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Server Maintenance: Wednesday, May 9, 2018


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  • L2 Team

All game servers will be down for maintenance beginning Wednesday, May 9, 2018 at 5am PDT / 7am CDT / 8am EDT / 1200 GMT and ending at approximately 8:30am PDT / 10:30am CDT / 11:30am EDT / 1530 GMT. Estimated downtime is 3 hours 30 minutes.

With this maintenance:

  • Standard database maintenance and application restarts will be performed.

Other updates and reminders:

If you have any questions about the changes taking place during tomorrow's maintenance, please feel free to post them on the forums. We also encourage you to follow @L2andAionOps for maintenance and server status updates.

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Hi @Conguero,

about the art contest, is it only for US/Canada residents?


NOTE: The Prizes to Winners are only available to residents of the United States of America and residents of Canada (other than residents of Province of Quebec).

I understand that there must be legal issues behind, but if it's really so, what a bummer

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1 hour ago, KissMyKnife said:

you have a good point, we need only 1 server, all will be easy and every1 will be happy for market

The dimensional siege would be completely useless
2 servers would be ideal
In my humble opinion

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1 hour ago, mixa said:

Merge all 3 servers already, everything is dying. Let the ppl at least have 6-12 months more fun for all that they invested.

Merge or no u will stay in un corner of giants cave, if merge maybe u lose it xD

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9 minutes ago, R4M1R0 said:

The dimensional siege would be completely useless
2 servers would be ideal
In my humble opinion

Yes, naia + freya till new server died then last merge only 1 server till server close, l2 giving last breaths...:(


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