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Chronos Unscheduled Server Maintenance - 4.3.2020 (Naia Login Affected)


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Chronos game server will be down for unscheduled maintenance beginning Friday, April 3, 2020 at 10 a.m. PDT / 12 p.m. CDT / 1 p.m. EDT / 7 p.m. GMT+2 and will be unavailable for approximately 1 hours and 30 minutes.

Naia game server login for will be unavailable at 11:10 a.m. PDT and will be unavailable for 20 minutes. If you were logged into Naia prior, you will not be affected. 

With this maintenance:

  • Chronos will undergo additional server optimizations to reduce the server latency delay.


If you have any questions about the changes taking place during this maintenance, please feel free to post them on the forums. We also encourage you to follow @LineageIIOps for maintenance and server status updates.

Edited by Juji
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9 hours ago, Hime said:

Chronos game server will be down for unscheduled maintenance beginning Friday, April 3, 2020 at 10 a.m. PDT / 12 p.m. CDT / 1 p.m. EDT / 7 p.m. GMT+2 and will be unavailable for approximately 1 hours and 30 minutes.

Naia game server login for will be unavailable at 11:10 a.m. PDT and will be unavailable for 20 minutes. If you were logged into Naia prior, you will not be affected. 

With this maintenance:

  • Chronos will undergo additional server optimizations to reduce the server latency delay.


If you have any questions about the changes taking place during this maintenance, please feel free to post them on the forums. We also encourage you to follow @LineageIIOps for maintenance and server status updates.

@Hime you should think about this.the lags comes on your isp, not on server, i mean if the internet slow, the cpu its high, cause need to wait the data tile fully upload and download, + just think, dcing its package lose so connection end,

Edited by WanPom
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10 hours ago, Hime said:

Chronos game server will be down for unscheduled maintenance beginning Friday, April 3, 2020 at 10 a.m. PDT / 12 p.m. CDT / 1 p.m. EDT / 7 p.m. GMT+2 and will be unavailable for approximately 1 hours and 30 minutes.

Naia game server login for will be unavailable at 11:10 a.m. PDT and will be unavailable for 20 minutes. If you were logged into Naia prior, you will not be affected. 

With this maintenance:

  • Chronos will undergo additional server optimizations to reduce the server latency delay.


If you have any questions about the changes taking place during this maintenance, please feel free to post them on the forums. We also encourage you to follow @LineageIIOps for maintenance and server status updates.

Good job on bringing down login server on the prime time login for West Europeans that get home from work. Really player friendly...

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17 hours ago, Hime said:

Chronos game server will be down for unscheduled maintenance beginning Friday, April 3, 2020 at 10 a.m. PDT / 12 p.m. CDT / 1 p.m. EDT / 7 p.m. GMT+2 and will be unavailable for approximately 1 hours and 30 minutes.

Naia game server login for will be unavailable at 11:10 a.m. PDT and will be unavailable for 20 minutes. If you were logged into Naia prior, you will not be affected. 

With this maintenance:

  • Chronos will undergo additional server optimizations to reduce the server latency delay.


If you have any questions about the changes taking place during this maintenance, please feel free to post them on the forums. We also encourage you to follow @LineageIIOps for maintenance and server status updates.

A lot friend ask me why i still play this game, have 2 reason.

1. because i want to see you guys do it right :D
2. because i love this game :D

My logging problem was start at marc 25. between my net and ncsoft isp, was see pocket lose in ping, yesterday was fixed :) now, again pocket lose after you guys make maintenance :D gz me, i was know you guys make the problem again :) cant believe i'm so good on guessing :D to be honest was expect you do it again :)

Suggestion for NCSOFT:contact to internet providers, lag its come from there. not on our isp or server usage.
Stop fixing server and stop optimizing server, lag its come on your internet providers :P


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I don't Have An Issue, I did, 2 months AGO, ISP replaced 30 year old cable into my house, The Only other Issue,  My Video Card Died... Had to run on built in card, was like driving backwards up hill in the snow with VW bug, Stock sucks.... My LAAG comes from poor Video card on Main Board... Other than that , If I switch between accounts to fast Internet cant process fast  enough, that's one of the few times I disconnect any more, Other Than that, MANA regain being hit/miss All Is fine Except The Idiots who PK for Spite, So all you crying people, try fix your PC Maybe Invest in something better, Any thing under 2gig Memory on video card isn't going run this game very well at all. I Walmart Satellite Laptop work just fine on WIFI, So stop Complaining and Fix your Hard Ware. For the less that 10 I see complain daily in game, I don't se much of issue All the "Macros" And farmers seem to be doing just fine.  Oh BTW too the two Fine Individuals that PK Me at server reset in 6am Deezer/Akamania your what makes this game so much fun. your ignorance is greatest. thanks. You Have Nice Day Watch little KEv Dog , til server back on line, HAVE NIcE Day. 

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20 minutes ago, RedStealth said:

For the less that 10 I see complain daily in game, I don't se much of issue All the "Macros" And farmers seem to be doing just fine.

I live in Canada, and have a 1Gbps internet connection. One PC I use for gaming has an 18-core Intel 7980XE with 64GB of memory, while the other is an 8-core 9900KS with 16GB of memory. I get disconnected on an hourly basis, on one of my three accounts. So please, stop acting like you know everything. Yesterday, I legitimately could not even accept the daily attendance reward on my main because I disconnected four times throughout the day before the 30 minute timer clicked in. I just gave up. 

Edit: Please tell me it's a hardware issue: 




Edited by Deathspawner
Added screenshots.
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Lags are very really bad, actually the problem is this business concerning alts/mentees for sale getting exp till level 105. Blazing is hell laggy, more ppl then mobs, there's a problem.

Some players has high levels and are totally noobs, i dont understand NCSOFT, I miss old times, really...

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5 minutes ago, Chymna said:

Lags are very really bad, actually the problem is this business concerning alts/mentees for sale getting exp till level 105. Blazing is hell laggy, more ppl then mobs, there's a problem.

It looks like the next patch is supposed to remedy this a little bit: 


That's for EU, but it's assumed it'll trickle down to us suckers in NA at some point. Feoh, Yul, and Wynn will use Blazing Swamp for 40K, while Sigel, Tyrr, Othell, Iss, Aeore, and Ertheia will use War-Torn Plains.

If NC used a better design for the Mentee enchant scrolls, the issue of crowds in these places would drop. I see groups of five regularly in Swamp with toons that are all similarly named (even like Earring30, Earring31, etc). At the same time, isn't this the same design EU, Russia, and other regions would be using? Do they have extreme lag like we do? Is NC North America just cheap with server hardware?

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3 hours ago, mrholy said:

yes if we get gm buffs after update would be really nice juji


Ouuuuch, U are guys crying so much because of PC game :DD Give me buuufs (because of short maintenance) ,give me this, give me this, its prime time...Pls stop crying, get a life and play for fun. Dont be children :D So U will be not playing one hour now and what? What will happen? Seriously, guys, calm down :P

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I Am just Saying I don't have real problem any more, Sure I take Disconnects once in 7 day span... or I cause it myself , by watching you Tube in the back ground. But I have Cheap refurbished PC from On line company with one upgraded component.,1 Video card (replaced 3 Times Burnt up Fan). All I saying, is, I haven't had any Major complaints, sense the cable company came to the house identified my 30 year old line was defective. I don't think your NASA based pc specs matter. maybe over compensating for something else Less is always better sometimes. K.I.S = Best way to get things done right.

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For many years Lineage 2 , don`t understand that your game with this build you can`t keep many players in same place or this can`t be for a long time! Now we have quest, named exalted where better way with the items wich you provide "Paulina" is to  farm in  Blazing Swamp... 40k monsters ? Many People ! Lag! This is not play. You must consider or to make quest to be faster , or to open more zones for farm, where people with low gear can farm normal! Best Regards!

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