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Everything posted by Oars

  1. seems to me u guys are so butthurt u couldnt do anything in this server to the point u had to quit and u tell us to stop complain lol.. Just quit the server in quiet pls
  2. Ur suggestions are offering 0. You are just here to flame and offer nothing. First of all we cannot ask for more DPS and healers in our server. What? You think the GM will spawn players? you know how reality works? Second, Even with more DPS and Healers, u didnt read what we said. The mechanics of the bosses are wrong. If we choose to go for high damage, the reflect damage from the boss is extreme that no one can survive it. If we choose to go defensive, the HP regen on the boss is extreme that its impossible to kill. Like antharas... @Hermes please look into this, the adjustments you made made most of these new bosses impossible to kill in our servers. Need to lower the reflect damage and the extreme HP regeneration. Defense increase u done is fine, it just means more time to kill. But reflect and HP regen make it impossible, doesnt matter if we are there for a week its not gonna die
  3. Adena drops in TOI decreased x3-x4 times!! Please fix this we put too much investment to farm there!
  4. And yet i see ya at the tip of that phallic structure almost every day these days
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