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Live Server Maintenance: Wednesday, January 22, 2020


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1 hour ago, lNatsukp said:

@Juji @Hime Any solution for mp regeneration?  The magicians went back to chronicle one with this and it is no longer a competitive class waiting to reload mp if you don't have a healer recharging mana all the time

About what you are talking? No problems with mp regeneration. And if you talking about less mp regeneration about some specific places - its for all classes.

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4 hours ago, jim59 said:

i believe that many ppl would like RED LIBRA to include except weapon exchange, armor exchange also

I'm just glad that we can exchange Leviathan Breastplate and Gaiters for Light or Robe sets through Red Libra. The helmet, gloves and shoes we could always change through Mammon, but not the main pieces. That said, the prices are WAY TOO %^$# EXPENSIVE for this. It shouldn't cost billions of adena for this exchange. That's more adena than most people will earn in a month of grinding. I'm wealthy, so it doesn't affect me, but I have several friends in game who struggle with these prices. There is a good chance that most won't be able to use the Red Libra merchants for exchanges. Please seriously consider rolling back the costs for the next Red Libra, if there is one.

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