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Live Server Maintenance: Wednesday, February 5, 2020


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with something that the login queue will solve something, on the contrary it is distancing the players each time but, you stay longer in the queue to connect, spend a few minutes is a lag that appears, again there but an hour in the queue to take dc this is very uncompromising with the guys !!

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On 05/02/2020 at 3:28 PM, Juji said:

The maintenance has been extended by one hour.

We will be adding the login queue back today and the character creation will be temporarily disabled until we have some additional server changes/fixes.

unfortunately not noticeable changes/fixes, the queue is removed with no notifications or no communication of any kind :(.

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On 9.2.2020 at 3:56 AM, Uskglass said:

unfortunately not noticeable changes/fixes, the queue is removed with no notifications or no communication of any kind :(.

not true.


Hello All,

We have read your feedback regarding the login queue and will be removing it before the end of the day. Character creation will remain disabled until 2/12. Please note that latency issue may worsen during this time with the login queue disabled. We are working as fast as possible to secure new hardware to improve the performance and stability of our game servers.

The Timed Hunting Zone Recharge Stones will be temporarily removed from the L2 Store after we found an issue where players can use them multiple times per day, which can put additional stress on the servers. The Timed Hunting Zones were never intended to be accessible for more than 11 hours per day. We will have additional updates regarding this issue and character creation next week.

Best Regards,


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On 2/5/2020 at 5:28 PM, Juji said:

The maintenance has been extended by one hour.

We will be adding the login queue back today and the character creation will be temporarily disabled until we have some additional server changes/fixes.

This is a direct consequence of your policy, figure that players are creative and they can make "exploits" in countless ways to make a little adena and items.
What was your expectation? Atlas earring is one of the strongest items in game...and ppl must have 12 mentee gradulate>>>>result is previsible lol.

You wont solve the problem...not even for short time. Why? im telling you why...
1.you have little new players...there is no debate here :)
2.you have no anticheat program installed...but yeah, you moderate this forum with an iron hand lol
3.you have a real base of players valued in range of 1000-1200 ppl or more on each server...main toons im talking about
4.every this toons must have atlas earring...so they will start new chars to get enchants. Neither here is no debate, allready is happening :)

You are looking at minimum 15 000 chars to lvl up to 105...im sure you do realize what that mean!

Solution1:remove completely atlas earring from our game.
Solution2: revamp list for mentee coins and let us buy those enchants for 50 000 coins.

Sooner or later players will get that +12 Atlas earring...why not sooner and without much headache?

Ps: you have to understand, when you introduce a new item that require gazilions mobs to farm your servers will crush instant! Same for events with good rewards...

Edited by TheThrax
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that's a nice story and even though quite close to the truth you're missing 1 elementary part and that is that existing chars/players that were 105+ have currently no means of getting the atlas earring so no need for mentees either..

and don't say that the existing player base will reroll to new chars just for this earring cause it's not "that" good to do so lol

long story short: if you think atm there are many chars mass produced for mentee coins wait for when NC Korea actually puts the atlas earring back in the mentee coin buy list as it was supposed to be as then the existing player base will indeed go all out on them :)


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