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No more New Items Please

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NCwest please make game non-free. But with monthly account fee of 30 dollars a month (without any other way of alternative payment method such as Ncoin)


And then you can be easy on inventing new itmes right? Lol i am highly up for this. People who dont want to play wont play anyway so the impact wouldnt be that big

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2 hours ago, Andouille said:

Bable2 is a troll guys, don't take him serious. it's a Mixa 2.0, he even answer to himself,  Trolls rulz

I am not trolling.

Do you not see the irony of what you said? You spend all this adena on gear and then they should pvp at lower level because it is more fun?

The situation is created because the players allowed it and the whales flourished in it. Now even the whales are complaining. But it is also due to their own actions that this situation is created. 

In my opinion you are not allowed to complain about the current situation if you are one of those whales.

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578709In our reality, it is very difficult to compete with these 1% top players because I am part of the 90% low, I think more than 50% of the server and South America, I am from Brazil if I buy 4k ncoin that would be 20 % of my country's minimum wage. You can afford to spend 20% 30% or more of your salary on a game. Unfortunately not here, I am not saying that I do not spend, yes I spend but with great difficulty and will not stop spending and play because I love this game. Now I would like ncsoft to continue with the events and upgrades so that the chances of you getting an item by chance is very difficult for us because we can not afford to pay heavily.

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As a non "top 1%" person even I see the impact. Most of our server population has left due to an event after event feeding us hopes and dreams when in reality they are selling us crap and reduced rate enchants. 

I'm a top 10% kind of player. I have no hopes to reach those top 1% because even the difference between top 10% and top 1% is astronomical. I don't spend 1000's of dollars a month or even a year on this game. I've spent less than 2,000 USD on this game since GoD was released, which for a hobby IMO isn't bad. I've known people that spend more than that on a single event, THAT'S LUDACRIS! And more than a few of them have little to nothing to show for it.

Remember Voo, rumor has it he spent 10k on trying to get a +10 Shiny shirt when the reward was a stage 2 dragon weapon. 10K!!! and that way years ago.

This has spiraled out of control now. Didn't we just have an event where they released Dragon Jewels? The latest and greatest thing, only to be replaced a week or 2 later by this bull shit?

Next, you're going to tell me that you have a new R115 grade weapon and armor and my brand new set is obsolete.

Bring out the +10 Circlets or Power, Saha Talismans, Artifact system all at once and just get it over with already, and don't forget to hit the lights on the way out the door.

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19 hours ago, neoHaT said:

Well @weinerthezon, I need to agree and disagree with you.
Everything you said is true, But that alone isn't destroying the PvP.

As you said (and it's the truth) you are part of the Top 1% server. And why do you join with the other Top 1% server?

You and your staff need to understand that there is room in the game for all people gears/level, just every portion of the server fight where it's fair and fun. Low-gears Vs. Low-gears; Mid-gears Vs. Mid-gears; "Top 1%" vs. "Top 1%".

Why do not you face this truth and seek the fun?

Listening to people who are clearly killing the PvP, which is what ncsoft's been doing. This is a bleeping hypocrisy. (Sorry for the offense.)

These people do not want PvP.
These people want to WIN. (It is slightly different)
These people want the "trashtalk".

These people want to dominate the entire server and does not make room for anyone to have fun, including themselves.

My clan is Low/Mid-gears. If I take my clan (2-3 pts) to any castle in the game, it will instantly pop up all "Top 1%" of the server to crush and brag about it in the chat. Because this is the fun. That's what matters. CHAT.

I consider you an excellent player. When you decided to leave MS (for whatever reason) I had a hope. But you and Scoobz made me miss it again. Sad.

Please, do not tell me that it's Nova's fault. or it's because "the server does not come together". It's very comfortable  to say that in your "Top 1%" position and not have the guts to go get the fun.

(Sorry, my bad english. It's not my native language, it's just an effort.)


100% agreed, i have been saying this for years.

Weiner is one of the few "1%s" that can be respected but you are 100% correct in your criticism - if all of the "1%" players would have stopped flocking the same clan & ally this situation would not exist, it is really simple.

If the "1%" stayed in their separate clans, they would have alot of PVP & the game would have stayed active.


But it is probably too late now, too many people have quit and even if the "1%s" of chronos joined/formed 4 different clans there is not enough people ingame anymore.

The 1%s have already killed the servers, they have driven the normal people away - they got themselves to blame for joining eachother & crushing the lower people.

I hope the "lol too easy, carpet mode" was worth it :)





Suggestion to weiner, tag out of whatever clan you are in at the moment (losbandidos?) with as many people as you can & go back to TheFallen, put some pressure back on MS, It will allow the low-mid tier clans to have fun at castle sieges because when you attack MS it will force them out of every other castle.

Perhaps you were unaware of it, but castle sieges was incredibly active when you were out of MS :)

It will also make atleast some kind of open-field PvP.

Just those two things goes a long way to get people to stay in the game, i mean, if you think about it no new player will even think of spending a penny when he knows he needs to spend 10.000 to be competitive - for every new player who thinks that, you have one less potential enemy.

If there was active castle sieges where the 1%s are occupied with eachother and the low/mid clans are able to roam freely, those new players might actually enjoy themselves & then spend money.

Just dropping the prices alone will do nothing, you need to give them an incentive to actually spend money.


Its basically a chain effect, if you set an example & work to get the server healthy, more people will follow eventually.

Just needs someone to start it, the longer you wait the less chance you have for a fun game.



Suggestion to NCWest staff, FIX RAID BOSSES!

No man should be able to solo the raid bosses, you put a bleep shield there for a reason! make it work!

Put some more account-bound items in the game, allow the new players to do some kind of quests as they reach level 99 and 101 to get them some kind of boost.

There is no way for new players to gear up! 88-98 raids are impossible for them to kill, 101+ raid bosses are killed by solo players, instances no longer drop items.

They are unable to farm the high level areas that drop r99 items, they are unable to macro anywhere to make any reasonable amount of adena.

They are unable to improve, because of your incredibly odd way of running this game.

Paying should be a means to get an edge over someone who does not pay,  but at the moment paying is the only way to play - think about that for a second.


Why not make some temporary l2store items?

7-day dark and bloody runes for people up to level 101, one month bloody/dark set & enchanted weapon that can be purchased once per account and so on.

Give players the taste of some actual "decent equipment", then put some events back on repeat as weiner said & dump the prices.

People will have an incentive to spend their money if they know what they get.

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I am saying these things about the game for the last 18 months or so, problem Is I see little to no difference and lately we got bombarded by P2W items and consumables we need to buy if we want to progress... the game is wrecked, do we really need to buy stuff ? For what do we need to develop our toons? Do you have fun while online?

Many questions, many problems, many bugs .. and no serious action taken 

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I love it hahahah.

The top 1% of players are complaining because no one is pvping them anymore at siege or during the week. Like @neoHaT  said , u guys dont want pvp. U simply want to win and trashtalk.

Ive only been in lower clans and never a top clan, yet whenever i went siege and someone llike weiner wiped us out all i see is, GG ez, carpetmode etc.

Now u guys complain on forum cuz no one shows up anymore for u to aoe in siege.pay2win


They flourished and were able to win thanks to the l2store promos but now that no one shows up in sieges anymore they are sad. 

I hope NCwest continues this system, i think it is a good business model for making money on a game that is past the point of no return.


Very hypocritcal to complain as a top 1% player who got there due to l2store promos. If you do not like the system you should have stopped supporting it.

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Good evening Ladies and Gents
 The server is spit to people that spent thousands a dollars  to become Top 1 and people that to have fun with their friends  on Vent and can't afford to spend so much money for a game..So after so many years the gap of the gear of the players is so disspointing.That happend not from NcSoft but from the Top players that now crying about the new God Jewels cause spending so much money NcSoft become greedy and bring more events p2w after all a comapany  main goal is to earn more but now i saw in the post o weiner" people kill themselves"  and "its not fun cause i pvp lower gear people bla bla bla " that is your fault.If people stoped buying all these things then the message will be delivered to NcSoft and they propably trying to make a better game.I hear often from Top players our money keeping the servers up.Did we asked you to become our saviors??? think not .....so we all quit and the 20 Top Cows stay alone to deed server and play hide a seek 
The solution is simple don't buy items from event for the new jewels people can make this fail and NcSsof remove all these ,as long people buying these items GMs will laught with you and all these posts will be useless 

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Lets talk a bit about this from the beginning
Weiner claims to be a professional cow

First of all 95% of the player base is working with the wrong numbers

Lets talk about august 2017 heine fishing event
Because i had to work and i din't play that much i found myself kicked off of main top parties - undergeared they said
Where's the problem i tought. I have a good job and i can spend, a lot
In 3 hours i spent 10k $ on bait packs, and i was a moderate spender far away from the real whales.

Selling the baits i equipped 1 toon with everything including a +10 set and a +12 weapon when they were sold for insane prices
10k usd in 3 hours guys, not in 3 years
At that time there was a full scale war between dh and rs - naia and guess what i was so overgeared that everyone wanted me lol
from totally undergeared and rejected by everyone
to totally overgeared and wanted by everyone
in 3 hours - price 10k usd - the only thing i had to do was to punch in credit card numbers for 3 hours
it required to me 3 hours only because after the 1st grand the wallet is blocked untill someone from the support unblocks it
i could have done the same in less than 1 hour

That was august 2017 - i moved to chronos cuz naia at that time after the rs departure was dead [before the heine event there was the last ele shirt event
(guess how ppl made +10 shiny shirts to get that +16 r99 weapons)]

Then came the cloak event october 2017

I was in chat with sandra, a moderate spender too, and to get two cloacks legendary 10 and 15 he spent more than 30k $ in 6 days
(p.s. sandra was in nova) a moderate spender spent 30k usd in 6 days

Now do we wanna talk about the real whales? The real ones?
The ones who said they were selling the mats they've got from zaken server even if that server was closed 2 years before?

well multiply 10k and 30k usd x 100, to say the least x10 x event
i've seen what fleur wrote elsewhere in here, he's right

So please use the correct numbers, first.

Now to the topic

I've alwasy hated mixa when he does the mixa's things the mixa's way but this time i'm with mixa.

Also i don't understand why you are attacking Draecke.
When all the real whales began to enchant the circlets me, draecke, omenofsteel, yidao, even dudot, ozzy and exe told to ncwest lower the prices

Draecke sold it's greater vitality jewel to afford a circlet

at that time ms were too busy to brag in herochat, allychat, clanchat, worldchat trashtalking vs peppinio from nova
do you remember weiner? i do.
Do you remember when someone said in clanchat that peppinio's father was selling toilet paper for a living? Yeah i was there dude

And now you come in here to complain
You've just got what you really deserve
Two dead servers.

The only real reply in here was deleted
They buy to link their brand new toy in the chat, to let the others see they've got it first
this is on l2, this is on wow, this is everywhere in the videogame industry
the only difference is that in here it will cost to you a lot

I could have bought anything in here worst than weiner did
but the problem is a question i made to myself
do i really need to spend that much money to aoe in 1 second 3 clans in a siege?
the answer it's no, at all
i have other things to buy, things that i can touch irl
i'm still playing l2 spending the right amount of money and the right amount of time

So now the "professional cows" can enjoy what they've done
I'm more than sure that they will keep spending at least untill there will be another dude online to whom they can shift-link their gear.

So Bable2 is correct.

Btw i've logged in on naia and there are plenty of ppl buy and selling dragon claws as hardin event stuff

so ncwest business model is working as intended.

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1 hour ago, BmD said:

Lets talk a bit about this from the beginning
Weiner claims to be a professional cow

First of all 95% of the player base is working with the wrong numbers

Lets talk about august 2017 heine fishing event
Because i had to work and i din't play that much i found myself kicked off of main top parties - undergeared they said
Where's the problem i tought. I have a good job and i can spend, a lot
In 3 hours i spent 10k $ on bait packs, and i was a moderate spender far away from the real whales.

Selling the baits i equipped 1 toon with everything including a +10 set and a +12 weapon when they were sold for insane prices
10k usd in 3 hours guys, not in 3 years
At that time there was a full scale war between dh and rs - naia and guess what i was so overgeared that everyone wanted me lol
from totally undergeared and rejected by everyone
to totally overgeared and wanted by everyone
in 3 hours - price 10k usd - the only thing i had to do was to punch in credit card numbers for 3 hours
it required to me 3 hours only because after the 1st grand the wallet is blocked untill someone from the support unblocks it
i could have done the same in less than 1 hour

That was august 2017 - i moved to chronos cuz naia at that time after the rs departure was dead [before the heine event there was the last ele shirt event
(guess how ppl made +10 shiny shirts to get that +16 r99 weapons)]

Then came the cloak event october 2017

I was in chat with sandra, a moderate spender too, and to get two cloacks legendary 10 and 15 he spent more than 30k $ in 6 days
(p.s. sandra was in nova) a moderate spender spent 30k usd in 6 days

Now do we wanna talk about the real whales? The real ones?
The ones who said they were selling the mats they've got from zaken server even if that server was closed 2 years before?

well multiply 10k and 30k usd x 100, to say the least x10 x event
i've seen what fleur wrote elsewhere in here, he's right

So please use the correct numbers, first.

Now to the topic

I've alwasy hated mixa when he does the mixa's things the mixa's way but this time i'm with mixa.

Also i don't understand why you are attacking Draecke.
When all the real whales began to enchant the circlets me, draecke, omenofsteel, yidao, even dudot, ozzy and exe told to ncwest lower the prices

Draecke sold it's greater vitality jewel to afford a circlet

at that time ms were too busy to brag in herochat, allychat, clanchat, worldchat trashtalking vs peppinio from nova
do you remember weiner? i do.
Do you remember when someone said in clanchat that peppinio's father was selling toilet paper for a living? Yeah i was there dude

And now you come in here to complain
You've just got what you really deserve
Two dead servers.

The only real reply in here was deleted
They buy to link their brand new toy in the chat, to let the others see they've got it first
this is on l2, this is on wow, this is everywhere in the videogame industry
the only difference is that in here it will cost to you a lot

I could have bought anything in here worst than weiner did
but the problem is a question i made to myself
do i really need to spend that much money to aoe in 1 second 3 clans in a siege?
the answer it's no, at all
i have other things to buy, things that i can touch irl
i'm still playing l2 spending the right amount of money and the right amount of time

So now the "professional cows" can enjoy what they've done
I'm more than sure that they will keep spending at least untill there will be another dude online to whom they can shift-link their gear.

So Bable2 is correct.

Btw i've logged in on naia and there are plenty of ppl buy and selling dragon claws as hardin event stuff

so ncwest business model is working as intended.

You sound angry, why did you spend 10,000 on 1 event lol. I have slowly geared up over 2 years, by buying and selling at smart times. All my gear is always for sale, that's just how I play. I know what I have spent is far less than anyone with gear even close to mine. And probably less than people who have nothing to show.

I don't care about my investment in l2, as I have actually spent relatively very little. I made this post, to help other people.

Anyway, get a better grip on your spending mate.


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33 minutes ago, weinerthezon said:

You sound angry, why did you spend 10,000 on 1 event lol. I have slowly geared up over 2 years, by buying and selling at smart times. All my gear is always for sale, that's just how I play. I know what I have spent is far less than anyone with gear even close to mine. And probably less than people who have nothing to show.

I don't care about my investment in l2, as I have actually spent relatively very little. I made this post, to help other people.

Anyway, get a better grip on your spending mate.


I'm really sorry Weiner

I forgot you are still selling the mats you farmed on zaken server back in 2014

Do you want to know what's the funnier part of this topic?

Me, Draecke, Dudot, Ozzy, Exe are the only one survived from the korean closed beta back in 2003.

And you came on top of us.

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2 hours ago, BmD said:

I'm really sorry Weiner

I forgot you are still selling the mats you farmed on zaken server back in 2014

Do you want to know what's the funnier part of this topic?

Me, Draecke, Dudot, Ozzy, Exe are the only one survived from the korean closed beta back in 2003.

And you came on top of us.

You're not the only ones who survived, just the only one who brags about it.

Don't get mad at weiner for being able to play the market, learn to do the same. For instance, I was able to make a +12 Limited R110 weapon for less than 35B because I knew how to play the markets and knew what was coming before it got here. 

Some people can buy and sell the markets and make 100B in a week. Others spend 10k on events to gear themselves, each person has their own way to do things, neither is wrong, and you shouldn't get mad at each other for the differences. We all have 1 common enemy here, and its the greedy bastards on the receiving end of the L2 store.

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2 hours ago, Auburn said:

You're not the only ones who survived, just the only one who brags about it.

Don't get mad at weiner for being able to play the market, learn to do the same. For instance, I was able to make a +12 Limited R110 weapon for less than 35B because I knew how to play the markets and knew what was coming before it got here. 

Some people can buy and sell the markets and make 100B in a week. Others spend 10k on events to gear themselves, each person has their own way to do things, neither is wrong, and you shouldn't get mad at each other for the differences. We all have 1 common enemy here, and its the greedy bastards on the receiving end of the L2 store.

You get me wrong. The money you spend it's your own businees, for sure isn't mine.

I'm not mad about Weiner. I've said to him, and not to you, that he should have talked two years ago, when he was a nub.

When the circlets landed in here all of us logging in found every cps with 1 of 2 clannie missing. So there was a whatsapp msg

wtf is going on. There were the circlets going on with those prices going on

The first to react were dh and nova, enemies, they came in here they posted in here. You didn't because you were too happy

with this system and you started recruiting among three servers [at that time there was freya server too]

You may have the kind of money to be "able to make a +12 Limited R110 weapon for less than 35B" ehm, the other don't have that kind of money for sure.

Every new p2w item with these prices means another member of a cp quitting. It seems you liked it and now you don't like it anymore.

You should have talked two years ago, with the rest of us. Now enjoy what you have done.

About you and the korean closed beta lets skip this argument, because I posted to say the truth from 2003 till 2019 and not to start a flame.


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Not a forum warrior!!! But i do read alot written in forums.

Just feel to weigh in abit!... Started playing this game in prelude until Hellbound update on one of the original servers (Bartz).

Came back after a really long break here (1.5 years ago) due to a friend called me for some help (so yeah.. there are "new" players on server).

Since i came i been catching up and learning all the new things with the game.. observing.. and stayed out of server politic.

You have to be blind to not see how NCWest is actually messing alot of things up... but.. also the players on this server (Chronos.. since i never played on Naja) helping with the "killing the game".

This community is amongst the worst i ever seen in any online gaming.. the rudeness, lack of respect and ignorance is just astonishing.

People scream for new players.. to  buy there used gear.. come to pvp.. and so on..

How????.. NCWest not helping with the prices they force upon old and new players.. but the community itself do the final blocking out players..

Not letting lowbies hunt so they can have a chance to actually lvlup and be enjoying the game and eventually take part of some kind of pvp (even as meat shields, due to lack of the thousands of dollars needed to spend to actuallly be anything but..)

Back in the days the big ally/clans took responsibility to keep a certain code of honoer.. giving punishment for members that shamed the tag but dispicable actions (like scamming/griefing/real foul language).. this doesn't exist AT ALL anymore.. its all about the gear they bring!

Now the existing elite cry about the world they allowed and created by letting things like this up.. wondeering why no pvp and why no new players...

SERIOUSLY!!!.. Ask yourself this.. disregard NCWest involvement.. how the hell can ppl recommend to come here and play with this community?

New players asking some questions.. leading to very rude replies or urge them to move on and forget all about it.. not really questions they ask.. and ppl in game add by random pks.. and all kind of griefing.. I get that players get bored.. paying for gear/xp easily do that.. the old school grinders have much more respect towards this and don't use the hard earned gear being used to go around and grief ppl.

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8 hours ago, BmD said:

I'm really sorry Weiner

I forgot you are still selling the mats you farmed on zaken server back in 2014

Do you want to know what's the funnier part of this topic?

Me, Draecke, Dudot, Ozzy, Exe are the only one survived from the korean closed beta back in 2003.

And you came on top of us.

Only survivors very funny . No 1) You have big idea about your self no 2) you play since beta and you are a 0 wile the rest you mentioned dudot and ozzu are well skilled and geared without spending money . Well about draecke he never pvp even back then when there was pvp he was hiding . Best thing draeke did was to leave nova . now many nova follow draeke and  detagging . even pope understood his place and left nova . I think soon nova clan will pass hands to amx cp .

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5 minutes ago, KKKm said:

Only survivors very funny . No 1) You have big idea about your self no 2) you play since beta and you are a 0 wile the rest you mentioned dudot and ozzu are well skilled and geared without spending money . Well about draecke he never pvp even back then when there was pvp he was hiding . Best thing draeke did was to leave nova . now many nova follow draeke and  detagging . even pope understood his place and left nova . I think soon nova clan will pass hands to amx cp .

Good morning Aizen.

Your in game nick is Weiner by any chance?

Read above. I used a sentence "I had to work". What ozzy, dud and exe do with their lives isn't upon me.

About the rest you joined the bandwagon in 2014 so you've missed 11 years of gameplay.

Have a nice day.

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I wonder if the "management" of NCWest does still care about what we have to say here or even reads our concerns.
@Hime @Juji Prove me wrong and show us that you do want to address our concerns and pro-actively do something positive for us to show you do still care about Lineage II, your players and remaining loyal customers and that Lineage II isn't already declared abandoned and on minimal life support.

L2Store prices are unappealing and have priced Lineage II out of the market due to competition having way better prices, way better chances and way better returns.
L2Store prices also drive people away and my friend-list is a ghost town, from what once was a full list of active thriving people only 4 of them remain active as of this day.
I have survived as only one from not 1 but several different full CP's, seeing them all slowly but steadily disappear from the game usually tied together to "yet another L2Store promotion" instead of "fun event we all can play".
I see no returning players either from those who left, people that left have decided to leave permanently.

Something needs to change drastically if you all want to see Lineage II survive, for this the biggest part is controlled by NCWest to keep the game fun and motivating to play.
However you, yes you! The one reading this! You have a crucial role in this too!

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On 7/20/2019 at 3:02 AM, BmD said:

You get me wrong. The money you spend it's your own businees, for sure isn't mine.

I'm not mad about Weiner. I've said to him, and not to you, that he should have talked two years ago, when he was a nub.

When the circlets landed in here all of us logging in found every cps with 1 of 2 clannie missing. So there was a whatsapp msg

wtf is going on. There were the circlets going on with those prices going on

The first to react were dh and nova, enemies, they came in here they posted in here. You didn't because you were too happy

with this system and you started recruiting among three servers [at that time there was freya server too]

You may have the kind of money to be "able to make a +12 Limited R110 weapon for less than 35B" ehm, the other don't have that kind of money for sure.

Every new p2w item with these prices means another member of a cp quitting. It seems you liked it and now you don't like it anymore.

You should have talked two years ago, with the rest of us. Now enjoy what you have done.

About you and the korean closed beta lets skip this argument, because I posted to say the truth from 2003 till 2019 and not to start a flame.


I think a lot of talked about it, no one was happy with the endless events. I probably even made a post or two when I first came back.

I was in clan with Toast who probably made countless posts about it. At the end of the day though, you can only scream soo much, if no one is responding what is the point? For instance, this thread. Ncwest won't respond to it =p

I mean, I agree we could have said more. But in the end, probably the same result.

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43 minutes ago, Anything said:

I wonder if the "management" of NCWest does still care about what we have to say here or even reads our concerns.
@Hime @Juji Prove me wrong and show us that you do want to address our concerns and pro-actively do something positive for us to show you do still care about Lineage II, your players and remaining loyal customers and that Lineage II isn't already declared abandoned and on minimal life support.

L2Store prices are unappealing and have priced Lineage II out of the market due to competition having way better prices, way better chances and way better returns.
L2Store prices also drive people away and my friend-list is a ghost town, from what once was a full list of active thriving people only 4 of them remain active as of this day.
I have survived as only one from not 1 but several different full CP's, seeing them all slowly but steadily disappear from the game usually tied together to "yet another L2Store promotion" instead of "fun event we all can play".
I see no returning players either from those who left, people that left have decided to leave permanently.

Something needs to change drastically if you all want to see Lineage II survive, for this the biggest part is controlled by NCWest to keep the game fun and motivating to play.
However you, yes you! The one reading this! You have a crucial role in this too!

Very well said

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2 hours ago, weinerthezon said:

I think a lot of talked about it, no one was happy with the endless events. I probably even made a post or two when I first came back.

I was in clan with Toast who probably made countless posts about it. At the end of the day though, you can only scream soo much, if no one is responding what is the point? For instance, this thread. Ncwest won't respond to it =p

I mean, I agree we could have said more. But in the end, probably the same result.

Now you're talking right Weiner. We, all, should have talked more two years ago and we, all, should have stopped buying nccoins.

I mean i can afford it, you can afford it Weiner, pep can afford it.

The problem isn't the three of us but the other 6 ppl in our cps. Do we want to end up playing with our 6 alts in the cp?

Listen, after the circlets all the other items aren't needed, at all.

You, Weiner, can kill everyone in 2 servers three times without getting a single hp in dmg.

About the competion. Look ncwest is out of the market since 2016.

The problem is that someone is still buying nccoins.

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