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Returning player (3 year ago)


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Hello all,

I want to create a new character, I have not been playing since 3 year... I was thinking starting a new character as a tank (Choosing the elf path).

Could you let me know if: 1- Elf is a good idea and 2- If I should not pick that class (mainly looking for casual playing, not intense. I want to have a smooth and easy level up experience.)


Thanks all for the suggestion/reply :)

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No one will want you before your tank is 101+. You'd be better off getting a duaclass to a high enough level and then switching it during a red libra to whatever tank you want. That would also give you time to get accustomed to how things are these days.

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mate, u just make the best choice, congratz, so dont be afraid about hard leveling till 101, after this lvl u will be the most wanted class in game. eva templar is atm the best tank overall, pvp and pve, and u can make also dual class hierofant cose its also hardly needed. for low lvls, just make a phantom summoner ( dark elf one) and grow ur toon with him. good luck! :) 

for dual class choose any good dmg dealer till 85, and after change to hierofant on master raina vs 100 mil adena, cose this enchanter is the hardest class to grow alone untill 85.

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Excellent Choice but yea like said will be hard to level, but as you can have 3 game clients open i would recommend making multiple toons at the same time for easier leveling because 85 to 100+ on a tank is very fustrating to level as i figured out for myself. I would go for IssHeirophant/EvaKnight/WynnPhantomSummonor or abit more risky but faster level FeohStormScreamer.



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