hero coin? We don't need details, but this update you might as well have not pushed out. That would be less infuriating...
  18. LOL, core has such good promos. That prestige giving bonus to entire account is awesome. Our export regions blows... If we had RU price structure which is 1/10th our cost for same items, they would need to open new servers.
  19. 100% reflect resist = no dmg take from reflect. Wear a cat eye 5 or greater cat eye.
  20. I'm still waiting for the other 95% of feedback to be acted on...
  21. Nice video, but it shows how broken pvp is, and how broken tyrs are.
  22. This 100% It would have been better to leave it as the obsolete crap it was. This is just lol...
  23. I was excited for the possibility of a hero coin store update. I was very disappointed in it's update. Lets hope the random localization fixes are hiding some golden nuggets.
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