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Live Server Maintenance: Wednesday, July 17, 2019


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I thought i like its becouse most stuff is to obtain ingame. If the lower stuff like Tauti / freya / Zaken / Frint had at last 50% drop rate it would be fine.

But it will be like always some players was prepared for that system update, others dont.
So the gap between the Top and Mid gear players will be even more frustrating.
This will make most players just quit, hope most will just switch to PVE and STOP to invest NCOINS.

Why not add older NCstore items into system ( cloaks/shirts) so your comunity have a chance to finish something with playing the game.
From my point of view this would be the better way. becouse the wales are allready feeded and the rest is still hungry
Maybe think about, some players might return to your game if they hear that they have a profit of something they invested on sometime ago.

Anyways at all i have give a positiv feedback on this, but only becouse i have like 10 Wyrm rings and man many other shit in WH from older events.
I feel sad for everyone who will need years to get there stuff.

Thanks for adding something NEW INTO GAME and not into L2 STORE

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Whoever came up with this idea about God Accessory and decided to sell in L2 Store should be fired immediately.

Do you really want to make this server empty just like NC Japan did?

Didn't you learn anything from those empty official servers in different continent, which has this cash accessory system?

You already have the cash cloak system, which official Korean server doesn't have. Alright It's different server, so let's say its okay.

But now you are about to introduce accessories, which will make all existing boss accessories obsolete and destroy the balance and market from the top to the bottom.


Also in pvp, people already 1 shot each other doing 300k damage with these Abundance and Brooch BR, etc.

With those damage boosts from the accessories, you won't even need to activate your skills to 1 shot your opponents. Is this game a FPS game?


After the Fafurion update, I lost numbers of friends with support classes because they don't get party since everybody is solo macroing.

With all those damage boosts, more support classes are going to quit game or reroll to DD classes, because whats the point of purging and healing your sorry party members' asses when all of them, except a tank or maybe a feoh, will die at the same time in 1 multiple arrow after healer celestial and tank UD is over?

Ofc there are some defensive boosts (like P. def/M. def 15% on earring & and pvp def and Physical/Magical crit damaged received -20% from the ring), but nope. You will die in 1 shot and the gap between top players and normal players will be even bigger. I'm afraid that this game will eventually become "a league of their own" so only 50 top players remain and play the game and other 1000 players quit.


I don't know who is the top decision maker in the NCWest server, but I can tell you that even that greedy Kim Taek-Jin wouldn't make this kind of mistake destroying the game.

You should've just introduce a cash bracelet, Kaliel bracelet, if you needed money. Not this God Accessory.

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1 minute ago, Gllen said:

Ppl who play they will play bicuose of nostalgia of l2 no one is qiuting and etc stop cry we will by nc happy and sell on adena

I must cry BICUOSE I love this game and I care about the game balance and friends that I play with.

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U cry or not do not change anything, Do juji lisin anything we cry about. We cry more about l2 store we get more stuf in it. Might Do oposit Chear them about l2 store so they stop bleeping Ubdating it :D

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@Felinty - maybe if you cry that hard when the game went "truly free to play" you would only be spending $15/month instead of $200/month....

time for you haters to take your own advice and do what you told me "quit already and give me all your items"


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5 minutes ago, Sesh said:

@Felinty - maybe if you cry that hard when the game went "truly free to play" you would only be spending $15/month instead of $200/month....

time for you haters to take your own advice and do what you told me "quit already and give me all your items"


$200/month (x)

$500/month (o)


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Why im not surprised...? :) Im alone feel that this server not will get 20 years anniversary? 

... before we pay 100-200$ for 1 accessory - from now will be 500$ :)

And just simple question for this "smart one" - why was need to make non limit login (now normal solo party in game 4-7 accounts) - if out from people shance to use boss accessory on boxes? In server come many new ppl - accessory prices increase in last 2 mon 50-100% - so what they will use now... will craft r99? :)


From developers zero planing... zero ideas how game will look after 1 year, after 3 year... aftar 5 year... (its long term game - and its why we chose play l2 off). They makin changes after changes every mon. And most bad - this doing "random" programers... they even not try to play this game... - to get knowledges what people need in game.


(ok i will say most annoying game part - for example - go kartia (and etc).. and all the time must to press 5 or 6 time on npc... for what... why this need... we not reading this "bu...t".)

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7 minutes ago, mukazala said:

Still, despite the upcoming, I cannot imagine myself crystalizing Lindvior’s.

maybe you will be surprised - livindor just overpriced item in game. 10% cd... its nothing... (yes i have - use on boxe).

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Ok we need maybe more item to be better for pve they exist places we can't go and see it only on videos like filed of whisper in other regions can see much more ppl farm it even with macro average players. Average player must  can enjoy the game and can go almost everywhere so will have more action in server so must make them cheaper and have access on them more ppl. one good suggestion was first time a promo  was cost 100$  2nd time cost 80$ so big spenders have have advantage of using them faster but everybody have a hope that can see progreess in their chars in time and don't have this inbalance of equipment.

PVP is another story both server is one side clan even end game chars stay untaged the bigger reason in my opinnion is that they don't want to see  his toon cost even 2 trillion and more can die 1-2 shot from others.we must have bigger survivabillity in pvp must reduce pvp dmg a lot...

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Please open your eyes, this game is even now demanding … money money money, crazy lol, every month 2-3 promos/sales/event+payment options/ materials for money it is getting really insane :(  this morning 3 ppl with decent gear already told me they WTS all and offered items for less than the market price... 

Past 3 months I see many people quitting, some ppl who were online 24/7, who were playing by hand 5-6 hours + now offline for 30-40 days +++ in my /friendslist

craaazy stop it

give us monthly previews, give us an adequate promo/sale rotation .. ATM it is like = pay 300$ here, pay 500$ here, pay 200$ .. we give you items with RANDOM CHANCES OF SUCCESS … go figure what is going on lol 


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While I'm all for businesses making money in a capitalist market and more than willing to spend some of my disposable income on hobbies and things I enjoy. This just seems ridiculous. God jewelry? Shouldn't you guys be bridging the gaps between those at the top and newer players not widening them? Or is this just a death knell cash grab from NCWest?


These jewels coupled with dragon weapons you will turn the already godly to literal unkill-able gods and if anyone knows anything about lineage 2. It wont just be 1.. It'll be a group of them. Because one shotting entire fields of players who haven't invested tens of thousands of dollars into the game (Current) isn't enough? Gotta add even more gap between those that are already on the top and those trying to play catch-up.


Don't forget NC... There needs to be a vibrant in-game market for your L2 store to survive. Unless of course you cut out all of us middlemen and just start selling fully enchanted SA'ed gear in the L2 store. Which honestly, I could see at this point.


So honestly, what's gonna keep anyone who's under 110 playing? There's little to no reason to Oly or CoC unless you've spent upwards to $10,000. There's little to no reason to siege as there's only two real markets in this game that can and will yeild taxes. Aden and Giran and everone who's anyone knows only the top of the top clans ever own those. Oh and the rest of the castles? Well I guess you do get that fancy flag/stance when you go idle in game... From my siege experiences, it's usually 1 group attacking just for target practice. They wipe the defending force, take out the towers then just farm kills like it means anything. Because after all, they've got to justify their investments, right?


And yeah, still getting one shot like it was nothing. Something like 200 billion worth in gear and still can't do a thing. Anyway, before I start ranting about current balance issues and meta.


This game used to be so damn good when there was little to no RMT and it was actually punished instead of incentivized.. Not so sure I will be bothering anymore. You're asking newer and returning players to climb Mt. Everest while you add more obstacles and height to the climb. All while those who are already at the top haven't a worry in the world. This is the greatest news they could hear. The peak they stand on just got taller.


And now I feel bad because I invited friends to return to the game. Anyway, server will go up and people will craft their god jewels in the first 10 minutes because they can.. While the rest of us are left to spend stupid amounts of money and or time trying to catch up. Good call guys, good call. Was thinking my L2 spending habits were getting out of hand. Now I won't really have to worry about it.

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