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List of skills we can get from subclasses?


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13 hours ago, dexs said:

That's the OLD system(well the most recently replaced system)... [and now that they have erased all skills 1-85 they could

actually let Ertheia have subclasses, and introduce Male Ertheia... but the subclasses get removed completely soon, leaves only Dual Class.] 

NEW system 1 certificate per sub @lvl 80 3 sub certificates total(except Ertheia) 


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1 hour ago, Teribeth said:

That's the OLD system(well the most recently replaced system)... [and now that they have erased all skills 1-85 they could

actually let Ertheia have subclasses, and introduce Male Ertheia... but the subclasses get removed completely soon, leaves only Dual Class.] 

NEW system 1 certificate per sub @lvl 80 3 sub certificates total(except Ertheia) 


actually Ertheia already have boosted stat that is why other races got this subclass skills

correct me if I'm wrong

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Ertheia got Immediate Lvl 85 Dual Class and no subclass to avoid coding ALL 1-85 skills for a completely new Model...

the "boosted stats" are better than if they did have the possibility of subclass.(development took a shortcut! They took

a shortcut when Kamael were introduced too... Kamael can now sub any class[except Maestro/Dominator/Ertheia]

but originally they could only sub Kamael classes)

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Judicaor class only exist to give Kamael equal subclasses/certs/skills during the time they were limited to Light Armor & Kamael classes

(IIRC Underground update allowed Kamael to sub non-Kamael classes... several years after their introduction).

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