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Server Quests/Rewards/Events


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Since you removed dimensional and kartia server is dying...Also RB system is kinda wrong because of Low drops and level restrictions of higher level players.

Very few parties farming RBS and drops are low!

server prices gone mad!

players dont have things to do or farm like old days...Just Farm in 1 spot 24/7 macro + no adena.

Do something about it because as you can cleary see ,server is getting EMPTY! 

Give interest to players to Farm - Spend adena / items.!


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4 hours ago, Tech21 said:

Since you removed dimensional and kartia server is dying...Also RB system is kinda wrong because of Low drops and level restrictions of higher level players.

Very few parties farming RBS and drops are low!

server prices gone mad!

players dont have things to do or farm like old days...Just Farm in 1 spot 24/7 macro + no adena.

Do something about it because as you can cleary see ,server is getting EMPTY! 

Give interest to players to Farm - Spend adena / items.!


The next update is coming soon, there the drops and Adena is even more nerfed, so they clearly are going into that direction more and more.

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On 11/20/2019 at 2:22 PM, Tech21 said:

players dont have things to do or farm like old days...Just Farm in 1 spot 24/7 macro + no adena.

Do something about it because as you can cleary see ,server is getting EMPTY! 

Give interest to players to Farm - Spend adena / items.!

I can confirm this from my experience. I think I've logged in only twice in this update.

With previous updates you added new features that were out of my reach (I have average gear and lvl), but you kept most of the existing stuff, so I've always been able to find some fun things to do and slowly worked towards getting adena and upgrading my equipment.

Now that you've removed almost everything I feel like there's nothing for me to do, so I no longer log in.

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 delete the post because I think that you have no support and say that only the game is for those who pay, modify the areas by reducing the adena.
I think it happens to most servers that don't pay. It is more complicated many people leave the game and more will leave. they will fight with cretido cards instead of R110 weapons
I hope they don't ban my bill


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