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Next Target Range - toggle buffs


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It would help massively if WC/OL/BD/SWS buffs had a toggle function.

Also being able to customize the range (i.e. /targetnext900) for next target would be amazing as the current two options (600-1400) are usually too little or too much.


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Yeah, being able to have buffers do auto buffs ONLY on party members would be amazing.

I'd rather be able to 'plant' my range to a certain spot rather than have custom range, honestly.  Basically, just be able to turn it on while standing in the middle of the spot where I want to hunt and the radius will be from that initial spot rather than the radius move WITH my character...I think that would solve most everything wrong with the current system besides it existing in the first place.

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3 hours ago, FoxFire said:

Yeah, being able to have buffers do auto buffs ONLY on party members would be amazing.

I'd rather be able to 'plant' my range to a certain spot rather than have custom range, honestly.  Basically, just be able to turn it on while standing in the middle of the spot where I want to hunt and the radius will be from that initial spot rather than the radius move WITH my character...I think that would solve most everything wrong with the current system besides it existing in the first place.

You can already do this by setting a macro to assist a target, but it's not going to work for long periods of time in most areas, it's very hard to find spots that you can do that and usually anyone would let it be a secret for themselves. The mobs start to spawn outside your range and you'll stand still forever.

What we REALLY need is an option to make Manner Mode work for PARTY MEMBERS, it's incredibly dumb that your party members will stop to attack a mob to stop the KS, forcing you to let Manner Mode off. very annoying. The Essence version "fixed" the spawn problem by making all mobs in selective areas very packed and self contained so that you can leave your character on auto-hunt forever, but Essence changed the whole pacing and progression of the game, which sucks. Classic still has normal spawns but NCSoft could really improve a bit on that to make auto-hunt a bit more reliable.

There are changes to macros coming in the near future, you'll be able to activate all your combat skills to auto-use, but I'm not sure about the buffs, what I really wish is that ALL buffs became auto-use so that your characters could also fight instead of being a fully dedicated buff box.

Disregard any uncontrollable filth of cheating script programs that NC choose to ignore.

Edited by Gazob1
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Yeah, I use my Warcryer for my anchor and have my tank assist off of it.

Honestly, what Classic needs is the Catacombs back for all levels.  That would solve almost everything if they'd just take the dang lids off of them and let us go down there.  AA would be a welcome asset for new/returning players, as well, as it would give us a way to farm something tangibly valuable or upgrade our weapons to top of each grade...just leave out the BS choosing a side of the moon crap.

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