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Drop and Spoil


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Apologies if I didn't look properly, maybe there's already an answer for my queries, but, I created a spoiler and that's how I wanted to make my adenas for my armor. But, I haven't been able to spoil anything from certain mobs (like the typical ones we would spoil for mats like SOP or even enchants D or particular recipes like SSD recipe) .

Now, before you start giving me the obvious answers like level, please bear in mind it is not the first time I am playing with spoiler and it's not the first time I am playing a low server. I just want to know if there's a drop/spoil guide for Classic, because obviously the drop and spoil for some mobs have been changed.

I have also noticed that the places that are most crowded with bots are the ones where these mobs are. Like Silenos (they were supposed to spoil enchants D in a very good rate), for example, near the monster race track - I just couldn't touch them because of the amount of bots. I also spoiled (and leveled a lot with) Cloud Beasts Turen for SOPs and, again, in one night I was not able to spoil any SOP, and the spoils they were giving me were not in the regular WIKI. I have also noticed that, for example, everywhere else I have been leveling (including Ants Nest), is very crowded with dwarves (and bots - sigh) but in one night I was only able to successfully spoil one Ant.The rest spoil, but they don't give me anything (mobs were white and green for me). In Partisan's, where I didn't see a lot of people farming, I was getting successful spoils and mats 5 in 4 mobs. 

Am I missing something? 


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5 minutes ago, LyNoTex said:

Hello, Oryana,

This is serious problem @Juji @Hime

I also wrote some arguments on the issue here: https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/12694-we-need-drop-spoil-database/

All my friends and discord fellows agree that such database is necessary to have.

Regards, LyNoTex

Thanks for your reply. 

I need more answers, please, my spoiler is my main character and not being able to spoil is a deal breaker for me. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Spoil rates are broken.

I'm at Enchanted Valley now. Mobs should drop by spoil Thons at 50% chance, but in fact its less then 5% chance.

Also, some mobs x4 Hp should drop 5+ basic mats at once, but they drop only 1.  

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