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Stable Cloak Enchantment Scroll -GM

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Dear Mr. GM,

Instead of balancing things so that the game is active again, you do the opposite.

You only think about how to get more money from tops.

Normal users also exist and this promo like the previous ones does not make sense to participate.


Could you explain why there are no Stable Cloak Enchantment Scroll on the server?, if they are the ones that makes 90% (users) minimal equipment to be able to do something.

The tops do not need them, but the rest of the user yes.

Top user have cloak minimum +15.


Best Regards



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Stable cloak scrolls aren't as effective as you think and they are very expensive. Most normal players wouldn't be able to afford more than one or two anyway. You're better off using the Scroll: Ancient Cloak - Legendary that increase your success chance +10%.

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its exactly what he is saying ... why does this game has to be in such a way that only people who can afford their progress can take part in the events? there should be a way to obtain every single event item by hunting and not by supporting the already high end players who at the time given they make a fortune by soloing raid bosses, 1 hit a whole area meant to be a full party area, monopolise castle, monopolise oly, and in end effect this policy doesnt help at all , and it is proven though all those years, agains RMT and botting! @Juji and the rest of the crew should finally start worrrying about a healthy gaming environment in this 15year old game! 

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16 hours ago, menteeormentoree said:

its exactly what he is saying ... why does this game has to be in such a way that only people who can afford their progress can take part in the events? there should be a way to obtain every single event item by hunting and not by supporting the already high end players who at the time given they make a fortune by soloing raid bosses, 1 hit a whole area meant to be a full party area, monopolise castle, monopolise oly, and in end effect this policy doesnt help at all , and it is proven though all those years, agains RMT and botting! @Juji and the rest of the crew should finally start worrrying about a healthy gaming environment in this 15year old game! 

This has been said multiple times in the past, nobody cares and keeps buying. This completely destroyed the game and many have quit (I did too).

A good game should provide means of progressing by actually playing the game and be competitive. The store should be just an addition or purely cosmetic, but here the damage is already done and beyond repair. There is no sense to try and change this now.

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