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Lineage 2 Aniversary?


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We had just event w/o L2Store. So it is hard to belive, that we will have next one so fast.

What we will get ?

No XP Loss on Death

0 Adena Augment Removal 

Free Teleports 

Vitality Bonus increased to 300%

Cat Buff (maybe)

L2Store Promo for exp items(potions,scrolls,runes,cakes)

and like always.

L2Store Veteran Packs, probably buged like last time w/o last pack.

GM Buffs

Screen Contest 

about L2 Store event, hmmm it can be next PayToWin items, PayToGetNothing or just nothing.

It is very small probabylity, that we will get what korea got, bacause one year teach us about ur "speed" with implement new things or fix sth

(bacause "the Support Team is not part of the Development Team")

The most sad thing is, that they event did not tell us, about next update, and date cut off like on European one.



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