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Attacking/Retaliating to PKer


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recently returned to game after several years away...and refreshing my memory of game even thought a lot has changed.

One thing I can't remember is....

when attacked by a Pker how do I retaliate?

ROFLxD...my 1st day back I got Pk'd & killed because I couldn't remember what to do....ROFLxD

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O..ok...I was thinking I had to like hold down a couple specific keys like "alt + another key" or "shift + another key" while using my attack keys or spell keys.

if I remember right that's how it use to be ....so they must have changed things....

thanks for your replying.


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aahhhhhh........I C...thanks again....you jogged my memory....

I 1st started playing Lineage II during Beta.....(beginning to end).....then continued for about 9 months to a year after until the Clan I was in all decided they wanted to do Beta for another game....so I went along (even though I didn't really want to)...anyway I thought I'd come back & see how things were...so much has changed....but I'm enjoying it.....

Thanks again for your taking the time & replying....

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