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Hey there,

I got some trouble with 2 tablets, one with cherry trail CPU, 2 gb ram, and windows 10 32bits, and the other with apollo lake CPU, 4 gb ram and windows 10 64 bits. 
The problem is the same on both, L2.bin stopped working. On event viewer I can see "failing module: engine.dll". 
Both versions of windows are up to date, drivers too, retribuable c++, directx, .net framework, etc... Installed and I didn't find anything on google.

Already tried to reinstall windows 10 many times, file repair, download again and again lineage 2 (already fun with old connection :p)

Well, I'm out of solution guys. If any of you have already seen this, resolved this, or have any solution, it would be really nice ! :D

Thanks for reading this !

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