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Necro & SH CDL Bugg


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NcSoft Team,

Please take a look and try to fix CDL issues:

1. Sometimes it restores HP when you hit mobs

2. Inconsistent dmg (the difference around 500 to 2k dmg)

3. Missing hits

Also, if this is unfixable please consider getting rid off using cursed bones for Death Spike. (just like you adjusted Mass Curse Gloom) that way players can utilize other skill besides CDL..

Thank you for your attention and hard work!



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totally in agreement with your post, bro, the cdl is vital for farming and at this moment to spend.
in cursed bone it is absurd, between the fees and that if we have to buy bones. we are going to go bankrupt xD.
I think a good way would be to add summon cursed bones or eliminate them completely from the consumption of 
dead spike .. as they said before the friend immabe

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On 6/12/2019 at 11:49 AM, mixa said:

Vampiric does work on magic skills - therefore working as intended.

Magic Skills can fail - therefore working as intended.


Nah man.. its unbalanced period. If you don't play Necro then you don't know what you are talking about.

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