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Mischievous Golden Girl


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It was a nice April fools joke and the hidden text was an interesting way to bring some nostalgia from old events like the pirates day or find were is hidden GM asdasdasd... We like to interact with ppl not our credit cards or an afk event.

@conguero did you hide some easter eggs on the servers =3 ???

PS. when I was going to post the link to the store saw that omen did post it first... hope he really get something extra for the 1st share of the store link.

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Thank you for gifts, Conguero.


For all who ask themselves what I received:
I got +12 Dark Robe Set and Dragon Weap!!!!!





Yes okay okay April Fools is over, so here is what I rly got:
Vitality items
30 day XP Rune
plus some other minor but helpful stuff

Nice, thanks!

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