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Posts posted by KingNothing

  1. There should be a fee for participating in siege, 100b for aden/giran/rune and 20b for others. That might make ppl play together in one  clan, and  stop the box clans, and it would be an adena sink. just remove the 24h time limit  and let any clan that wants to participate to register at any time while paying the fee.

  2. U guys complain too much, remember that the party bonus is not a common thing, it was set a couple events ago but before that it was rarelly seen.

    The thing is u get 50% base x another 50% with pt = (100*1,5)*1,5 = 225% which is basically a 125% base exp event if ure playing in party.

    And the whole 300% vp is a fraud, we already have 200% vp they just add another 100%, but this time we have regular dish that gives 200% xp without the need for vp (which makes the so called "free players" happy).

    Its definitelly not the best event but its not that bad, I'm not even considering the top grade jewels and u guys are still complaining about juju. I'm not here to defend the staff -which has been the worst for years- but this level of crying is ridiculous.


    • Thanks 1
  3. 23 hours ago, Hime said:


    • The Dragon Shirt promotion will start for two weeks! Details are available here.
      • Enchant success rate for Dragon Shirts and Dragon Leather Shirts will be increased by 10% during this promotion.


    You guys bring a promotion when at least 99% of the server already have the dragon shirt lv1,2 or even 3 but do not add the only item that 99% of the players need, which in fact is completely related to the promotion we are having. Dragon shirt augment stones.


  4. 6 minutes ago, Juji said:


    • NPC spawn times increased in following field zones:
      • Altar of Evil
      • Pavel Ruins
      • Archaic Laboratory
      • Garden of Genesis
      • Guillotine Fortress
      • Seed of Hellfire
      • Land of Chaos
      • Plunderous Plains

    Any of these have players in it.

    Coal mines is probably the most crowded place in whole l2, with tons of monsters per square and with a very high respawn rate.

  5. Nerfing adena farm wont solve anything, as u stated before "in the end is same if u make 300kk per day and a item worth 1b or if u make 1b per day and the same item worth 3b.".

    We need a very thoughtfull adena sink.

    Everything besides crafting dragon/bloody weapons are free or not needed enough to create an adena sink. Everything is on l2store, not even SS that used to be a very basic adena sink is useful anymore.

    Why is it free to register in a castle siege or to join a dragon fight?  

    Clan halls should be one of the most expensives things to maintain in this game. 

    Why are teleports so cheap?

    Crafting lost its essence when spoil was removed so what's the point of having those mats that anyone can farm anywhere? just change it to adena.

    i could go on and on with the list...

    My point is, the only thing left to farm in game is adena, but the only real corrency is nc coin. Thats why every new event/ store promo ncoin prices go up, even though the adena farm is the same as it was months ago (I'd even say it's less because of this huge lag. Personally I am farming around 50% less cause of lag).

    With an adena sink we let the lowbies save adena for their upgrades and top dogs will have a constant expense.

    Thats only my opnion.

  6. 1 hour ago, Slycutter said:

    I am not I just been playing this game long enough to learn the ebb and flow of this game.  Skill books is not what we need its Jewels and high level artifacts things that are common on all servers but ours.  R110 armor that are at least bloody (nevermind the limited ones) our enchant rates got nerfed on armor so no one is even bothing making enchanted armor now. 

    I get 4 - 5 books a week week so not sure what your doing wrong.  Ask top players and those forgotten skills was one the last things they maxed out because before level 20 your right most except elemental (which gives elemental weapon damage) are not significant and level 3 books are still hard for top people too.  Also you can trade level 1 for level 2 books if you already maxed level 1 skills.

    Brooch to get it to even level 2 is 20+ billion adena if you can find the level 1 jewels to make it.

    Well, you definitely dont play the same server as i do.

    If u are in chronos i can cod u a lv2 brooch for 10b easy and make a good profit. lol


  7. 1 hour ago, Slycutter said:

    1. No you do not need to learn all the skills

    2. You do not need to max them all out

    3. You do not need to max them out all your main and dual (honestly my dual exists just to make my main better its same class)

    4. You can farm level 1 books in game at decent rate per week where u can go from level 6 - 10 with.  Its not a hard place to farm either.

    5.  Very few people have level 30 skills and many other things need upgrading before that like R110 armor sets, bloody stones, etc.

    6.  Learn how the game works more.

    1. True, 4 out of 5 is enough.

    2. 1 to 20 is just waste of adena the real bonus comes from 21-30.

    3. You game play does not define how everyone should play the game, specially if u play in cp and want to help as suport and do some farming as dd.

    4. "Decent rate", farming 150 boxes everyday since update arrived in 2 toons, got only 4 books so far.

    5. Thats why we need it cheaper. 

    6. I'm in constant learning.

    U are one of the few who has the skill and dont want other ppl to close the gap or u just dont want ppl to progress in game, i cant see a positive side in keeping something so expensive while not tradeable.

    This post was made asking for events for items that are way older ingame and have a lot more in the market.

    Brooch can be crafted in game for a fair price, and u can sell it anytime. I know cause i crafted mine in the last 2 months from lv2 to lv5.

    Artifacts crystal has been coming in the last 3-4 events in a row. Although they are still expensive in my opinion. But still, they are tradeable.


  8. As soon as the server went back up, a clan mate opened 150 boxes and got a +10 fallen angel ring.

    After that our whole clan was baited and joined the event. Guess what? a whole clan of players mad cause of nothing came at all.

    Worst event of all time.

  9. So we know EOP have 20% rate, and based on ur vid that opens 1k box...

    Dragons potion  ~30%

    Freya ~30%

    Energy long ~5%

    Rune stone ~5%

    Angel Jewelry ~10%

    shining energy ~0,2%

    Talisman stage 3 ~0,2%

    talisman stage 2 ~0,3%

    I would say u have 98,5% chance of getting total garbage items and 1% for a common item and probably 0,5% chance for a good item.🤐

  10. Increasing or decreasing the adena farm will only change how fast inflation will come. While they dont introduce a reasonable adena sink in the game the market will continue to be this madness. Everything new/good is obtainable only through ncoin, the adena only circulates among players and never disappear. 

  11. In the discription of the new Blessed Angel Earring it says it increases p.atk/p.skill/m.skill power + x% depending on enchant.

    I got a +7 and a +8 B Earring and none of them increase my patk beyond the CHA Bonus. So i wonder if the power bonus for skills are also bugged since there is no safe way to test it.

    Its either a bug and no patk is being increased or a localization error and instead of p.atk/p.skill/m.skill power should it be p.atk/p.skill/m.skill critical damage?

  12. 51 minutes ago, Juji said:

    It is a random spawn in many different locations.

    You should change this, to randomly spawn with the same time but inside a mob spot and when a mob gets killed, otherwise its just going to be a bot farm fiesta, just like already happens in TOI.

    Let afk ppl kill it because there is 0 change legit players can win over radar bots.

    • Like 1
  13. 21 hours ago, peroukas said:

    Hello everyone! I recently started playing tyrr dreadnought class and by reading the description of skill "focus attack" I understand that when it is up you hit mobs one by one. Am I right? What happens if I try to aoe mobs with auto attack when focus attack is on? I see in other dreadnoughts fraps that it doesn't affect aoe skills. Is that true? 

    You are right, when the skill is up it will hit only 1 target. Its is not completely useless skill. If you follow a skill focused build it is a great dmg boost, also u can hit harder when killing boss' like kastilla raids. Nonetheless if u go pvp, auto attacks are useless, so skills are the only way to do something.

    But if u are starting right now, i do recommend you to follow auto attack build until u have enough gear/adena to swap to a skill build.

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