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Unscheduled Server Maintenance: Friday, June 14, 2019


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@Juji Thank you for the response. I think the simple solution will be to remove the insane +15 Weapons/Armors and put back XP/SP and spawn boss cakes in each city to reduce lag from players. That will make it.

Those Vip/lvl ideas are the worst solutions I've ever read, because again will turn into a PAY2WIN event, where is the ultimate 15th anniversary event if not all the player base could enjoy if they don't pay atleast 400 NC Coins for each account they own.

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10 minutes ago, Immabe said:

What are you talking about? It is P2W period! If this game wasn't then I would agree with you.. but unfortunately its not because they made it this way..

No, What are YOU talking about? This "event" wasn't a Pay2Win event at start, ok? You want to turn all events only available for VIPs only? What are you thinking? Yes it's good to have some Pendants/Tickets P2W events, I bought a lot of them. But to make all events like that just because your solution lacks of creativity will not help the game.

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6 hours ago, Juji said:

Hello All,

I have been reading all of your replies in this thread and looking into different options with the current 15th Anniversary event. The dev team requested that we quickly remove the cake raid event to prevent further instability and abuse on the Classic Servers. I tried spawning the Fioti NPC manually today, but there was no message prompt for claiming a reward or the instant XP/SP. The Fioti NPC seems to be directly tied to your character's participation in the Cake Raid. I will ask the Dev team if they can adjust the raid without the top rewards, while only granting the XP/SP. In the meantime, we plan to add a compensation pack to the store next week. Apologies again for these recent changes to the event!

Best Regards,

Dear Producer,

I would like to express my gratitude concerning your reply here, I do believe things not easy to fix and hoping before next week maintenance you will be able to get a fix patch from dev.

Many Thanks

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1 hour ago, rafaeru said:

@Juji Thank you for the response. I think the simple solution will be to remove the insane +15 Weapons/Armors and put back XP/SP and spawn boss cakes in each city to reduce lag from players. That will make it.

Those Vip/lvl ideas are the worst solutions I've ever read, because again will turn into a PAY2WIN event, where is the ultimate 15th anniversary event if not all the player base could enjoy if they don't pay atleast 400 NC Coins for each account they own.

You do know it costs money to run this game right? If it wasn't for the P2W, you wouldn't be playing L2 at all.

On behalf of the players who actually help keep this franchise alive to all those who play for free.. you're welcome.

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my opinion is this celebration for all, free and loyal l2store alike

if u want it have some limitation, maybe put some lvl limit like some have said before

lvl 35 or lvl 25 or lvl40 for minimum requirement, for vip status i cant say what to be done but sure can put extra boost on vip chars like more xp/sp they got from fioti or something with xp scroll on fioti event with purchase limit for vip on l2store

to implement it will be more work and more time for us to get it

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1 hour ago, Villacolors said:

No, What are YOU talking about? This "event" wasn't a Pay2Win event at start, ok? You want to turn all events only available for VIPs only? What are you thinking? Yes it's good to have some Pendants/Tickets P2W events, I bought a lot of them. But to make all events like that just because your solution lacks of creativity will not help the game.

I think you are missing the point. This game is P2W! The issue that players where having is that ppl will create lvl 1 chars and try to scam the event. That's all mate. And what's done is done.. as soon as they lunched pendants it was over, P2W all the way! There is no changing that now.

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2 hours ago, ohfuggle said:

You do know it costs money to run this game right? If it wasn't for the P2W, you wouldn't be playing L2 at all.

On behalf of the players who actually help keep this franchise alive to all those who play for free.. you're welcome.

Did you read what I wrote in my last post? I guess not.... lol

You're welcome :D

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9 hours ago, Juji said:

Hello All,

I have been reading all of your replies in this thread and looking into different options with the current 15th Anniversary event. The dev team requested that we quickly remove the cake raid event to prevent further instability and abuse on the Classic Servers. I tried spawning the Fioti NPC manually today, but there was no message prompt for claiming a reward or the instant XP/SP. The Fioti NPC seems to be directly tied to your character's participation in the Cake Raid. I will ask the Dev team if they can adjust the raid without the top rewards, while only granting the XP/SP. In the meantime, we plan to add a compensation pack to the store next week. Apologies again for these recent changes to the event!

Best Regards,

@Juji On behalf of the loyal fans and myself of Lineage2, we truly appreciate your response to our plea on this 15th Anniversary Celebration XP/SP bonus event. It really does help us continue to play this game. I've been a player since 2008 (Unofficial server) and stopped and return again to Magmeld when it's free to play. My toon Tsebaioth survived two merges into Freya and now is in Naia at lvl 102. I've stopped again for more than a year until this classic server is introduced. Many friends ask to return again and play together where we start all over again on same level terms. It was fun to play again with friends but challenging in the beginning as I had to queue like 6 hours(max) to play this game, until I purchased some Ncoins (min80) to cut the queue. Fair enough, then we had the bot issue, which nothing was done. Back then when I was in Magmeld, an account gets banned if found to use any 3rd party program. I will be honest here, I was a user of Z-ranger. One of my accounts got banned permanently. Although I was heartbroken, that's the price i had to pay for cheating the system....and I never used any bot program from then on or will ever again. Now here in this classic server, the bots are in droves! They auto delevel too (just go to Death Pass and watch for yourself) and they are everywhere! It's sad to say nothing is being done. No accounts being banned and it's hard for us live players to farm anywhere without bots. It's taking the fun out of this game which is to explore new places with friends. In order to do that we need certain levels for different places. It's boring to keep doing the same thing over... and over... and over again. We can't be grinding for months to level up just to explore another new places. This is an old game. I would say no longer than 2 weeks should we stay on a place farming the same thing over and over again. It takes the fun out of this game. Another thing is the SP, which is not tally with the levels we are at. The vast lacking of it simply makes no sense for the level we are at as many of our skills are not on par, unlike in Naia.

Let's come back to this topic on the cake raid event. Not only will we players catch up with the lack of SP to coincide with the levels we are at. This event also helps us a lot to level up without fighting to farm in places full of bots. Moreover we will be able to explore new places much sooner in days compared to months! Or even years! We don't mind waiting for the Dev team to fix this. Any delay can be extended in the duration later on. Just make it a successful 15th Anniversary event where we will remember always. Although we will definitely remember this, (not so much for the right reasons) there is time to fix this and make it well. My post on page 3 with regard on how a solution might be implemented for this XP/SP bonus hopefully is possible with the DEV team.

I wish you and @Hime the best of health in real life. In the end, this is just a game. May God bless both of you as you do your best to make everyone happy again for this memorable 15th Anniversary event.

With much gratitude and many thanks,

The real TSEBAIOTH (LaLaMui/Girlie)


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17 hours ago, killerPrice said:

Spawning the cake ( even with no rewards) will still mean the server will lag.

Not necessarily. The last (unfinished because of restart) cake on Giran was lag-free, although its HP was reducing quite fast.

If the cake's reward doesn't attract so many bots, it won't be necessarily laggy.

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5 hours ago, Krissa said:

 cake on Giran was lag-free

Lag free? it took almost an hour for the cake to disappear after it was at 0 hp. There was less lag than in the previous one at night, but it was very far from lag free.

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24 minutes ago, Jugulator said:

Lag free? it took almost an hour for the cake to disappear after it was at 0 hp. There was less lag than in the previous one at night, but it was very far from lag free.

The last cake did not disappear, it still had more than a half of HP at the moment of the server shutdown (5 minutes after the cake appeared). But the game was lag-free (you could target and move without a perceived lag).

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13 minutes ago, Krissa said:

The last cake did not disappear, it still had more than a half of HP at the moment of the server shutdown (5 minutes after the cake appeared). But the game was lag-free (you could target and move without a perceived lag).

Oh, you mean the one right before the maintenance. Ofc that one had less lag, everybody know the server was shutting down and there were not many ppl there.

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3 weeks waiting for some good event, he finally come and me very happy cuz can learn some skills from stuck buffers...3 days later of happiness event is canceled...lose the desire to play completely...so tired to kill mobs and more mobs with adena/drop nerfed as hell...

Resultado de imagen de why god why meme


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37 minutes ago, Kurz said:

3 weeks waiting for some good event, he finally come and me very happy cuz can learn some skills from stuck buffers...3 days later of happiness event is canceled...lose the desire to play completely...so tired to kill mobs and more mobs with adena/drop nerfed as hell...

Resultado de imagen de why god why meme


And add the fact that some stingy players want to make it a PAY2WIN event, so if your buffers are not VIP then you are screwed... LOL

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don't worry they will shoot us with new's at the end of the weekend, with 7 day delay and ofc the event won't be prolonged. Best even ever +50%xp/sp boost wowy wuawa...

getting tired of NCsoft lamas and papas.

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1 minute ago, SirJohnNathan said:

Sorry guys to kill your mood but it is 150% ,  i went a check  on a area that the mobs use to give me 25 k xp and now they give me 37.5 k . so it is true the 150% .

its a 50% increase = 150% of the normal

when you say 150% increase = 250% of the normal.

Simple math

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