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Preliminary Details: 15th Anniversary – The Ultimate Celebration


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Damn lag prevented me from targeting and using the fork. So I sat there for over an hour... hit 3 cakes... to lag out on last one and get nothing... all characters in elven village this morning deserve the reward...

Please fix this... half my cp had this problem... 



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You know I have stuck through all the ups and downs of the server being dedicated logged in almost 24/7 since launch with my entire CP... 


Spent thousands in the NC store...


If the game is going to be giving out this crazy xp and not even to everyone at the event. I am done. 

I am the core of the CP. Which means 98% sure the rest of the CP will be quitting too.


GG NCSoft... 

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Just make a macro before you jump into Elven Village /target Fioti, hit that a couple of times and then wait for the game to do it's thing, you should be able to get the window to interact with her, but if u have a potato pc or a extremely shitty connection (like me when im at work) then that sweet sweet lag will make feel like a necro Anchor you.

Best of luck.

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Why can't "fioti" stay a bit longer???? ... Will be just fair after forking that cake for 45 minutes to have some more time to get reward... What's the point of this event if reward is just for those with super computers and zero lag? @Juji

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@Juji @Hime you guys do a weekly update. The update is screwed up on multiple levels. Your exp chart is a lie with the 0 penalty. And you guys literally updated the launcher which was a complete was of time. What else are you guys going to do? Every time there is an update there’s about 10x things wrong 

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Put NPC Fioti in every town like cat buff NPC

make it 1 character per account once a day buff xp/sp according to original table

slap VIP on it if you have to, it don't have to be this way

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On 6/12/2019 at 3:51 PM, Hime said:

Party Penalty Removal 

The 0 XP distribution penalty for having a character 15 levels or higher has been temporarily removed during the event period.

Max Level


XP Distribution (Normal)


XP Distribution (Event)


Between 0~10



Between 11~14



lv15 or higher




@Juji @Hime Please check this post I made. https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/13743-plus-or-minus-10-character-levels-killing-all-item-and-adena-drops/


Not only is XP event not working, but also any players that are plus or minus 10 levels from each other in the same party eliminate all adena and standard drops. This issue still persists even if two characters share a party but are in two completely different locations. I made some videos that show this. As soon as I left the party the adena and drops returned, again, all drops where killed while a level 2 was in party, but located in Giran while the dps was killing at spiders nest.



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I just did not understand because they mentioned that they had removed the penny for expiriance between the characters they   have a difference of 20 levels or less ?

is this currently valid? or it is another promise that, as always, does not work or is not true ..... and why only lie people this is the most interesting?

and I would like to ask now this is  l2 classic essence ?????? because if the answer is yes it is very different from the Korean and the European one


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2 hours ago, BorishtheBlade said:

I just did not understand because they mentioned that they had removed the penny for expiriance between the characters they   have a difference of 20 levels or less ?

is this currently valid? or it is another promise that, as always, does not work or is not true ..... and why only lie people this is the most interesting?

and I would like to ask now this is  l2 classic essence ?????? because if the answer is yes it is very different from the Korean and the European one


I responded to your other post but, you DO get xp no matter the level difference, but a penalty still exists. Aka for your screenshots its 12%... I agree its misleading when they said no penalty... it was also misleading when Juji originally said 150% server boost, he meant 50%, but was misconstrued as a lot of folks don't realize the server is always 100% now.

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  • L2 Team

We put the request in on Sunday for the Cake Raid event with several modifications. I am still waiting on the Dev team's response. There will be no change to the event for the 6/19 maintenance. I will keep you posted once I hear more from the Dev team this week.

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8 hours ago, Juji said:

We put the request in on Sunday for the Cake Raid event with several modifications. I am still waiting on the Dev team's response. There will be no change to the event for the 6/19 maintenance. I will keep you posted once I hear more from the Dev team this week.

Are you able to share any of the modification requests?
Will the "cake event" be extended from when it is working properly, for the remaining time of 1 month, or will it end at the original scheduled time?

I know you're waiting to hear back, and thank you for trying to keep everyone in the community updated.

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