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Guys They're Removing Pendants & the P2W Model!!


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You really think they would? Bye bye from 4 of my VIP 4 toons. Gave away all of my gear today on Gludio and all of my remaining Adrenaline keys. At least my bots gave mats to help people and the dead market. Meanwhile NCSoft killed the game rofl. Bye bye <3

PS Botting is super easy. 9 accounts 24/7 and they didn't do anything to me hahaha.

Sell what you've got and run fellas!


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LOL, how someone dare to complain about PW2 Pendant, even using BOTS, LMAO.

I hope on next l2 version we got another way to get them, like in another official servers that are couple of expansions ahead, also anyone is sure if any of them never sold these kind of item in any period?

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Lol i already said, pendants are good update as they pretty much bleeped up rmts and botters and gave some ballance to normal players. have fun on the other server, meanwhile i enjoy my pendants

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1 hour ago, CJj said:

Lol i already said, pendants are good update as they pretty much bleeped up rmts and botters and gave some ballance to normal players. have fun on the other server, meanwhile i enjoy my pendants

I don't see how it will affect bots, other than having their direct market leave :P

RMTer's Buyers will be unaffected.

Adena sellers might have to change their plan of attack, though give them 2 months to regroup.

Also, may you enjoy not only your pendant, but many others.

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i still have have no idea in which way that has any affect on rmt or bots. all areas filled with bots, i just logged out after running across some lvl areas. the fact that this is the first item from many of the pay2win items they will add, for sure have fun. i think all people who still play on this garbage like to be lied and cash grabed. you can start to safe some money because there coming more soon to use $$$$ . i hope that many people leave and start on skelth or anywhere else. 50 euro for xp rune (1char), $ for pay2win items, $ for xp scrolls or other things and on the other hand you have skelth with i think 6 euros for 1 month (6 month abo) with normal rates, no bots and u can get the items ingame. but have fun here because its f2p rofl

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