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Posts posted by NejJim

  1. 2 minutes ago, Alchohealer said:

    Not every class need it but okay yeah 

    again.. other useful things aswell.. ofcourse, if you top geared you have no need... but for low to mid geared.. very useful.

    Just convert the NCoins to adena.. make your own calc and see how much you end up paying in game.

    So a VERY good starter pack!

  2. 2 hours ago, Alchohealer said:

    Blessed sets are crap just worth only for 300 roses etc none will stsy enchant those sets not worth.trust i would pay that bundle just because roses and nevits set can be destroyed idc 

    ehm... its not only armor and roses :P

    alot of useful stuff in that pack.. like the ring (that someone already mentioned).. do pity those that just bought the angel ring +6 for the +15% p.skill crt dmg :P

  3. 3 minutes ago, Rahliah said:

    Oh of course. I touch on some of these things In my latest videos since I have returned. I will be diving deeper into these aspects as we progress and touch on as much of what you are mentioning as we can. Many things will be changing over the channel as I continue. Again thanks for your information and feedback. My audience before was geared more for a general player or a newer player with a higher focus on entertainment for sure. I plan to change this as I continue. The goal is more of to be helpful and informative rather than just entertainment. Peace man.

    Wish you best of luck with your endevours... although you should keep some of the entertainment so it doesnt get too boring :D

  4. 1 minute ago, Rahliah said:

    Thanks for constructive criticism. I appreciate it. Not sure if you put this together or not I am indeed Clobberstomp. You are most certainly entitled to your opinions of course. My goal is to inform and entertain though at times it may not seem so. I do my best to make sure to put out accurate information. If I have said anything incorrectly I am most happy to learn from my mistakes when given proper information. I have found there is a lot of misinformation out there and I only aim to correct much of it. As with anything most content creation is all subjective. Thanks for watching the videos. I would always like to hear good feedback on how I can improve. Cheers mate.

    Yeah... got that you actually were... just i feel you scratch surfaces of the game...

    There are/were several reasons why THIS game is old and still relatively succesful,,, Its a HARD grinding game with many aspects... and HAD many areas that the other MMORPG's didnt have.

    These things kind of lacking in your videos.. like i said... entertaining.. but not really to informative.

  5. 1 minute ago, Rahliah said:

    So can I ask how much have you helped contribute to the game? Reason I ask is it seems his content is genuine and he seems to enjoy the game enough to make videos. Sure there is back and forth but that is accurate for any player who plays and been around this game for any period of time.

    Oh... actually contributed pretty much.. but on the low key... had no wishes to make videos as contributions.. or glory hunt.

    But like i said.. i did find most of his statements/videos.. even his outburst goodbye entertaining... but again... dont consider it as really informative source of the game.

    These a whole bunch of ppl in game have.. in so many different areas.. without the need to make YouTube out of it.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Rahliah said:

    So your criticism is over one video? Did you try to inform him or just take it as is or form your entire opinion over that one video? ow many players leave and come back to the game? Many I expect.

    haha... not the 1 video... he keeps at it.. I feel he is like a self claimed Martial Artist Master.. filmed getting his butt refurnished by a 10 year old.. just to claim later.. "And this was a demonstration of.. how NOT to fight" :D

    I read his speaches in game when i was bored.. and needed a laugh..

    Regarding leaving and coming back.. sure.. so did I.. left for 8 years.

    But there are differences.. leaving after his "glorious speach and video.." totally flaming game and NCSoft.. just to come back shortly after... yeah.. shows character :P

  7. 6 minutes ago, Rahliah said:

    What is wrong with those videos? Do you have more constructive feedback other than laughing?


    First video i saw with him.. was something about jewels or something.. dont really remember.. but i do remember him opening.. now knowing what it was for.. and selling to buyshops for really low, stupid prices..

    Not saying its unique situation... just dont see it as informative video of the game.

    Also he had his goodbye stream and speach... and still keep posting L2 material... so.. butthurt much and missing some "non glory" days?

  8. Im just abit confused with ppl saying "ISS no use to play".. 

    It's actually not that hard to reverse engineer playstyle... many DD make a ISS to buff themselves..

    You could with ease lvl up ISS with a DD duo... the higher ISS become.. the more it can assist dmg... ofcourse abit slower... but doable.

    In the end.. an active ISS have a great value at higher lvl farm/instance/pvp events.

    But like all supports.. its a longer road... but lets be honest.. ALWAYS been like this for support!

  9. 7 hours ago, SayhaSeer said:

    Is there an expansion or patch last night?

    Strangely, my level 108 Eviscerator using only exalted gear can solo in Ivory Tower efficiently.

    Wow..really amazing! My archer with much better gear can't even do that?

    Evi a solo killer.. at lower lvl not really needed with upgrade other than exalted.. just dont go amongst aggro grp mobs with low gear :P

    Archer is more depended on gear.. and should be used for AoE green mobs until  geared enough for white mobs (like nukers).

    You would make more xp+adena with archer.. even if you hunt green mobs... just hunt right spots with right class :P

  10. 2 minutes ago, AndyT said:

    Why is only Chronos the one server  down not any others... GM Buffs!! A GM can give them out not like he has to buff all the people everything in the GAME is Auto 😜 HAHA

    From a players view:

    The 1 getting the GM buffs.. super happy and last for hours..

    The 1 NOT getting the GM buffs (logs in abit 2 late).. SCREAM unfair.. and so on.


    So i still advice when it comes to the GM buffs.. should be pre announced time.. so all players have a chance to obtain!

  11. hmm.. maybe not scream "COMPENSATION!!!" when they actually brought up servers earlier than announced.. found out some issues.. and will adjust... 

    WHY???? do we need to get compensated for that????

    If any compensation decided.. should be for previous MAJOR LAG (whole last week).. but not for this :P

    • Like 1
  12. 3 hours ago, Draecke said:

    maybe he also meant elcyum, who knows

    regardless its a fact markets are messed up atm and NC can easily influence the current shortages by setting up flash sales or l2store promo's that has such items in abundance like bloody/dark armor stones and buff potions etc

    without that in the current hyperinflation prices will only go up and products only get more scare..

    I agree NC do some market manipulations (mentioned it here: https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/21140-red-libra-einhasad-store-when/).. but in this case it was all about the dragon weapon materials, to upgrade fragments.

    Some things should be hard to get and make them more rare, flooding market with them will deminish the purpose.

  13. 1 hour ago, Slycutter said:

    Most of the mats are controlled by NC West which manipulates their market so how isnt there fault?

    Most???.. you mean the claws?

    So according to you.. they should drop ALOT more??.. so it becomes standard weap instead.

    I urge you to think abit further than this... only mats "controlled" are the claws.. those are fought for... or promo.

    Doesnt change the fact that the players will not sell cheap = high price to upgrade.

    Regarding the rest are from NPC and fair price for those.. except for Elcyum that also player market decides.

    But if i get you correct.. you demand from them to drop more claws in game?

  14. 1 hour ago, Harambear98 said:

    Are pets like Fenrirs  and Striders useful now? I know for a fact that they used to be, like 10 years back.
    But now they seem to be useless(evidently, because no one really summons them anymore). However, the fact that there are clan skills like "Strider Siege Assault" makes me question whether they are, in fact, useful.
    If I were to purchase and max out their gears, would they be able to help me in battles?

    Wolves could be used, at non AoE mobs.. since they have very low def (even with gear)... but basically for Maestro (since they have the 30% hp dmg skill). Although they are VERY  slow attackers :(

    Other than this.. used as anchor to run back to :P

  15. 7 hours ago, Slycutter said:

    we did the math a dragon fragment is a useless item on average cost 2.5 to 3.25 trillion adean (thats a T) to make a fragment into level 1 weapon nevermind trying to get that many mats will take forever.

    ehm... the mats needed is on players market pricing... if they drop, the price to upgrade would change... cant hold this on NCWest imo

  16. Unfortunatly this goes under their "Regional Settings"... and to be honest.. doesnt matter if 95% of community would scream, while the income remains the same or even increase.. Why would NCWest adjust?

    It's really frustrating how they actually manipulate market in game aswell, sometimes subtle.. other times not so much. Like the Soul Crystal flooding with Pantheon.. wasn't that ppl didn't want to use them, it was that 90/100 were Pantheon. Same goes for the Garnet jewels after that :(

    Then we have the not subtle... like price to buy a Red Cat Eye vs Blue Cat Eye.. this is something that should be controlled by players in game.. not by NCSoft due to the fact that majority play Yul/Melee chars!

    Read an article and not suprised NCWest not mentioned here:

    In addition, several of ESA’s publisher members already disclose the relative rarity or probability of obtaining in-game virtual items from purchased loot boxes, and other major publishers have agreed to do so no later than the end of 2020. Together, these publishers include Activision Blizzard, BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment, Bethesda, Bungie, Electronic Arts, Epic, Konami, Microsoft, Nexon, Nintendo, Sony Interactive Entertainment, Square Enix, Take-Two Interactive, THQ Nordic, Ubisoft, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, and Wizards of the Coast. Many other ESA members are considering a disclosure. The disclosure will apply to all new games and updates to games that add such in-game purchases and will be presented in a manner that is understandable and easily accessed.

    I really hope they adjust and make some changes, if not they actually might end up getting lawsuit against them soon (that might stick).. If this happens, players here might loose everything, since servers might be shut down.

  17. such a weird post... nerfing adena drop will lead to 2 things.. forcing players without adena/top gear to abuse NCShop even more.. 2nd making the rich ppl SUPER rich..

    So basically you want ppl that still struggle to get gear up to be able to farm, abuse their credit card to have a chance to get the items needed. There are still players that cant afford using dye powders when hunting, due to dont earn enough to cover the costs. But sure, make people leave the game faster is the solution :P

  18. 10 minutes ago, iHyperlite said:

    700 was the theoretical max. That is not possible. 

    The most 1 spot can give in 1 hour is around 160-170 I think. They won't spawn faster than that. 

    yeah i got that.. just wanted to clarify for those that kill abit slower.. they might get the impression it was possible..

    But have to admit.. was about to go to bed and missed where you already pointed this out.. my bad

    • Like 1
  19. Depends what and how you want to play this game.. There are too many trolls on this forum (and in game), enjoying to put new/less experienced players down.

    My advice is to not bother too much about them, those are usually wannabe that really do their best to show off.. the real top wouldnt bother with this kind of behaviour.

    Will not mention names, but just look into "narrow minded troll comments" and check those profiles.. will not take you long after reading their comments how useless it is to even give them air.. (more air you give them, more noice they make :( ).

    Its true however that the standard in this server community is low.. but there are good players still around.

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