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New PK System question

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20 minutes ago, Dawe said:

They basically removed PK system from the game, another feature deleted thanks to this Endgame Update.

no, we got that update cause they couldn't solve the issue of afk macro being farmed through pk's so let's put the blame where it belongs - to those abusers


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No, i don't think so, they did it to increase PvP at the expense of MMORPG feature (the same as with the grade penalty removal)

Otherwise they would i don't know, ... make the chaotic characters attackable only with the /forceattack.

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On 17/05/2019 at 12:24 PM, Congliostron said:

a pk system without punishment ... 3 months for the game to be completely emptied of players

Before you could be a bully just by having a bigger wallet.

Now anyone can be a bully... NCWest logic ¬¬

They've created a bigger problem to fix a problem that should be addressed, but not like this... :S

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the sad part is that average player will never get item to defend themself... l2store prices is ridiculous high, and adena drop is nerfed so hard... so who already have high gear, will dominate everything, and no1 else will be able to farm anything... so either u pay alot of money to get gear.. or u dont pvp...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't really care about the new PK system, L2 is a PVP game, if u want to kill puppies for ur entire life, go play another game. The new cursed weapons gave a new life to the game, with the "defending" cursed weapon time, we could do some pvp, do u want to macro ? do it, but stay tuned, coz anybody can pop out at ur side and kill u or either another guy pking u. I had some fun at dimensional siege and like every MMO, we gonna face a 10x stronger guy. I agree with that, some ppl are immortals, and theres nothing we can do.

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2 hours ago, Ushy41 said:

I don't really care about the new PK system, L2 is a PVP game, if u want to kill puppies for ur entire life, go play another game. The new cursed weapons gave a new life to the game, with the "defending" cursed weapon time, we could do some pvp, do u want to macro ? do it, but stay tuned, coz anybody can pop out at ur side and kill u or either another guy pking u. I had some fun at dimensional siege and like every MMO, we gonna face a 10x stronger guy. I agree with that, some ppl are immortals, and theres nothing we can do.

You could do PVP also before changes on cursed swords system.

New system make even bigger gap between normal players and "immortals" by giving them at least 200 bil + /month or 10 bil on both cursed swords each day.

All those billions could be used to improve adena and item drop from mobs and make many more people happy than just few credit card warriors.

Also daily event culminate on time when most people already logged off to sleep.

And cursed swords got way too much harassing's buffs/skills. No-one of victims don't have any fun with that. 

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I don't know if GMs @Juji will take the time to read this but here is a simple suggestion to what could be some form of penalty when you pk.

Keep the no lost of item, it's good since we all worked hard over the years to get what we have.

Add a penalty similar to the Shilen Breath, the higher the count of pks, the worst the penalty level of it, Except of course for the Cursed weapon users.

lose of speed, attack, defense, HP/MP/CP reduce with each level of penalty

lv1 penalty at first pk 10% 

lv2 penalty at 5 pks 20%

lv3 penalty at 10 pks 40%

and so on up to lv5 penalty, penalty is removed according to pk counts 

I think it could be a great system to avoid griefers in the game and keep a pvp system healthy.


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Losing karma doesn't make you lose the penalty, only removing the pks does it.

While penalty in effect 100% loss of xp on death.

It would also make losing karma much harder by killing mobs with the stats lowering effect.

And pkers would have to spend their so precious adena to buy pk scrolls or do the Judge quest to lose the pk counts

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On 6/6/2019 at 2:54 PM, Drakkus said:

I don't know if GMs @Juji will take the time to read this but here is a simple suggestion to what could be some form of penalty when you pk.

Keep the no lost of item, it's good since we all worked hard over the years to get what we have.

Add a penalty similar to the Shilen Breath, the higher the count of pks, the worst the penalty level of it, Except of course for the Cursed weapon users.

lose of speed, attack, defense, HP/MP/CP reduce with each level of penalty

lv1 penalty at first pk 10% 

lv2 penalty at 5 pks 20%

lv3 penalty at 10 pks 40%

and so on up to lv5 penalty, penalty is removed according to pk counts 

I think it could be a great system to avoid griefers in the game and keep a pvp system healthy.


So if you wanna clear a spot, you can't, if you wanna burn karma, you also can't and if you wanna remove pks you have to spend on scrolls.

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Pking is a choice you make, having no penalty at all is none sense, doesn't mean you have to pk with the toon you are going to xp with after and you can always clear karma easily having the pker in a group or doing a safe instance, even kartia solo clears karma

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U want change pk system, becouse u drop item on macro. Only few scamers do that and this is fact. Now u have new system and when I and few more ppl wrote what will happend no1 belive that. Now u have what u want. No penalty for pk chars. What I can lose if I care only about items? Nothink! Few billions exp? So what? I can go town/castle/clan hall, who cares about exp? Just w8 when all this top players who are on afk macro will hit 110 lvl, than will be worst for normal players. Rly guys, u got what u want, bot exp w/o lost items and u got it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4.06.2019 at 7:08 PM, Ushy41 said:

I don't really care about the new PK system, L2 is a PVP game, if u want to kill puppies for ur entire life, go play another game. The new cursed weapons gave a new life to the game, with the "defending" cursed weapon time, we could do some pvp, do u want to macro ? do it, but stay tuned, coz anybody can pop out at ur side and kill u or either another guy pking u. I had some fun at dimensional siege and like every MMO, we gonna face a 10x stronger guy. I agree with that, some ppl are immortals, and theres nothing we can do.

New life to game with defending cursed weapon? I see what you mean, but I just see guy who locked in his fortess and killing his toons for PK. What you gonna do now? I not really do find it as new life, sorry mate.

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  • 1 month later...

well there are solutions to the pk thing,

1. remove the "remove pk"/"remove karma" scrolls entirely, make people work to burn their karma,

2. make the above scrolls ridiculously expensive, in a sense that it's preferable to spend time clearing the karma/pk than spending large amounts of adenas often. that would discourage some ppl pking often for no reason. getting some pks every now and then is not really a problem pking every third person you see and then burning that karma for no resources/effort is the problem

3. revert to the older non forgiving pk system where items dropped,

4. give a red person some significant disadvantage that takes some actual work to remove or have some long lasting effects on the character

Then we can finally see who is brave to go red and not have some jackass with over a trillion adenas worth of gear, having a tantrum or being bored, sweep areas with ppl (afk or live) with less than a billion worth of gear. 

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