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Easy guide to report bots (Your contribution is important)


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step by step report guide:

For reporting go to the link:


Select the "Report a player"

You can use your prefered program to record or the in-game recording.


If you are lazy you can use this copy and paste:
1.- Subject: 
Illegal 3rd Party Software (bot report)

2.- Description:
Player controled by a computer
Illegal 3rd Party Software

3.- Game version: Lineage II Classic (you have to select this one)

4.- Why are you reporting another player?: I think they were using a bot or cheating (you have to select this one)

5.- Your time and date (for your time zone, go to google and put your county and time zone and it will show up) Chile time zone is (GMT-3)

6.- Your name (you get reward for reporting real bots)

7.- The BOT name

Finaly: Safe your Ticket number!
Your contribution is important.


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Dear GM's: @Hime @Juji

Please your support with a few problems that i have when i was trying to report a bot: 

First problem:
The video was recorded by the in-game software and I try 2 upload a video with 1 min duration and other with 30 seconds; and i have the same problem.

Second problem/query:
In the part where you write down the "BOT" name and you are reporting a "Party" since it is quiet common; we can just write the name of all separeted by a , or we have to make a report for each player.


Your support will be appriciated.

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On 19/2/2019 at 1:07 PM, 1nfineon said:

Dear GM's: @Hime @Juji

Please your support with a few problems that i have when i was trying to report a bot: 

First problem:
The video was recorded by the in-game software and I try 2 upload a video with 1 min duration and other with 30 seconds; and i have the same problem.

Second problem/query:
In the part where you write down the "BOT" name and you are reporting a "Party" since it is quiet common; we can just write the name of all separeted by a , or we have to make a report for each player.


Your support will be appriciated.

@Hime @Juji 
Any answer to my question above? i can't report bots and i have 20 videos to upload; also need to know if we can report a bot party or we just have to submit separate
your support will be appreciated; and no worries about the time you take to answere my question; just mention that each minute the bots gets more and more adena.

If you wish to see by your self go to the dervi tracking race and there is always a few parties there killing silenos. (i know is just one spot)


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mmmmmm I have seen lot of  bot summoners buffless in +55 lv zone... and I bet he get at least 20 report even more from lv1 and they still playing!!!! buddy bot report or video is just a waste of time...if antibot dont work they need to put some ALIVE GM ingame and ban 1 by 1, then maybe we will see less high level bots but ncwest is maybe (maybe?) the worst l2 company u can see...playing here since 2.012 still duno why lol and I see GM just 6-7 times in safe zone giving buffs 20 minuts...ncwest 0 effort max profit!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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Why waste our time with this? All they need to do is have a GM login for an hour a day. We all know where the bots are, it is not that hard to find them. I will even point NCSoft on where to start: DeathPass, Breka's Stronghold and Gorgon Flower Garden. I was recently doing the 2nd class change quests. These places are over run by bots. It makes the class change quests so time consuming. Let's just say that between these three hunting zones, there are about 200-300 bots running around. That is like close to 10% of the logged in server population when you think about it.

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since when is it our obligation to report bots?

it is actually ncsoft's obligation to find them and ban them. not ours. our time is wasted. reports go unheeded and unresponded to.  if you have made report tickets in the past you know that we get a canned message in reply saying, "thank you for your concern about this matter. due to privacy issues we cannot disclose the result of our investigation." 

what i hear that saying is, thanks for the time you wasted to send us this magnificent bot report but we're not going to do squat about it because we don't care, sincerely yours, ncsoft.

not worth the time spent even trying to report bots. they aren't going anywhere because ncsoft likes them.

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