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You are killing the server

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I would love for this server to thrive. But it is literally the worst L2 server i have ever played. It is like NCSoft West intentionally wants to kill this server. I have 4 different VIP 4 characters in this game and have decided to give it a chance before i quit. I still have hope. So i decided to list some of the big problems i observed in hope that it can reach someone making decisions (although unlikely).

- You advertise the server as free to play and with no Pay-to-Win items. This is a lie and very misleading. How is a server free to play if even your bare necessities cannot be covered from hunting? You cant even cover your SS/BSS + teleport needs unless you spend real money to buy adena. Not even thinking about buying any equipment.

-   Every month you hold a Pay to Win event. It is undeniably Pay To Win because there is no way you can buy those items when you cannot get any adena and item drops from hunting. Im even sure that if anyone had the time and money they could even take you to court for false advertisement.

- You make this stupid 15th anniversary event where u power level everyone but give them no SP while at the same time ignoring people who just started by offering ONLY 4kk xp until 51 lvl. This will create soooo many problems i cant even list them all. You will have a bunch of 70+ chars with no SP, no skills, no equipment and no zones to farm in. What do you expect will happen ? 

- You actively encourage bots. You are an official server and you really allow botting. You remove bot reporting ingame, and reduce adena drop especially from high levels thus creating a market for botting in the low level zones. It is literally impossible to play active in this game. You even allow adrenaline! Although you wont officially admit it.

It is actually quite simple to fix this server. Raise the adena/item drop rates and temporarily raise SP farming. This is all u need to do to make this game fun again. And the only thing that will guarantee you long time active players.

I have no problem with paying some money every month to play a game i enjoy. But to spend some money on L2 Store for VIP, then need to also buy adena to cover my basic needs (SS/BSS) and then need some more money for equipment, and then some more money every month for your P2W events.... All for a game i dont even enjoy the way you messed it up.

I will give this server some time but i will soon quit if no changes are made. As have so many others and i sincerely hope you see it and do something to fix it. 

Tagging the GMs in hope they will take some time to read and hopefully respond to our concerns.

@Juji @Hime

Thank you

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GMs wont answer, they don't care. They can't do anything. They just take anything that comes from KR server, upload here, hope that server wont explode ('cause any time they do an update the servers are down for 2-3 times more the ETA they give) and count the money. 
People don't like this server 'cause they rushed things and scammed pretty much all of us with fake infos. I still remember the live they did almost 1 year ago, telling us that we would have got the 1.5 update with some "QoL" improvements, we were all hyped...then we logged in and we came to know that it was a huge scam 'coz they gave us over-nerfed rates while defending their position with a "we have the free-to-play rates" while that was a lie. Even KR, JP and TW got the f2p version and yet their rates are way higher than our. KR got several levels of VIP and they get 100/300% drop rate boost and not 50%. 
They removed any anti-bot protection 'cause we don't need it. Bots are allowed since a very long time and they never fought to stop it. They just pretend. All they want is to make a profit, and they're doing it quite well. 

As for the 15th event issue...well, i don't really know who's the guy who lead the server development, if there's someone or a team behind the server and someone who manage it...but let me blunt here : the guy or the whole team should be fired. 
First of all the server got over-rushed with 3-4 years of updates coming every 2 or 3 months instead. They announced that we would have got a cap at lvling at 70 (as they showed on the live stream i mentioned already) but when the first guys went over it and made 71+ they changed their mind, telling us it was all a missunderstanding. Yeah, sure. 
And the guys who lead the server development went so cool that when they announced the 15th event, they didn't think about the fact that MAYBE, but just MAYBE, having the WHOLE server IN ONE SPOT would have been a BAD idea. No. Instead we had @Juji going around sayin' "no...i mean...the event was twice per day to allow players from any GMT to partecipate", yo bro, welcome to ur server! Thanks for making it crystal clear that none of you PLAY this game. Allow players from any GMT to partecipate?  They knew the server couldn't stand such a load and that players that were online on the 1st event would have been THE SAME of the 2nd event. You're allowing toons to go from 1 to 78 FOR FREE and, especially now that you removed the box cap per pc, you think that players wont be there TWICE per day? 

It is true tho, that they gave us this compensation. Wait, did i say "compensation"? Oh right, is it just a coincidence that they made such a huge event, promising that we would have get a HUGE boost on XP/SP (remember that the previous event was meant to give BOTH XP and SP when hunting the cake) and the week later they gave us the Talisman of Fate into the store? They threw us a bait, got some players back into the server with the event, screwed up the event and then gave us a ToF. That was totally like "Guys, why don't you come back to play with such a huuuge event? Wait...the event must be aborted, servers can't stand it...in order to apologize, let us give you a reward. Here's some useless 15% boost xp and 50% rune that is not even close to what the event was meant to be OH AND WHILE YOU'RE HERE, why don't you go look at the new P2W item we just introduced?!"

Hope this clarify a couple things. Kiss kiss. 

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@Ingwaz, listen to @xHaseo. Everything he has said is spot on. I quit playing L2 a month or two ago and refuse to come back. I still peruse the forums for some unknown reason, maybe in hopes that things will be fixed, maybe because I'm an idiot. But DO NOT continue spending money on this game hoping that "eventually" it will become true classic. It never has been and never will be. 

When these servers first opened me and 5 other friends were excited to come back. We all purchased the $30 "founders pack" or w/e it was called that gave VIP 3 and some bonus items. One of those 5 friends decided to open another account to dual box and he purchased VIP 4 on it. He was immediately banned after purchasing and spending the NCoin to make that account VIP 4. It took NCsoft SEVERAL WEEKS to reverse the ban. He was never compensated for the loss of time on his VIP counter. They all quit around level 30 but I stayed for some reason. I thought the botting was bad at server release, boy was I wrong. Over time every single zone was infested with summoner bots. Initially you were told, "oh if you get past level 40 or 50 there's practically no bots!" That was a lie. Still, I continued on with my two VIP 4 accounts and my first "founders" account that was VIP 1 by this point. Then NCsoft kept pushing out one P2W event after the other... Bots, boss jewels, and +16 weapons are everywhere. Good luck contesting anything against players who opened their wallet to this game. 

You and every other player hoping for change need to realize that classic servers are a watered down version of live hiding behind a mask. NCsoft found another avenue to profit from and they ran with it. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say that initially I do believe this server was made for the players, but it took a quick turn from that once they realized the same players that would spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on live were also playing classic. 

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Don't worry dudes: the site http://l2.laby.fr/status/ doesn't work anymore, and you can't anymore see the traffic of people logged on the L2 Official Classic servers :) They "took care of this issue" also :D:ph34r:O.o9_9

No refund seen, of course! Don't even dream about it ! ; like a BOSS bro B|

P.S. From now on i will play just for "fun" or "crap fun", because you should't expect anything from NC-soft, they do what they want ALL THE WAY TO THE BOTTOM OF HELL, to make more "DEVIL'S EYES" (money) !

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They deleted the reasons for the refund back then, at the start of L2 Classic Servers: Here they are: 

The main reason for the refund is THE EPIC FAIL of the GRAND OPENING OF L2 CLASSIC OFFICIAL OF NC SOFT, which consist of multiple specific REASONS:

1. The imprecise server release time which has been delayed almost a day, all the way to the 4.10.2018 !

2. THE 16-20 hours LOG-IN PROBLEM IN WHICH ALL MY CLAN MATES EXPERIENCED, since allot of them couldn't pay for vip accounts !!!

3. There were no warnings that the rates of Adena/Spoil/Drop were much, much lower than the other versions which NcSoft licensed and/or are running and so, it made me to believe that a 1.5 Classic Server from NcSoft , will be on the same line when it comes to rates of Adena/Spoil/Drop as the ones from RU or EU.

4. 3P3FT9KBWCOZY9 - 10$ - representing 800 NC - coin's which could not be converted in a Journey Pack at 13.10.2018 although the start packages where available until 16.10.2018 !

5. The incredible 6000 players maximum CAP for each of the servers: Giran, Talking Island and Aden ! which is incredible for the Official NC Soft Lineage 2 Classic of the year 2018 !!! and trying, with such poor server performance, to CLAIM an Official grand opening in front of the entire WORLD. Unbelievable ! illegal servers had the ability to sustain 15-20k players 5 to 10 years ago ! proof here: http://l2.laby.fr/status/

If you are replying me back telling me that I already opened the packs and no refunds can be made, I will tell you one more time that you Falsely promoted a 1.5 Lineage 2 Classic Version and it's not representing a genuine lineage 2 version.

P.S. Above all, as your customer i had great hopes, but in the final i didn't enjoyed at all of your services and i'm totally disappointed of NC Soft regarding the management of Lineage 2 Game :( Therefore i want absolute REFUND of my wasted money!

Thank you in advance for understanding the situation, a situation which it shouldn't happen !

P.S. I won't have any BEEF anymore with NC-soft, there is is no more things which can be done with their short MONEY VIEW PERSPECTIVE. Maybe they will fix a bug or two from now on, bugs that usualy stop them from making more money, ofc o.O9_9

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On 7/7/2019 at 6:12 PM, Yummydain said:

@Ingwaz, listen to @xHaseo. Everything he has said is spot on. I quit playing L2 a month or two ago and refuse to come back. I still peruse the forums for some unknown reason, maybe in hopes that things will be fixed, maybe because I'm an idiot. But DO NOT continue spending money on this game hoping that "eventually" it will become true classic. It never has been and never will be. 

When these servers first opened me and 5 other friends were excited to come back. We all purchased the $30 "founders pack" or w/e it was called that gave VIP 3 and some bonus items. One of those 5 friends decided to open another account to dual box and he purchased VIP 4 on it. He was immediately banned after purchasing and spending the NCoin to make that account VIP 4. It took NCsoft SEVERAL WEEKS to reverse the ban. He was never compensated for the loss of time on his VIP counter. They all quit around level 30 but I stayed for some reason. I thought the botting was bad at server release, boy was I wrong. Over time every single zone was infested with summoner bots. Initially you were told, "oh if you get past level 40 or 50 there's practically no bots!" That was a lie. Still, I continued on with my two VIP 4 accounts and my first "founders" account that was VIP 1 by this point. Then NCsoft kept pushing out one P2W event after the other... Bots, boss jewels, and +16 weapons are everywhere. Good luck contesting anything against players who opened their wallet to this game. 

You and every other player hoping for change need to realize that classic servers are a watered down version of live hiding behind a mask. NCsoft found another avenue to profit from and they ran with it. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say that initially I do believe this server was made for the players, but it took a quick turn from that once they realized the same players that would spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on live were also playing classic. 

Well, looking at what the KR server got...you're not wrong when you say that we have a 'watered down version of live' servers...it is almost true. The way the server is heading, we're seriously gonna get to a point where L2 classic and L2 live are gonna be almost the same. Our version will turn out to be a "what if" of the live server if we never had Awakening. At that point tho, i'd totally play the live version over the classic 'cause the live version is way FASTER when it comes to PVP (which is my main activity).

The EU version, luckly, w/o the P2W (P2P model) got a way more nostalgic feeling and works way better...sadly the population is down to lesser than 1000 players there 'cause new players are afraid of starting 'cause the server is quite old...even if it takes a really little effort to catch up with top players since once you hit 78 you can compete, and gearing up doesn't seems so hard (especially with next patch, when they will also get the removal of grade penalty from gear). 

Sadly the game has become a huge p2w game, in general, i remember back in the days when people's complaints were about "bots" and "ebayers":..but damn, i miss those day. Back when people were crying that DVP was an 'ebayer' buying jewels and gear from 3rd sites...at least, back then, he was buying items that WERE inside the game meaning he could, at best, gear up with items that you can farm ingame. In this new versions, items into the store are exclusives. So either you buy from store or you buy with adenas. But since there's no way to farm adenas in game...well...you how to fix it. 

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18 hours ago, xHaseo said:

The EU version, luckly, w/o the P2W (P2P model) got a way more nostalgic feeling and works way better...sadly the population is down to lesser than 1000 players there 'cause new players are afraid of starting 'cause the server is quite old...even if it takes a really little effort to catch up with top players since once you hit 78 you can compete, and gearing up doesn't seems so hard (especially with next patch, when they will also get the removal of grade penalty from gear).

Well a big part of the problem with the EU servers are the PKers who gate content by requiring you to pay them money so they leave you alone....We're heading that way already on these servers as some summoner Pker's are clearing areas for their clan or money. It's only going to get worse as more people get their pony PKers online. There is litterly no downside for a pony PKer right now. Mount up use your summon to kill someone well out of their range and if someone does happen to get remotely near just one click removes all danger as you instantly teleport to town. It's stupid broken and I have no idea what the fck is wrong with ncwest and ncsoft for allowing this. That kind of crap WILL make me quit the game permanently as there are just too many better options out there now for pvp and pve. I'm only sticking around at this point because of some friends and nostalgia....

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I can see only one solution. Begin again, learn from your own mistakes and draw conclusions. L2 classic is a total failure. 
Within a few months drastic mechanics and rules of the game have changed, and what was good has only changed 
for the worse versions. 
The team does not want to listen to players. They implement everything that is bad without any consultation with the 
community of players. 
I do not believe any lies anymore, it will only get worse. The game has provided me with a lot of frustration 
and regrets the time and money I have invested here.
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It is already untenable to light up.  I no longer have adena or ss or anything to follow.  even when ?  this leads to the purchase of adena outside of ncsoft.  what do they want?  There is no sp, there is no drop, there is nothing that serves.  Where do you want to go with this?

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