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Tomb of Ancient Pirates

  • Added a new hunting zone, the Tomb of Ancient Pirates.

    • You can go to the Tomb of Ancient Pirate through NPC Irina in the Town of Aden.

    • A character with level 78 or higher can enter it after receiving Blessing of Holy Water, which lasts 1 hour from NPC Captain Anthony.

    • The character is removed from the hunting zone after the buff expires.

    • Defeating Goldberg’s Butler in the hunting zone gives you Goldberg’s Room Key, which allows you to enter Goldberg’s Room through NPC Sora in the Town of Aden.

    • The more party members you have in Goldberg’s Room, the more rewards you can obtain.


this is another one mistake by yr company...and you support big clans again. make game competitive.

1st mistake: that buff Blessing of Holy Water you need to get in tomb, if logout yr character it stop count, so you can have this buff almost for all day.......................................

2nd mistake: Goldberg’s Butler it spawn random in tomb rooms with out hunting any other mobs every 1 hour after the last kill, so.......

you take buff Blessing of Holy Water, you going in tomb and kill goldberg's butler and drops key 100%, then you log out your main char 80lvl, and login 1lvl char camera on the roof by walking from orc village, after 50-55 min you login yr main char 80lvl top gear, sometimes hero chars, w8ing 5-10 min, you kill goldberg butler again and again and again and finaly you take at least 20 keys everyday, that mean you kill goldberg rb 20 times  and you get reward 200kk minimun plus all other drops everyday.......

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37 minutes ago, Faded said:

Tomb of Ancient Pirates

  • Added a new hunting zone, the Tomb of Ancient Pirates.

    • You can go to the Tomb of Ancient Pirate through NPC Irina in the Town of Aden.

    • A character with level 78 or higher can enter it after receiving Blessing of Holy Water, which lasts 1 hour from NPC Captain Anthony.

    • The character is removed from the hunting zone after the buff expires.

    • Defeating Goldberg’s Butler in the hunting zone gives you Goldberg’s Room Key, which allows you to enter Goldberg’s Room through NPC Sora in the Town of Aden.

    • The more party members you have in Goldberg’s Room, the more rewards you can obtain.


this is another one mistake by yr company...and you support big clans again. make game competitive.

1st mistake: that buff Blessing of Holy Water you need to get in tomb, if logout yr character it stop count, so you can have this buff almost for all day.......................................

2nd mistake: Goldberg’s Butler it spawn random in tomb rooms with out hunting any other mobs every 1 hour after the last kill, so.......

you take buff Blessing of Holy Water, you going in tomb and kill goldberg's butler and drops key 100%, then you log out your main char 80lvl, and login 1lvl char camera on the roof by walking from orc village, after 50-55 min you login yr main char 80lvl top gear, sometimes hero chars, w8ing 5-10 min, you kill goldberg butler again and again and again and finaly you take at least 20 keys everyday, that mean you kill goldberg rb 20 times  and you get reward 200kk minimun plus all other drops everyday.......

nice hunting zone, 
and we try to get 500k adena only for ss, fix it or delete it if you can not fix this zone.



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Hello folks

I jus put this here cause topic says it all - Look at CLASSIC general discussion topics.. flodded with complaints and reports about broken content @Juji @Hime. This IT content is jus one of a few dozen broken contents. ALL high level zones are broken you can't simply do it with a small party. You jus eat 700 to 1300 damage (lv77, 1600pdef) in DO cats for example. Plus we have ADENA issue, we have PK issues, we have ~ 200 active server players server ADEN -> GLUDIO is dying topic read!!

That X company greedy policy is just crap won't work for the company. Subscription based classic like EU classic server would do much better. Oh wait I don't judge neither I'm employed by company X.

Look all servers are jus as dead as this game very soon. 3 Months back it was much better. Now we get EVENTS.. within events new events.. ADMINS you don't care about our posts you don't announce updates, you don't announce KAMAEL update, you don't announce blood crystal fixes etc. etc.. list is never ending.

So again I'm going to ask you:

1) Will this server be merged soon?

2) Will ALL the broken content soon be fixed or not?

3) IF you can't answer ALL of this then can you freaking answer please why we should play a game with no future?

Conclusion: Quit the game - terminate the servers!! The X company's policy is just disgusting - even an icecream seller on the street has more manners n respect towards it's customers than that X company has! *rage mode off*


best regards




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 @Juji @Hime. you still sleep or what ?

many players in server trying to get 400-500k for buy ss and some other players from blacklotus-greylotus using yr mistake to optain 200-500kk per day plus all other drops...

and then they sell all this adena for real money and what are you doing ?


wake up !!!!!


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Yes, it seems there is a mutual understanding between top clans. These events are an opportunity for people to play marketing simulator.

But on the other hand, this is part of the game. I ve been playing since last year, events where happening and I didn't even have a clue. I made all my adena by farming and selling mats. But when you move up in the game you get to be the one invested in marketing and these tactics. You don't even have to be high level to do it, It's just a different kind of game play. For me I'd rather have half a million adena in my inventory and keep farming than logging 10 accounts every day to make private stores and check prices.

But wait...is it a coincidence that we get constant spam from adena sellers? 

Is it a coincidence that they made lvling to 20 lvl super easy? So adena sellers can whisper players and no action is taken? 

I don't enjoy seeing the mail icon flash only to be another adena promotion.

I keep blocking these genericly named bot chars but every day new ones keep spamming my game.

One could assume that there has been a few contracts made... Some people are working from the ease of their home. Who knows, maybe they are someone's son or niece, and they said hey kid about that job problem.... You wanna stay in the basement...Well you have to use your laptop to watch pornography now son, your Gaming PC will be running a 2004 MMROPG every day and you get your pocket money we get the numbers.

Because which real gamer would spend their game time on private stores?



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7 hours ago, Cld said:

Wait, so there's an exploit being used and people have been farming 200m+ adena every day and no one does anything about it? @Juji @Hime ? Really? 

i dont think is an exploit, maybe wrong copy paste from korean server, for sure  @Juji @Hime gona check it first, cause if it happens its a serious  problem.

does any1 knows drop list from this rb Goldberg ? i try to use google transalator from korean to english but was impossible to understand.

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You guys have to understand that Hime, Juji and all the GM's are not logging into forum except for the weekly maintenance, neither reading post, they don't care at all

They will come in a few days saying "We look into the issue" and that's the reality!!! they are not putting any effort to keep server alive or anything :)

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On 7/17/2019 at 6:27 PM, nutcase said:

Yes, it seems there is a mutual understanding between top clans. These events are an opportunity for people to play marketing simulator.

But on the other hand, this is part of the game. I ve been playing since last year, events where happening and I didn't even have a clue. I made all my adena by farming and selling mats. But when you move up in the game you get to be the one invested in marketing and these tactics. You don't even have to be high level to do it, It's just a different kind of game play. For me I'd rather have half a million adena in my inventory and keep farming than logging 10 accounts every day to make private stores and check prices.

But wait...is it a coincidence that we get constant spam from adena sellers? 

Is it a coincidence that they made lvling to 20 lvl super easy? So adena sellers can whisper players and no action is taken? 

I don't enjoy seeing the mail icon flash only to be another adena promotion.

I keep blocking these genericly named bot chars but every day new ones keep spamming my game.

One could assume that there has been a few contracts made... Some people are working from the ease of their home. Who knows, maybe they are someone's son or niece, and they said hey kid about that job problem.... You wanna stay in the basement...Well you have to use your laptop to watch pornography now son, your Gaming PC will be running a 2004 MMROPG every day and you get your pocket money we get the numbers.

Because which real gamer would spend their game time on private stores?



I'm not really sure what you're trying to claim here. I can run over 6 lineage 2 game clients on a $70 (USD) machine I bought off ebay. So it's not like running a few stores in game means you cannot play the game or others. There's a glut of intel/amd machines in china because a lot of desktops/laptops end up there to be "recycled". So if I lived in china a room full of boxes to run whatever would be fairly cheap. There's a few videos on youtube showing some of these bot farms in operation. I wouldn't be surprised at all if some or most of the gold seller spam are from scammers looking for CC numbers to steal from.

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In the months that we have been playing, I draw a few conclusions about the things that have to change for me in this "CLASSIC L2".

The teleportation system is outside the classic logic of lineage, both in pve, pvp and pks. why not use bsoe for those cases? it's a good option.

Transformations? for what? There are not enough items to modify the stats? classic? do not...

the disproportionate amount of p2w events in the last months.

I remember the home page, "return to the classic and the hardcore system" after a few months happily doing quest, they change the system to a click, classic ?? do not...

since the game started it has been modified in a bad way, they have not made a strategy to maintain or increase players.

Since the game started, the staff referred to the community being heard and the game would advance along with the detions of the staff and the players, until now it is only a dictatorship on the part of the staff.

buy boss items instead of going for them in the game, what is the idea of playing ?, what game? to pay more and to make stronger because of my economic condition? We are not talking about spending 50 dollars, there are people who spend 200 or more, which for some is a lot but for them it is little and yes, I have seen in the server Gludio get boss jewels in past events and in several players in a short period , how does that happen? easy, a lot of bots from the beginning, doing item and adena, you sell it in real money and you keep investing in p2w events, vicious circle, that's the business. I've seen in Seal of Shilen as a bots part ended with the Raidboss in 10 min ... many items for a single person and you keep investing, +16 weapons, +6 armor, etc ...

this last event I bought boxes to see what I got, in the end I ended up losing 6 talismans, trying to enchant them +1 all broken, but at the same time I watched in the chat as the 5 pjs of always left the talisman +8 easily, or spend a lot of money, a lot of luck or something very strange there.

I understand that the servers have to be maintained, but try to use other methods to get donors and also more players, this is an MMORPG that has nothing of MM ...

I am particularly one of those who buy aghations and hats when I try to pay, I like them.

On the other hand, call the top players to try to maintain the community and unite it, with respect, most of us believe that we have over 30 years, let us behave as such, example, to the abuse of the bad systems of pk vs teleport, that ends with the patience of the players who try to advance. It is our little great world of fantasy and recreation, we paddle in the same direction.

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atleast they do a great job with ignoring everything on the forum and throwing in 1 pay2win shit after the other. Thats what they known for and they havent changed in 15 years. Bots, pay2win and ingorant / ignoring staff thats what comes to my mind when i hear Ncsoft Na.

And if you look the forum the truth hurts.

And you can open so many topics and question as you want they give a bleep :D

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Truth be told, there is some good in the servers that's why we keep playing.

It seems the latest event failed. The fate boxes, everyone got invested. I bought 2 special packs myself.

But now with the hardin's bags...I don't see them around at all!!! Very scarcily and it seems in order to get something of value you need to invest a fortune and even then its not a good choice for someone born unlucky like me.

Maybe this will put some thought in the devs (probably not, since they stil made money even though the event failed, just not as much as with the talismans of fate) and we get to see an appropriate event next time, like Oriana's lucky draw (which I saddly wasn't paying much attention to at that time)

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