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7 minutes ago, KnightOfHeaven said:

Sorry bro , but u are stupid . I say what i see from streams if u have better streams or i say something wrong u can say that . U make DH looks more stupid . I give 2 streams by differend clan people just for people see both sides and also is the only what i found . I found also dudot stream but he was WITH ALT CHAR WATCHING FROM CRYSTAL WHEN HE CLAN LOOSE THE CASTLE BIG LOL . I will put this one here to for people watch this to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGqI-eNABeQ so your clan  sub leader (exeqtor) play with half pt , your leader elmaniaco not use he dragon bow stg 1 , and dudot ( i think he is on elmaniaco cp if i am not wrong ) decide watch the stream from crystal and not help on castle ..... What else can i say about your clan ? GL

Didnt i write what u say wrong ? u talked in one part about DH, i answer u. about the others, i write didnt know how many they was or other info. but u preffer write incorrect data.

u have not only problems to watch streams, also seems have problems to read here

in conclusion, yeah, no doubts that u have all very clear dude (Y)

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