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Known Issue: Server Latency


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myself and a lot of other players haven't experienced any lag before or after the ranking system was implemented, and no1 cried about this supposed lag during siege last weekend

maybe its possible if you 2 or some other GM's can log in and play the game like regular players and see for yourselves if there really is lag

I think its just a group of people crying about fake lag because they cant rank up their dual lol, or because they want free stuff

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@Sesh it's great that you don't have lag, but it's not fake news. It was the worst for me, when between one and the other my character waited for 3 sec.

@Hime and @Juji
Has anyone checked the HP potions auto operation? This is also real-time operation, and a small error in the script can cause such lag. After each hit, the system must check the HP status to see if it is smaller than the set level and use potions if necessary.

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10 minutes ago, Gopher said:

Has anyone checked the HP potions auto operation? This is also real-time operation, and a small error in the script can cause such lag. After each hit, the system must check the HP status to see if it is smaller than the set level and use potions if necessary.

I Think the client (PC - Laptop) checking IF much difrents on Health and if find difrents and need to use HP Portion Send on Server the results.

The Server waiting for client to answer. It would be painful for the Server to ask this question every time. And the Programmer know that.


But i think some scripts need to put on client, to free CPU usage on Server.

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On 15-08-2019 at 5:36 PM, Hime said:

Hi all,

As you may have experienced, our servers are currently impacted with high latency. At this time, we have disabled character creation and will soon be implementing other temporary measures such as the 3 client limit while our teams actively continue to resolve the issues. There may also be additional unscheduled maintenances.

We understand the game experience has been less enjoyable due to the latency and we are planning to remedy the trouble after the issues have been resolved.

Thank you for your patience!

Pls limit to 3 accounts Fast. I cant log in and im sure many ppl are in the same situation 130 waiting, and probably the 50% of the logged chars are boxes leveling with GM buffs. we appreciate the buffs, its a great gift for us, but with no accounts limitations, its just insane. We dont have the entire day to be waiting for an oportunity to log in. Thank you.

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Things are much worse now with fewer mobs and the log in queue than on Tuesday before the maintenance was done.  It seems like it would be much better to have the development team set up a test server and fine tune the changes before trying to implement them.  L2 was never designed to be an afk macro game..  If people want to play that way, they should use the L2 Revolutions app.  Please reset everything to the way it was on Tuesday until the updates are fully tested and proven to be useable.  Otherwise, just abandon this crazy afk system and go back to Lineage II the way it's meant to be played.  Thanks

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I bought 30 days xp runes etc etc and i loose time from these runes cause i am waiting on queue for hours. dentiny pack

why dont u give priority on ppl that have open runes or i am willing to pay as we used to in 2006 and so we can play descently.

this is unucceptable to wait hours to enter just one account. What about my buffer still i cannot xp cause my buffer is on queue.

Its lol game...seriously

you insist on the ranking function and create ...probably ... a significant lag...

my argument on that is that the 150 top ppl have enough items and support not to need in the slitest the ncsoft ranking buffs or what ever else u give

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2 hours ago, CeeJay said:

Things are much worse now with fewer mobs and the log in queue than on Tuesday before the maintenance was done.  It seems like it would be much better to have the development team set up a test server and fine tune the changes before trying to implement them.  L2 was never designed to be an afk macro game..  If people want to play that way, they should use the L2 Revolutions app.  Please reset everything to the way it was on Tuesday until the updates are fully tested and proven to be useable.  Otherwise, just abandon this crazy afk system and go back to Lineage II the way it's meant to be played.  Thanks

Have fun doing 8k hb, then 10k gc/ev, then 10k gc/refinery and lv6 factions, then more factions, then more 10k here and there and while you're at it, god forbid they change anything and you need to reroll. Then do it ALL over. NA servers are here to cater to westerners and the macros are here exactly for that. If you think people are going to stick around with disabled macros, think again. If you like to live in the past, classic is as good as it'll get for you. Long live the macros and the auto hunting system!

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On 20.08.2019 at 9:26 PM, Juji said:

Auto hunting will be enabled again after the maintenance tomorrow since disabling it did not alleviate the latency issue. We will be making changes to our hardware this week to reduce the CPU usage as much as possible.

hmmmmmm ok :D

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