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What the actual bleep did they do with this game

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everything has 0 value, mobs barely drop any adena..... are you seriously trying to force ppl to pay in order to achive anything? what am I suposed to do with all the trash I pick up while lvling? just destroy it and give it no use at all?
I don't remember any chronicle ever beeing like this, why you call this Classic if the game was never like this.....

System chat no longer exists? am I suposed to have ppl talking, damage and drops all in same box? WTF?

Edited by AscotPT
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10 hours ago, AscotPT said:

everything has 0 value, mobs barely drop any adena..... are you seriously trying to force ppl to pay in order to achive anything? what am I suposed to do with all the trash I pick up while lvling? just destroy it and give it no use at all?
I don't remember any chronicle ever beeing like this, why you call this Classic if the game was never like this.....

System chat no longer exists? am I suposed to have ppl talking, damage and drops all in same box? WTF?

It's highly recommend to use the L2Store for all your needs.

Not sure what else did you expect at this point.

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