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Question: Main Class Swap or Reroll


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I would like to ask, mostly NCWest representatives, if a service like Main Class to Dual Class or any service concerning changing profession of Main Class, is in the company's interest to be introduced in the near future.

From my point of view I'd really appreciate some insight concerning my course of action in the upcoming Red Libra event.

Thanks in advance.




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On 22/5/2018 at 12:21 PM, Quenia said:


I would like to ask, mostly NCWest representatives, if a service like Main Class to Dual Class or any service concerning changing profession of Main Class, is in the company's interest to be introduced in the near future.

From my point of view I'd really appreciate some insight concerning my course of action in the upcoming Red Libra event.

Thanks in advance.




I asked that in the poll they send by mail to some accounts a month ago (or a little more).

It is a service i would pay, and I think a lot of ppl would pay this 

I played Wynn since god, and every single update they kill more and more the class. At the moment i am playing my Yul dual class 

I could reroll but i will loss the str dex dyes i have on my toon, would need to seal the long talisman and the brooch jewels i have. So my options are, keep playing a little more to see if they let me change my main class for dual class or if i will just have to stop playing

(wynns are probably the class that need this service the most, but i think others will like it to)

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I share your point of view (retired wynn here also). I play summoner pre-GOD and i really don't feel like rerolling. Apart from the gear u mention there are also lots of augs / giant's ls skills that are really hard to get.

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