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One more time they play with our face.


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@Hime @Juji

Damn it!
Do you think 4 hours of 20% of experience will provide nearly two farm days?
Incompetent company!
They are going to do xp events being that those who were harmed are only those who are above lvl 55 and therefore they harm even more since those below lvl 55 will also benefit.
People being banned for nothing, bots on all maps and still blatantly, characters announcing adena on the server that already has more than 1 month and have not been banned.
I lost an account because they hacked my email and the person changed all the account information and he even opened a ticket to ban the account, already filmed many people on the Aden server using bot and these people still play, one of them even said not for everyone in the '&' who would not be banned for being a donater and content producer, you're lucky to be 'official server' otherwise they would not have gambling players.


Please take your customers more seriously!

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