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Everything posted by NejJim

  1. Heavenly scrolls.. 100% success using hero coins to purchase in NCShop.. or find in game from ppl selling.
  2. and in these examples shows.. you should get more than x2 m.attack to make it a better choice.. 5% skill pwr > 10% m.attack.. this is the reason for the examples. Give you a close comparison whenever you have choices.. personally i rank m.crit dmg > skill pwr > attribute > m.atk
  3. you actually arguing against yourself if 1% skill power is better than 1% m.atk, then priority SHOULD be skill power. Arguing what TOP is.. is just sooo wrong. That just mean once you reach top skill power.. you can reach further with m.attack!
  4. ehm.. the comparison is still relevant... basically you need m.attack % higher than x2 to get the equal effect compared to m.skill pwr. in my examples: Ex1: 938 100 - 894 400 = 43 700 = 4.9% Ex2: 983 840 - 894 400 = 89 440 =10% not saying anything about how easy it is to obtain items for the % boost.. just pointed out dmg output priorities.
  5. With armor, you need to remove aug and bloody/dark.. need to be blessed and becomes clean r110.. keeping elements but loose -1
  6. it stacks with mysterious shots from craft.. just the "skill" cant be used as long as you have soulshots. So basically using the skill you will have max of 10k mysterious shots.. you can craft and add into that, but not by using skill.
  7. hmm.. lets make 2x examples to explain why your conclusions are faulty We will remove the soulshot values since will not have a big impact of the differences between m.atk and m.skill comparison changes. Example 1: say you have 80mil m.atk, and get 10% m.atk artifact using 100 skill pwr. square root of (80mil * 1.1 (10% m.atk artifact)) = 9 381 using the formula you get: 9381*100 (skill pwr) = 938 100 in total dmg Example 2: we use same values as above.. but replace 10% m.atk with 10% skill power artifact square root of 80mil = 8 944 using the formula you get: 8944*(100*1.1 (10% skill pwr artifact)) = 983 840 in total dmg since magic dmg have very different formula than the p.atk dmg, the skill power of course lower. Bottom line is, skill power is a pure multiplier in the formula and not square rooted like m.atk using the formula you get
  8. hmm... 1% of 900 = 9 anyway.. if you test with artifacts like i did.. you will see BIG difference.. where the skill pwr > m.attack
  9. no they dont work like that... skill put on autouse and triggers ONLY when you ran out of shots
  10. depending on cry prices.. usually cheaper
  11. These are my thoughts regarding upgrade, should only be considered if you have augment that is WAY HARD to obtain again. Not really cost efficient to upgrade armor, need to remove the "Dark/Bloody" and after the upgrade you get a ordinary r110 armor. Yes you keep the + and attribute, but you need to enhance + dark/bloody it again.. so additional costs
  12. ehm.. -2 during upgrade is for weapon.. -1 for armor... or did they change that?
  13. So you are basically a misgrunted player... wasting your time trolling... otherwise you would not made a new forum account
  14. vs black market RMT.. YES it would benefit!!!! NEVER did.. and never will... why i keep grinding!!!! ALL games need to earn some profit.. and since they removed mandatory subscriptions they need to use NCShop for that, just dont agree removing EVERYTHING from game and put into NCShop instead! This is alot due to the black market RMT! i put priority to RIGHT char with RIGHT gear.. during a few years i made Tank/Feoh/Yul/Tyr/Healer/Buffer. Looong process and alot of grinding, but gives me more options than the average player.. gear i made mostly from IN GAME MARKET!.. use brain to make and set up chars, priority to gear and lvl, save/buy/invest right items at right time IN GAME... if you played from the VERY BEGINNING of this game.. you would DEFINETLY know this way of playing..
  15. THIS makes me wonder.. WHY are you even here? You like "wasting your time"?
  16. omg... please stop making assumptions by poor reading... i never said that.. just said it would limit the RMT ppl.. only transactions i mentioned were, paying for L2 subscriptions way back.. and Prestige + occasional promos.. Im old school L2 player and still want to EARN my lvl and gear IN GAME.. NOT pay my way up!.. just that i did take a 10 year old break from L2 and came back like 2.5 years ago (to help a friend) further more, just commented it would be problematic for NCSoft to do that. However they already started this by circumventing the legal issues, by starting with the "Einhasad's Gold Coin Shop
  17. first of all.. the questions they had really proved they were new players... was no pretending being new, since had nothing to gain with those questions.. and they were just abit more than basic knowledge about game. 2nd: i played this game 1 week after realease (together with my irl friend that had beta invite and tried it). Basically after playing 6 month i subscribed 5 accounts = 75$/month.. how was that contribute to the problem??? Now however i spend an average of 60$/month (2x prestige + purchase approx every 3rd month promo), this i estimate being ok to spend for a game. I dont judge people for how they spend their money, it is totally their biz. However making the game a 90% NCShop game is not really joyful for players like me. I do my best to still keep manage in game economy and enjoy the game still, just a question for how long due to the removal of in-game earnings The RMT trading have ALWAYS been an issue from the very start, hours after official game release there were already adena sellers Making NCSoft selling adena themselves, would force the RMT to adjust their prices accordingly (unfortunatly dont think they will be eliminated).
  18. I also agree it would benefit in some ways... but i believe there are some serious LEGAL issues and liability, if this would be implemented And considering the low quality of support NOW... then how bad would it become with this? Probably will eventually cause major lawsuits and shutdown of game
  19. wow.. not what i said.. and you have choices to play other games with this specific line... buy gear.. go kill... THIS game was not designed like this.. why it had MANY loyal players... UNTIL they created NCShop... then the true great players went away.. bit by bit.. Game changed from work for gear and xp (best with others), to PTW and within 2months.. ppl get BORED!. So AGAIN.. this is now what the game attracted ppl with.. if you really dont get it.. you should look for the L2 review that explained why it became bigger in Asia rather than in US. So conclusion.. if you dont like the grinding.. most probably not a suitable game for you.. there are other games that get you top lvl and gear with MUCH less time.. maybe lean toward that!
  20. ehm... Those that played this game b4 NCShop, know this was a loooong and hard grinding game. Your progress built on hard work and cooperation with good ppl. The pvp was super fun but also careful considerations, since xp losses meant hard grind to recover. Now any spoiled kid with parents creditcard, buy the gear + xp.. then run around and look for trouble. I did think it was a good idea to give NCShop option, for those that didnt have the possiblity to catch up. Now i just think its sooo sad that its ALL about NCShop. They removed basically 70%+ for players to make their own way to earn in game. Unless you already heavily invested $$$ player, you barely make it go around . So in conclusion.. we have players that bought their progress... gets bored fast.. and then leave! IMO.. WHY???? just why make PVE/PVP gear?????.. Its for NCSoft to make MORE money.. and you do need to make the PVE gear.. so you can eventually get the PVP gear! So the company basically collect twice
  21. Not really true.. I have been helping several new players, aswell as returning players. Been players posting on YT reviews/progress and unfortunatly also their "goodbyes".. and MANY of them very recent players. Returning veterans leave VERY fast.. since they see in a blink of an eye, how much this became about BUYING your progress... not about EARNING it! Im stubborn and dont have too much ambitions in game.. so i actually stick around (just dont know for how much longer). I did try to recruit L2 veterans when i came back to L2.. answered some of their questions about the changes... and they ALL laughed at me after my replies, rejected and just wished me gl
  22. Prestige dont give XP boost Gives adena+drop boost.. and useful dmg+skill cooldown
  23. oh.. i reread Lego post... my bad.. he actually meant paying for pwrlvl agree on that is really not to recommend... also reason we have lvl112+ that really playing their chars super bad but i dont really bother much about those... at worse, they end up pking lowbies since they figure they cant handle their chars.. or they just quit as fast as they came and paid for pwrlvl.
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