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The worst server in the world?

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I've been playing Lineage 2 since 2004 and I've played on many other servers

After the official server went to the free to play model and people could buy Raid Boss jewelry for money I thought I saw everything.

(free to play model doesn't bother me if they just went to buy items without statistics example like skins and pets etc.)

after so many years I will return to the Lineage 2 classic server...

and I have no words...     I only count....

I counted 32 Bots around Cruma Towers.... And in other locations it is similar....

32!@#?...... (I mean bots which is using third party software) do official servers since 2004 have no experience with bots protection?

if I knew I wouldn't get a ban on the account, for advertising, I would send a link to a competitive free server where there were no boots 100% protection!

This is not a server but a money washer!


Excuse my bad English

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Hey bud. Welcome to the server. Lineage added a loop function to macros. I believe what you pass for bots are players using loop macro ingame. Try right clicking a macro and it will start looping. This was probably a "solution" to the bot issue lineage was facing. 

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It's quite easy to tell the difference between bots and loop macros. Also if you really want to confirm which one it is you can just pk them, bots will vanish instantly and macros will lay dead for hours.

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5 hours ago, Cort3z said:

Hey bud. Welcome to the server. Lineage added a loop function to macros. I believe what you pass for bots are players using loop macro ingame. Try right clicking a macro and it will start looping. This was probably a "solution" to the bot issue lineage was facing. 

I tell you this. Make low level character and go any low level zone and try to PK people. You will see that 99% of them are not on macro, but on bot software. They start to heal each other, resurrect, and even if you PK them they come back to the same place in 1-2 minutes. Same is on high level zones, specially on catacumbs. So please don't say that everybody are using macro.

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