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Unscheduled Server Maintenance: Friday, June 14, 2019


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oh Dear  

At this point wouldnt it be smarter to just disable the first place reward ?

 because that the only reason ppl bring their hordes of bots...

if you put a cake in everytown for ppl to participate and get nice exp and sp, i bet everyone would be happy. 

i couldnt care less of something only those who can call them self legions get.


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6 hours ago, Juji said:

Hello All,

There will be an unscheduled maintenance starting at 12:00 p.m. PDT / 21:00 GMT+2. The downtime will approximately be 30 minutes.

The following changes will be made to the 15th Anniversary event with this maintenance:

  • The Cake Raid event in Elven Village will be removed along with the Fifteen NPC after issues were found with the event contributing to high server latency and NPC server crashes
  • The 15th Anniversary Gift Box (x2) will be added to the L2 Store for FREE until 7/10 and can be claimed once per day per account
  • We have added a 150% XP/SP server boost setting for the rest of the event period
they would have put the boss in two cities
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6 hours ago, Juji said:

Hello All,

There will be an unscheduled maintenance starting at 12:00 p.m. PDT / 21:00 GMT+2. The downtime will approximately be 30 minutes.

The following changes will be made to the 15th Anniversary event with this maintenance:

  • The Cake Raid event in Elven Village will be removed along with the Fifteen NPC after issues were found with the event contributing to high server latency and NPC server crashes
  • The 15th Anniversary Gift Box (x2) will be added to the L2 Store for FREE until 7/10 and can be claimed once per day per account
  • We have added a 150% XP/SP server boost setting for the rest of the event period
They take us for an idiot is not 150%, with this event they failed. to recompose this is to increase the drop of the adena. what matters most
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16 hours ago, Tsebaioth said:

@Juji Why can't you just give us a 15th Anniversary Gift Box which you can click on every reset time that gives the XP/SP we receive from defeating the Cake Raid instead? All in accordance with the table based on the character's level e.g. Level 1-20 (20,000/600) , 21-50 (4M/120,000) , 51-60 (100M/3M) , 61-70 (200M/6m) , 71-79 (250M/7.5M) and 80+ (400M/12M). As for the 1st place rewards, you can do a 15th Anniversary buff (Like Oriana in the last event) where you need to have it on to be in the lottery draw, and you need to purchase the buff 1,515 adena from Fifteen. Only one winner per day per server. This way it will solve all latency problems and everyone will be happy celebrating Lineage2's 15th Anniversary together! Let's be realistic here @Juji , we're humans and can't be spoilt, imagine giving a dog full of delicious grilled meat mix with satay sauce and now you're giving that same dog just bones? I'm sure you know what I'm trying to say here. All the above can be done and we don't mind waiting for you to fix it. Please don't give us this quick fix and think that all is ok which is a huge disappointment to all loyal fans of the game. Please put yourself in our shoes. We spend many hours in this game we still love. There are many games out there, newer ones, don't force us to quit because of this. 

Disappointed Fan of Lineage2,

The real TSEBAIOTH (LaLaMui)


16 hours ago, Diruis said:

I do not have much time to play, I was happy because with this event I could get close to the level of my friends @Juji,
please let Fioti appear on event, just remove cake. Thank you.


humble plea from your loyal customers

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40 minutes ago, ohfuggle said:

At this point @Hime @Juji you should just honor the 150% setting.

The event was intended to give a LOT of xp anyways, its the 15th anniversary. Let's make it memorable even with all this turmoil.

150% only? 

Nahhhhhh! We want the exp cake only, not the non sense +15 WEAPONS..... THE MILLIONS of EXP WE WANT!

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11 hours ago, Juji said:

Hello All,

There will be an unscheduled maintenance starting at 12:00 p.m. PDT / 21:00 GMT+2. The downtime will approximately be 30 minutes.

The following changes will be made to the 15th Anniversary event with this maintenance:

  • The Cake Raid event in Elven Village will be removed along with the Fifteen NPC after issues were found with the event contributing to high server latency and NPC server crashes
  • The 15th Anniversary Gift Box (x2) will be added to the L2 Store for FREE until 7/10 and can be claimed once per day per account
  • We have added a 150% XP/SP server boost setting for the rest of the event period

Very disappointed in the "fix" for the 15 year anniversary. Even a month long event like the previous one with no exp loss, boosted adena/drops would have been better than this "current" one of boosted Exp.

NCSoft gave an event, which wasn't bad. (Just not implemented correctly for an MMO.)
The event could have been fixed easily if NCSoft spawned the cake in Elven village, and Aden (Which is currently what is being done on L2 Live.) Or maybe a 3rd town even.

I know you are reading a lot of angry messages. However does NCSoft plan to compensate for the now 2 incorrectly implemented events for their 15th year anniversary of Lineage 2?

It is a bit much at this point unless NC takes this seriously, because it has now been 2 events in a row, not in the game and functioning as stated to the community.

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The way they're handling this issue, by giving a meager 50% exp boost and two frigging rice cakes a day to make up for the amazing rewards we were getting, shows how disconnected they are from the community and how little they care for their customers. I wonder if they're actually even reading all the negative comments or if they had already predicted them and decided that they don't care. VIP 3 here, I don't think I'm going to purchase a single NC coin ever again. 

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Today you have few places that give a good xp, and are full of bots, making it impossible for you to compete with them, against match to upar in boss you depend on the Russian clan and their schedules, this event was an opportunity to help players with lvl 60+. But they simply gave up and put a ridiculous 50% bonus that does not even come close to what was offered before

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When u are certain that NC cant be more incompetent.... here comes @Juji to prove u wrong.
I would love to know what Korean Devs think about your great company based in the greatest country of all...... I can only guess they are running on a solution to replace u all with trained monkeys.

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For once in history, if NCSoft would bring back the cake and said, "Let them eat cake" instead of loosing your heads, you would have the opposite affect and the community would rejoice!  Come on, use this opportunity to change history!


On the flip side,  50% xp will ensure a NCSoft legacy of the same as the ill spoken person who was attributed of saying let them eat cake.

Our NCStaff and Marie Antoinette will have the same thing in common.  She didn't say it and NCStaff didn't make the mess, but both are taking the hit for it.


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You guys bring an exited event that who doesn't have time can catch up later content, and to be feel good in game. But now everything you offers is good exp for bot and farmer only.

Please bring back Fioti and Cake boss, if you want, selling the fork or ticket to access boss in L2 Store, I'll buy it for all my accounts. Sell it with 1NC coin, the server can avoid lagging issues.

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7 minutes ago, Pulp_fiction said:

You guys bring an exited event that who doesn't have time can catch up later content, and to be feel good in game. But now everything you offers is good exp for bot and farmer only.

Please bring back Fioti and Cake boss, if you want, selling the fork or ticket to access boss in L2 Store, I'll buy it for all my accounts. Sell it with 1NC coin, the server can avoid lagging issues.



there are dozen solutions in this topic alone. 

Although they require some additional work to do in comparison to clicking `DELETE`. If there is work juji goes for DELETE.

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From everything it seems that their hands are tied. What they can do is to wait for Koreans to patch EN version of L2. For some reason they are striped from anything and can simply wait for an update from Korea. Same is with other servers (Naia). There is a bug with a path quest (adventurer guide), which does not allow you to advance. This bug is there already for 2 weeks and their reply was that they are waiting for update. I think this is the problem with NA L2.

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