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Does "Normal Attack/M. Skill Critical Damage" Mean Same as P. Skill Critical Damage/M. Skill Critical Damage?


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Normal attack is crit damage with auto swing. As far as I know only daggers get more damage while using skills from normal attack crit damage bonuses. Very few classes stack or have any reason to stack it. Evi and daggers being the only obvious.


P.skill crit damage =/= normal(p.atk) crit damage.

Edited by TheHaggarDagger
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there is 3 difrent types of crit dmg in game. p crit dmg, p skill crit dmg, and m/m skill crit dmg(on some items is just magical crit dmg on other magical skill crit dmg but its the same). normal P crit dmg is only usefull for clases who do most dmg with basic atacs (so evi and tyrr mostly)+othel because their skills also benefits from this. p skill crit dmg only activates when you use physical skill and it crits so all archers skills also tyrr skill and other physical dmg clases who uses skill othels included.

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