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Everything posted by ArGaNzO

  1. It's really funny to see the OP yuls crying about a small nerf on their 4th and 5th skill in power! Bruh you are rly without dignity at all writing all those comments above..Get real..
  2. Feoh and eviscerators are overpowered compared to yulls? Dude if you say that with the gear you provided us here there are 3 cases, 1) you have wrong set up on your archer, 2)you are bad player,3) you are dumb it can't be explained otherwise. If we are talking about a class that needs nerf this one is yul which is by far the most op class right now in game,the closer yul get to end game gear the more redicously op he becomes 2 shotting tanks and 1 shotting everything else with a critical skill ratio that can reach up to100% which is absurd...
  3. You guys are absolute noobs or idiots,sorry about harsh words but this cannot be explained otherwise..Feoh has the highest damage in game ?! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH you make me laugh so hard...Archers in any case and in any scenario hit way harder than feoh..and talking about m critical rate really ? Mages have limited critical rate cap at 33% while archers skill critical rate goes beyond 100% with the proper set up...Do some reasearch before you post your nonsense complains here..Feoh in the last updates got 0 boost and dropped down to the cliffs and punished so hard beyond reasonable..GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT.
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