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Everything posted by iHyperlite

  1. This was confirmed as an error a week ago in discord by @Juji Not a forum post, but maybe you should join the discord community. We have alot of info there for players and the devs interact with the players there (in real time) for all servers on our region. https://discord.com/channels/381901264600170507/567025583972810793/966382682076495932 The ticket for these gems isn't referenced on any event page. It's clearly an error. Be happy that for cheap cheap you can get perma rose for a month crafting +5 or +8 staffs. That's huge in my opinion.
  2. $1350 for forgotten skills lvl 1-30. Normally this is $1000 on average if you just buy the store chests that give 1/2/3 lvl books Past sales have been $800 for 1-30 b exalted armor is 40 ncoin normal, but 72 ncoin on night market shirt scrolls are normally 40-60kk, night market theyre the equivalent of 100kk+/ea. Other scrolls will be worse because theyre higher on night market artifact scrolls are also in the 40-60kk range normally. theyre 230kk+ per scroll on night market.... @Juji @Arctic if the goal was to make us think our feedback was well received and prepare us for a fun anniversary event, then why put out this clear price gouge event that has no clue about current economy? As many of us said, we do not believe our feedback is ever heard to read. This shows us that is true. this is just a bad joke now... Oh yea, dont get me started on the prices on other export regions for the same basic stuff needed to play the game.
  3. ive said this for years: every item should be restorable once every 3 months (any item, period, no exceptions), and the in game tool tip should show when that timer expires. once the timer is gone, anyone should be able to restore it again. each account should have 3-6 restores a year. this would be the fairest way to do this policy when we are talking about items worth multiple 1000's in usd to make...
  4. You only get the stats of the homu you commune with.
  5. This event is more for the temp la vies and the adv mammon talismans
  6. Here is my take on Lineage 2’s issues. I have end game gear, LvL 119, stage 2 daggers, +10 circlet, 18 elmore, +10 artifacts, greater agath, 30 forgottens, hero, etc. Gear Access The main issue we face is the ability for people to obtain gear without hitting a pay wall. Each update, mobs get harder and rebalanced for the Korean standard player. However, our export region has been, and still is, the absolute most expensive in regards to paid events of any export region and the least amount of gear distributed from said paid events. Forgotten skills should be a Collection item or their price and availability completely adjusted. 1 skill costs $1000 USD, $800 USD on an event sale. Each class needs 2-4 of these learned, and we have a dual class, so that is 4-8 passive skills needed. This is tops $8000 for 1 toon, for some passive skills. The game is balanced for us having these skills 30/31, but yet a very large portion of people barely get past level 15. Our export region also lacks the L-Coin store. This would breathe life into so many players it is unreal. Why this basic game mechanic has been left out of our region only is insulting to the entire player base. We see the other regions, we read the official Korean news, we know what the game can be like. We also know our region is purposely adjusted to milk cash form people. I get you need to make money. You don’t have to financially gouge you player base unapologetically in the process. Paid events are typically bad. Loot boxes are bad. People drop $500 USD and get nothing of value, barely topping out at a $200-$250 return. This makes people not spend or quit. If you insist on keeping the same types of events and pay models, you have to understand that your pay model is killing the active players from existing. Make prices 1/10 or even 1/5 of their current price and see how many new players spend and show up. With that said, some events are nice (Slayer, Rim Kama, to name a couple). Then you have utterly insulting events like the real attack cookie craft event. Spend 200-300 bucks for one chance at a 5% click? In Korea, they get real attack cookies like candy, by the 1000s. Of course they can make those clicks feasibly. For us, its price gouging. We see this, were not dumb. Why are half the dragons still shut off? Why do no mobs or raids drop anything we need? Your current system starves players of all basic items needed to even be semi successful in game. No one is going to get hooked if they speed to 105 in a week on freebie gear, then get hit with the reality that they must spend a few grand to even kill a mob to progress. This screams broken product that is mismanaged, not a healthy MMO that entices new players to come. Hero Coin This is supposed to be a premium currency, and you still advertise it as a bonus perk for all purchases. However, the items in the Hero Coin store are completely obsolete, and have been for multiple years. All items in game should be available via Hero Coin for a standard, basic, non insane price, even when not on an event. This is a premium currency, make it be a premium currency again. Here are some examples: Dragon Claw : 100 Hero Coin Elcyum : 1 Hero Coin 30 Day Advanced Mammon Talismans : 50 Hero Coin (Any Type) Dark/Bloody Armor Stones : 5 Hero Coin Dark/Bloody Wep Stone : 25 Hero Coin Cystal of Dawn : 10 Hero Coin Sayha Talisman Box : 2 Hero Coin LVL 5 La Vie Box : 50 Hero Coin +10 Normal Agathion Random : 500 Hero Coin Kain Scrolls (Ally Types) : 25-50 hero Coin Each Shiny Kain Scrolls : 150-250 Hero Coin Each 15-18 Cloak Scroll : 250 Hero Coin 10-15 Cloak Scroll : 100 hero Coin Events should allow cheaper and easier access to stuff. But your premium currency for your ultimate spenders should not be forgotten and abandoned. Red Libra Changes Stone of destiny was an amazing addition. However, there is no way for someone with a $10,000+ USD Dragon Wep to swap that weapon if they want to change class, basically eliminating one of your top paying customers from every swapping their class. This needs to be majorly re-thought out, as its pushing someone like me to quit instead of reroll due to how bad my class has been balanced against. At libra, we should be able to pay and swap any stage dragon wep for the same stage, but dif wep type. You CANNOT lock this to the type of dragon it is (vala to vala for example) because no all dragon weps offer all weapons. PvP Balance There is no balance in end game PvP. Tyr’s, Yuls and now DK’s own everything in mass PvP and Olympiad. The game has many classes (Dagger, Summoner specifically) which have been forgotten and obsoleted due to how the game has evolved. The game is all about non target AoE’s, Celestial, UD, Steel Mind, Range. There is no point to try and pvp on a dagger anymore as every single class does the 1 shot better, has way more HP, Pdef, damage mitigation skills, and DPS. In Olympiad, there are talismans that cancel hide. Dagger is the only class an item like this exists for, why? A sayha seer’s hide is nack up instantly, so it isn’t a counter to them. Where is the cancel Guts, Cancel Rage, Cancel UD talismans to balance this overpowered item? Yul has flair, jump, range, aoe, 1 shot of multiple targets at once. Why doesn’t a dagger have any of this? A yul is now an aoe range dagger, and the dagger is completely obsolete. I would reroll, but I cant, because of the above mentioned red libra dragon wep issue. To help dagger, the following needs done: · Barrage of Nails needs skill power increased to match other stabs. · While in hide, we should be immune to all damage to allow movement in mass pvp · Cooldown on hide should be lower · Ultimate Evasion needs s major boost (skill evasion, mdef, some type of dmg mitigation) · Counter Stance should be 100%, not 80%. Also, once you enacted the 90% crit cap, this never should have been applied to a dagger. When we don’t crit, we do 0 damage. This had a massively negative affect on our pvp viability. We have so many missed stabs now, and I maxed out skill crit rate and it still sucks. Its funny, a dagger is supposed to 1 shot people, but all it does is stab 5x on the rear of a person in 1v1, they pop shirt celest, no tsarget, and 1 non target aoe and you’re dead. An eviscerator can run around with perma steel mind, basically being immune to everything for long periods of time, with only 10-15s windows of being able to die, all while 1 shotting anything it touches. How is a dagger more broken than that? Yep, this is balanced. And don’t get me started on the Death Knight. Every single player agrees this is a broken, unbalanced class that you gave every cool skill to. But yet this update, you just boost it. A 110 DK in mid gear can 1 shot an end game toon in end game gear. Absolutely broken. Why does a tank need all the best skills from a yul/tyr/eviscerator all at once? Do the developers even play this game? I don’t have a problem with the tactile playstyle of dagger. It is fun and I truly love it. But the game is so unbalanced in PvP it isn’t even fun anymore. Hunting Zones I do believe the true issue facing us is the gear issues I referenced above and pay wall issues. However, the hunting zones are poorly thought out and just boring at times. You need zones that cater to specific types of classes. Where is the old Fields of Silence that resisted everything except fists and daggers? Where is the lethal/half kill imperial tomb type area we had long ago? Where is our monster factions that we were told was coming back years ago? You should rehash the faction book and the talismans we were able to make with that system, and focus on an end game farm system for upgraded talismans. Why can we have multiple end game zones for dif party types, different things to farm and upgrade, all for just playing. It gets old logging in and going to the same place for 20 hours a day. It’d be nice if we could farm something to break up the grind. Not everything should be pay walls. A dagger’s bread and butter is to maintain a status effect on their target based on shadow chase or bluff landing. ToI is completely immune to status effects, lethal, half kill, and there is a new buff on them saying they resist blows. Why not resist bows or slashers or cutters? Why just what a dagger needs to be successful? In Closing I have given long, well written posts in the past. Nothing was done with them. The gear access is is truly the root cause of our regions issues. If you want your product to be better, listen to our suggestions. I have watched so many people quit over the last year its insane. JP export region has all gear on everyone. Core and Ru has insanely cheap prices. We get the watered down expensive region that has no f2p coin store. Some good marketing, proper price structure for the economies you service (not everyone who plays this makes 500 grand a year) would do Lineage 2 wonders. Good luck.
  7. After the crit cap change for all skill based dds, we also now have a 90% threshold for crits. When we land in the 10%, there in no dmg. I think we start at 90%, and then get reduced from there based on target level and/or their gear. This is very noticeable in pvp, when people have crit rate reduction items on. A dagger must spec skill crit rate for pvp. In regard to pve, I don't notice it much. If you are on yellow or pink mobs, you may see a bigger miss rate.
  8. well, u can fail both 6s to 7 bc its a 35% click. you would need 3 6s for proper odds to make a 7. i personally wouldnt go the craft route, but thats me.
  9. We get anniversary soon. We will probably get cool stuff to use then too. In 3-4 days coins will be cheap
  10. I used 600 boxes. I got 6x lvl 7s. Multiple ppl are referencing about 100 boxes for a lvl 7. This event isn't that bad on cost...
  11. 15% dmg is just 15% dmg To update info into this thread, per my most recent tets: 1% Skill Power = 1.1% dmg 1% Skill Crit DMG = 0.95% dmg 1% Patk Crit Dmg = 0.95% dmg 1% Patk = 0.85% dmg So to the original question of this thread. 15% Skill Power = 16.5% dmg increase 20% Crit Dmg = 19% dmg increase 15% Dmg = 15% dmg increase 20% crit dmg is best in slot still.
  12. Sweet. Thanks for the update. I still haven't completed the 7th exalted items lol... Edit: when do u sleep?!?!?!?
  13. Everything about this post is wrong. Shaper is 20% less dmg than duals and the same skill animation speed. Shaper gets 1.5-1.9% realized extra skill mastery over duals. There is no physical way a shaper out damages duals now. It was nerfed into uselessness years ago. R110 +30+ Dual Daggers are best in slot until stage 3 dragon wep. U all need to browse the othel forum. A large portion of this info is already there.
  14. All of your r99 and r110 weapons names have changed to match core (helios and supreme) and other items match core names too. may wanna look at that @Juji
  15. Row 1: 4x Bers Might / 1x Bers Element Row 2: 3x Bers Craft Foc / 2x Bers Backfire / 3x Bers Focus Row 3: 3x Bers Craft Death / 3x Bers Death Whisp Row 4: 2x Bers Battle / 2x Bers Fire / 1x Bers Skill Reduction Row 5: 2x Bers Binding Attack / 2x Bers Divine Attack Row 6: 1x Bers Combat Master After those, i add Berserker Mortal / more element / xp sp / more hp as needed
  16. a mystic muse should use that, but im not the best feoh person. i know that necromancer is nto popular at all and sorc/stormscreamer are popular. have you tried mystic muse with that wep?
  17. yes, it says that, but go to an npc and test it. stand in front, use, it goes back and stabs. use the skill again after, it goes front and stabs for much less damage. the correct description should be: "go opposite side of current target and stab as it does NOT go to the rear every time like shadow chase does. as to if the skill is working or not, i personally think it is and it is a translation error from korea (rear vs opposite translation meaning was lost possibly). other top daggers think it is a bug. the wind rider skills behave the same way, they go 90 right or left of current position. they do NOT port to the flank every time. I think this is by design on both archtypes. for a GH, use mass trick and always hold agro of your xp spot, if you can, and shadow reverse always works perfectly
  18. u have 2 elements u can use based on the mage's skills. Wind and Dark. These have slightly different effects when used based on your skills. i believe wind is the most popular choice for feoh stormscreamer unless you have a akamanah dark wep.
  19. summoner is very good at dropping the field raid boss shield and the sword boxes at zariche/akamanah fights. after that, ehhh not much. unfortunately, this well written post will remain just that, a well written post with good ideas. most of this can be fixed if we follow the pay model and free event model of dec/jan/feb. even these eva boxes appear to be giving some higher items like wings 4 and shiny enchants. we have to see what happens with next 2-3 events before doom and gloom is on us.
  20. shadow reverse funtions as follows: if you use the skill when the mob is facing you, you will teleport to its rear and stab for max dmg. if you use it on the rear of the target, it will teleport to the front and stab for about 90-100% less dmg than what i describe above. if you use on either flank, it will go opposite flank and stab for flank bonus. add all this together with daggers now functioning in a 90/10 worls (90% crit rate starting, 10% no crit = miss on dmg) on wind rider, the 2 side step skills also go 90 degrees right or 90 degrees left of current position. if you use on front or rear, theyre good. if you use on the flank already, you will move to front or rear and stab fortune seeker and treaure hunter special stab both are front on stabs with no porting.
  21. on a dagger, p skill crit dmg and p atk crit dmg both stack to add to your stab dmg. this is the only class that functions this way. your p skill crit dmg stuff is good, keep it.
  22. What is the skill supposed to do and what is it doing now? The op is upset about multiple things on necromancer. Summon count, summon hp, and this skill.
  23. The game has been suffering from a low population for years. If runescspe still exists, L2 isn't going anywhere. To the issue at hand, as Draecke said, this update has dished out havok to the low and mid tier players. Let's see what events counter this, and what the pay scale model will be on those events. And what free events we will get. If the hard update is here, but we keep getting good events like we had dec/jan/Feb then things will eventually get back to OK. If not, we'll see...
  24. Awesome, thank you for the reply. I look forward to my transfer processing next week.
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