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Good Server NEEDS Good GMs!!!


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Hi friends, i want to talk to my experience on this server for help future players. 

i decided play lineage last friday (8/2/2019), and i created just two account with two players, a future SWS and one WC. one for me, and the other for my brother. 

my worst mistake was read the forum before play, because i could read that "gludio server" needed new players, and i chosen this server for help this server. 

after one day, JUST ONE DAY!!!!! i didnt can login in the game because my account was blocked with this argument "




Due to suspicious activity, this account has been locked.


Please contact support at appeal@ncsoft.com"



i couldnt believe it.... two player... one Swordsinger... in gludio server....just one day..... and my account was blocked??????? 

i sended a e-mail to "appeal@ncssoft.com" and after two days they dont solve my problem. 

i write this topic to help new players that decide play on this server to know how GMs solves the problems. 

also i could read in other part of this forum that many people describe the same problem and the solutions is ... 0.

Today i was me, but tomorrow could be you, so think if its worth it to waste time playing on this server so that tomorrow they block you for no reason 


Greetings to all, and good luck on this server



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Sorry for your bad experience.  All I can do is share my experience.  Seventeen accounts over 15 years, all played honestly.  Never cheated.  Never been banned.  Assuming you didn't cheat (you don't say but I assume you didn't or you wouldn't be protesting here) either you are very unlucky, I am very lucky, or both.

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