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Posts posted by NejJim

  1. Just wondering.. didnt see any announcement to compensate the issues of.. disconnects, server crashes, lag (such as mail/quest/consumable delays, dying due to emperors delay  and hunting with basic buffs). If the dandy balls were the only compensation intended for this.. its very weak and really going downhills now :(

  2. In a way.. i want to ty.. this event differ from the others. Its not covered by the darkness of scam/horrible rates.. or misleading rewards you will loose even if you paid real money for... nah.. this is OPEN ROBBERY.. its not a back alley/pickpocketting.. this is a pure.. HAND OVER YOUR MONEY event!!!! in BROAD DAYLIGHT.. so.. TY again.. NOW atleast we can see it.. and given the possibility to walk another way!

  3. 4 hours ago, Draecke said:

    let me add another funny tragic tidbit of information:

    current ncoin to adena ratio for chronos is 1 ncoin = 20mil
    4ncoin would cost then by that logic 80mil
    honestly there's so much wrong here at so many levels.. anyone defending these prices should see a doctor

    i agree.. way high with buying for 80mil... but did you EVER consider WHY 1 ncoin =20mil?

    Did NCWest dictate that pricing.. or was it the LACK of players trading NCoins for Adena, leading to the heavily increase of prices.

    Consider this.. if 1 NCoin were traded for 5mil Adena.. then 20mil would be a fair price.. right?

    So to play with number.. if lets say.. 1000 players used to trade NCoins for Adena before.. at rate of 3-5mil each

    Do you really think if dropped to 100 players still trading for NCoins would keep it at 3-5mil?

    Like the prices in game.. its about supply and demand.. the demand is still high for NCoins.. but the supply is becoming close to nonexistent.

  4. 9 hours ago, BurnCycle said:

    Considering the current NCoin price, some of this prices are 10/20x the market price. What's the reasoning? is Korea expecting a major deflation in our server's economy? 

    not saying its good prices in NCoins.. BUT!!! players SHOULD really make a differences in NCoin prices vs Adena.. the purchasing NCoins in GAME with adena has NOTHING to do with NCWest pricing NCShop.. the increase is due to, the decrease of PLAYERS buying NCoin to sell for adena.. also the ppl that was trying to catch up, but far behind.. 90%+ went to Aden server when it came up.. and why not??? fresh start, still using money to gear up.. but dont have to "catch up" as much..

    Considering how the top geared players brag about how much adena they make /hour... how can ppl even be surprised about the prices???

    Those players can and WILL keep raise the prices for NCoins + items!!!

  5. 20 minutes ago, KissMyKnife said:

    ok recalc again  with your %s :D

    lets say i have 400 lv1,  ok now the trick part, 1 success 1 fail so 3 lose, so in here  133 lv2 ok ok
    lv3 its 40% :D so 1 success nono not good 40% 40% how how 40 80 120 how to calc this :D ah  ok 1 success 2 fail or 2 success 3 fail? ok lets sec 2 success and 3 fail, so 4+3 so its 7, 19 lv3 :D ok lets say 20

    lv4 18% so 5 fail 1 success so 7/20 so 3 lv4 :) can be more but lets say max 5 if lucky :D will not enough  for lvl 5 hm, but this game its more like for luck, 400 can be good or bad, or 1200 can be worse its about luck :D

    ehm.. i use a logical math calc on probability.. works with big numbers.. and not on random luck.. its a PURE math formula :P

    also not on rounding up attempts...  let me give you an example:

    if you hit a mob 10x..  you can make an average calc on dmg.. with random crits.. so your dps is calculated on 10x hits

    if you hit mob 100x.. you get a MUCH more accurate calc.. since the crit becomes LESS RANDOM due to the higher number of attempts to get crits.

    so this is how the calc of % works.. its NOT based on RANDOM LUCK.. or else might aswell say.. need 16x lvl1 ruby to make lvl5... due to random luck you NEVER fail :P


  6. so to sum up.. lets say makin 100k ether will do the trick..  it will still take you MORE than 1 year to make with 240 ether/day

    to get 1  ruby 5 (according to math probability)..  so in my personal opinion.. those "priceless junk" is the MOST valuable in the craft :/


  7. also..  did you really check the probablity rates?

    since make lvl2 is 50%

    lvl3 is 40% 

    lvl4 is 18%

    and lvl5 is 7%

    if i remember correctly.. the calc is then: 0,5*0,4*0,18*0,07=0,00252=0,252% to succeed :/

    so dont  you consider yourself LUCKY if 400 will do the trick?

  8. On 5/21/2022 at 5:15 AM, KissMyKnife said:

    So here is, you just need a lot ether, top noob should have more then 300k ether, even i have like 75k, and my main toon its othel.

    i was so amused by this calculation.. since you refer the Ether to "priceless junk".. when in fact. THIS is the limited cap item/day you can get... all other items can be farmed in big amounts.. you claim to have 75k.. now ask yourself.. how long did it take you to MAKE those??? and then go make several Ruby 5 :D

    So maybe.. just MAYBE.. calc INTO a value of hard working earned Ether! 😂

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  9. 2 minutes ago, DCSoft said:

    I'm not sure if this will make it better for my enchanting or make it WORSE.... Still have 700ish scrolls to use up!! If i can get back in to use these damn things... GM JUJU make me get a +25 Dragon Weapon!! Thx!!

    i have to give you some credit.. the amount of tears you still shedding after all the other cries... just AMAZING!!!!

  10. This skill is more useful than ppl say.

    Sure prob not the highest priority if low on adena, but wait for right time to buy and doesnt have to cost much.

    Keep in mind its aoe effect.. meaning it triggers even if not in your target... also when it triggers.. the mob dies FAST in aoe party :P.... so its easy to miss how often it triggers.

  11. 1 hour ago, dqW said:

    10k shots are 20x 6 cry R = 120 plus spirit  ore while the skill uses 270 for soulshots 150 for spiritshot cry R you Have the advantage to save from spirit ores but still 150 cry R is more than double the price

    ehh... cost total of 120 r-cry to craft and 150 r-cry to use skill

    now i ask you.. how many soulstones do you get for 30 r-cry that is the difference?  Because you need 160x20 =3 200 soulstones..

    lowest price can be bought is 287x3200= 918 400 adena.. dont know what you pay for your cry.. but if you pay 25 000 each you still get 918400/25000=36,7 cry.

    NOW.. please show me how it is DOUBLE the price????? Just to clarify.. double means 2x.. so 120*2=240 r-cry!!!! so even there you not even close to being DOUBLE! :P


  12. 12 minutes ago, extase1987 said:

    January 2020, 1 month when I started playing again.
    Today, I would have done things differently knowing how market works, Storm Isle (pulling services), Primeval Stones (would have bought them cheap & wait for good drop event), IOS farming with multiple toons and swapping gear, etc etc.
    People need to figure out how to do stuff more efficient and reusing the same gear.

    not arguing against you.. just stating 1.5 years ago you got more value for those 200m than today.. and if you freshly made 108-109.. .you dont really able to farm much more (due to the gear, prob exalted)... unless you prep to start spending real money.. loooong way to gear up, to even start farming :P

    But lets say for argument sake, player make 200mil/day at lvl108.. it will be faster for that char to lvl110 before getting proper upgrade for actually farming at 110. Because without upgrade of gear.. not possible to move on to better hunting grounds :(

  13. 1 minute ago, extase1987 said:

    Too much Adena for newcomers. Business mode must remain the same.
    Grow & become stronger over time. The game is not going to end tomorrow when you are 120.
    Make a CP, grow together & help each other.
    I also started with 200m/day at 108-109. Today I make far more than what I used to do.
    Patience, trading, farming over time. To be "good" you need on average 1-2 years, reduce the time the more you inject real money.

    k.. then again.. 200m/day depending when this was.. would given you more for the money.. also if long time ago.. you had other "useful" times gaining during farm (like actual useful craft items)

  14. 4 hours ago, Slycutter said:

    Yul's cant carry crap lol.  Especially DE ones since carry weight is based on con  Not really sure where u think Yuls can carry a lot.

    ehm... check your Yul skill "Superior Survival Ability"... only Dwarfs race skill have similar, rest go purely on Con

  15. On 7/5/2021 at 3:06 AM, dqW said:

     the book ss are more  than dwarven ones almost double price  but... the book is for new generation

    aka lazy ppl, spend easy, enjoy life 
    cry more etc bla bla

    ehm... guessing you're a tyr or yul... you should consider there are classes that really cant carry that much!

    My evi for example have to replenish every 4th hour.. not really fun if at work or overnight.

    Also.. please show me the calc where you make it 2x cost... REMEMBER its Mysterious SS, NOT regular!

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