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Everything posted by Dariush1

  1. lol dude, his point is that since they suck all those money from ppls pockets they should at least give the proper game services, for example the melee lag is a problem that exists for over 2years now 2nd olympiad DC problems 3rd every big event that demands log toon etc we get nothing but lags and disconnects!
  2. same as you working to fix melee damage for 2-3 years now, gratz
  3. like a person once said, if someone from NA doesnt start a lawsuit against them, nothing will stop them
  4. i have archer too, but cant complain about the nerf, since there are quit enough items in game that reduce your skill cool down a lot, so its like getting back the cd before sayha dragon rind shirt +10 god earrings etc
  5. funny part is that most of ppl in this announcement they got amazed from @Hime who didnt even bother to answer to a tsunami of threads in other section for this 10000000000000000% fail wallet drain event...this fail company from me is only receiving 15euro/month for prestige nothing more, they deserve even less money for their clueless actions
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