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Golden compas istance


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Im lost about 8/9 times that istance becouse lag or mass dc, i think iss good idea who extend the event 3 or 4 more weeks, since the +4 bracelet is useless and there are many people who bought ncoins to be able to get a good bracelet and most of them lost their stay because of the lag or the massive server falls.

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I did have a few dc but nothing recurrent enough to call for an event extension. The attack speed lags occurence was more of an issue for me during the instance.
You could maybe hope for a week extention, but 3 or 4? It will never happen

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I know many who have disconnected in the instance and lost time causing them to miss marks. ie the ones that were doing it during Friday's Olympiad when Chronos went down twice... I personally think it would be fair to extend the event. Support are having issues with the nuker dying and causing them to get low marks as well. Extending the event would help them tremendously.

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It was hard for supports to get a proper amount of marks to complete the bracelet and even more with server’s lag. It’s nowhere fair that only dds (and just a few) are gonna be able to complete the bracelet to +10.

It would be really helpful if the event were extended.


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I'm also having problems with the pass from ncstore, it should reset at 6:30am server time like everything else, but I have to wait almost 24 hous to buy a new one, so if I want to do the instance today at night 2 times and repeat it in the morning, I'll have to wait to do it again until night to buy the pass, extend it at least one week, there has been days i cant login because of work and im losing mark to get at least a good bracelet.


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