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OL or WC


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Hello everyone.

I've recently started a main char in Giran Server and i'm trying to decide which is the best way to follow nowadays.

I'm not in a clan and usually play solo, cause all people are afk, but it seems to be a low level thing or that's what I expect xd.

 Any tip or advice is more than welcome.


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Just go for WC, OL is only usefull for PVP and Buffing Clan Members, it does not work on party. And WC has also Vampric Rage, so as Fighter go with WC! A good group or solo party should be in my opinion WC, BD and some Fighter you like. Titan mostly or Kamael for using no shots and safe adena ;)

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  • 2 months later...
On 16.02.2020 г. at 10:40 AM, Bofaot said:

I'm not in a clan and usually play solo, cause all people are afk, but it seems to be a low level thing or that's what I expect xd.

 Any tip or advice is more than welcome.

People are not afk. Spam "LF pt" in chat or write to any hero for a hero message so you could find a party easily.
WC - for party, solo
OL - if you have a clan

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  • 3 years later...

Clans are cheap, you can make your own clan so you can buff your toons with OL. You can have 10 accounts and only 9 people in a party, but OL can buff from out-of-party. So instead of building one toon, think about the composition of the entire party, maybe with a WC always in-party, and the OL providing out-of-party buffs during raids, and/or swapping out with some other class in the party that can solo effectively. If you only have one computer, you can still do parties of 5 toons, and mix it up with clan members when they are available.

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