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GM Bufs


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Hi all i am from europe here we have deferent times... so i have a qestion,why give gm bufs 04:00 greece time? that are rachismonly asia take bufs and greece take the balls so make gm bufs every 8 hours or make standar time to know what time can take gm bufs,and plzzz 10 min stay up only,if u make a bath(ntouz) you lost this bufs,make it batter,so login and make annausment "GM BUF AT 18:00 GMT +2 (or what u want) ty

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Juji logged in around midnight yesterday unexpectedly and gave buffs. That's how it should be -- random and at the GM's discretion. Not at a set time, or all of the time. Sure, some people will miss out, but not many "live" players were on anyway. Nice surprise for those of us that were awake.

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3 hours ago, mijati said:

instead of logging in, he should do his job, and start to ban this 49k botters on classic server and the massive spam of pony and cat bots, and the adena seller who has 233 bots in ruins of agony on classic server..

I hear what you're saying, but a GM's job isn't just to police the game. It's also to create a fun environment that makes people want to play the game more.

We give them crap all of the time, but it's never as easy as we think. It's not even easy to mass ban, because all that does is create more work when the owners of those accounts submit support tickets petitioning for reactivation, while at the same time seeking to open up even more accounts so that they can continue to curb-stomp the EULA.You need live bodies to answer those tickets, even if the answer is "Denied." 

It's why I say see a Bot, make a Red. Hell, make a Red army. People need to police their own communities sometimes. True irl and in-game.

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