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P/M Skill Crit DMG Problem


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@Juji or who is able to answere on that.


Again we see that Items get Added that increase Skill power greatly. Since Abundence Talisman there are no items that are arcivable for a Normal player that decrease SKILL CRIT DMG.
Why is that so? in fact i see DMG nummbers of more then 1mil what makes pvp realy a 3 button game (cele/UD's/pr or down). Thats sure based on item Lv of the player.
What i want to point out is that there strong disbalance on increase and def of Skill crit DMG.:(
With the ISS update are you able to add decr. skill crit dmg to Drum Melody? that will make PVP maybe worth think of again.

Second thing, ISS Hierophant skill " Resonant Halo " need Autouse function! >:(

Best regards


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