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appearance armor


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44 minutes ago, GreenHulk said:

If you remove the appearance, then you lose it. You will only end up with the item & its normal appearance & that is all.

then whats the difference with the blessed modify armor scroll what is does mate

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1 hour ago, Shogun said:

then whats the difference with the blessed modify armor scroll what is does mate

blessed modify scroll. does not destroy a base item that you want to use to extract the appearance from.

But it only works from a normal item, not an item that already has an appearance on it.

For instance, I have an Apoc. 2hand sword with a Lava Saw appearance, but I cant extract the Lava Saw appearance from that weapon to put it on another because my base weapon is not a real Lava Saw.

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  • 3 months later...
16 hours ago, Jank0 said:

Hey.I have some sort of basbal suit for apperance but i don't know how to reomve it.Anyone can help please?

You can OVER-WRITE an Appearance by putting a different Appearance on the same item... Or the Grocery NPC sells Scroll: Restore Equipment(each Grade) to remove an Appearance and return Item to stock appearance.

You might be able to Trade your Item with L2store modified Appearance for an equal item without Appearance + Adena... if Appearance was from S80-grade or lower basic armor it would be worthless(except Vesper Noble/Elegia)

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