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Everything posted by N1N3

  1. hello everyone .. last update, ignis reset .. before I had 4 now I have 1. fix it because I already earned them .. and you can't take it away from me why if....
  2. @ Juji I bought 30 suspicious safe boxes I felt cheated because the rewards were a pittance. nothing worthwhile.
  3. I am a lv 79 wizard and I have more than 4000 m atk and I could not make a star in the event. the same character in two events killed the raid. of all who participated only 3 had 5 stars. who is the event for?
  4. I spent 8 hours yesterday without being able to log in. in the week several times he disconnected. we need two more weeks of event.
  5. I hope for a good reward. since since yesterday I cannot enter the game I am 79 shortly after arriving by me talisman of baium.Now I will not arrive.I hope you have a good solution for us that we enter every day of the year.
  6. Could you extend one more week to get the baium talisman? many of us need a few days to reach lv 80.
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