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Dawn of Heroes - not party viable, again


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my thoughts on the last patch .. I am happy we at last got some party content, but at the same time totally frustrated with the way monsters got boosted. Many players worked hard, geared up, leveled up, played in 3-4 ppl party in SOLO zones  ( since updates are not even closely suitable to our server, but follow Korean servers, where it is simply a DIFFERENT GAME ), farmed, invested time, ncoin, adena just to reach the point when xp in Fafurion/DV will be fun … ppl reached that goal and what ?? We just got 8-10 times Harder mobs to kill in those zones and pretty low XP there. Other zones got the same changes, much much harders mobs … 

Once again people are pushed to go solo and stay fully afk, it was clear these zones do not need 10 times harder to kill mobs ..

ONCE AGAIN A PATCH AND DECISIONS, NOT VIABLE for our server lvls. itemization, pricing, activity, TIME ZONES, overall player gear.

Take a look at brooch jewels .. such an old system and still totally limited.

Is there any way for us to make you communicate more with the community and understand once and for all what is going on really ? 

Useless promos and more P2W + 10 times harder mobs in party zones are not the answer.

Don't want to discuss the melee lag that is present now for 1 year or so, but rly messing up the game for last 4 months .. 


MY ADVICE - in order for us to make things better generally, we need to start working together - COMMUNITY, JUJI,HIME, REAL FEEDBACK TO DEVS, take logical decisions about itemization, gameplay, pricing, enchant rates, etc etc. @Hime, since @Juji is now bombarded with problems because of the last patch, IS IT POSSIBLE IN THE VERY CLOSE FUTURE to setup a real discussion between us - active players and you guys. With every new patch and every new promo problems are created and never solved. We need to start from somewhere!!! We need to establish the game problems and you guys have to start working on fixes. 

This is not Korea, not Korean server, not Korean players … totally different itemization etc and yet we get changes not suited for our play at all. WHY keep doing that?

Thank you, I hope we can get a real answer and not just a moderator deleting this post. 


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I agree that new players have it really really hard now. I met a group of nice people (Brother & Sister) from Canada. They used to play back in the old days. Lucky I was there with my mentee to guide them through the new process of the game. They were struggling to make the 1 + 2nd exalted quest in Blazing Swamp before update so I helped them.

Luckly and thanks NC that now quest item is shared for all.

One way for new comers was to level 10 mentees +- and sell them to get a R110 base weapon. This process took +- 2 months depending on your time investment. So this was still fine to get a good starting weapon.

Now, they have been reporting me that they started new mentees since latest update. They made barely 102 in 3days (coals everyday and castilla), ran out of arrows at lvl101 where they ran out at lvl103 before. So +-6m investment to get infinite arrow in shop. They are now with 7m in each at lvl102 and running out of free soulshots.

So even their only "income" to make up for soulshots, gearing now has disappeared since it is impossible for them to farm higher places than Enchanted Valley with their main and no soulshots.

For my part, I met a group of 3 people and we were doing daily +- 5% exp easily at lvl107 in Alligator before update. Now this exp is 1,5% +- instead. We barely drop adena from mobs and have to invest saved money for soulshots.

I just wish NC would login a level 1 character and play 1 month with the gear (Adena, XP, SP, drops) it gets etc to see the game from our perspective.

I can understand that the game is not "Truly Free" and I don´t mind to invest a few bucks from time to time for a nice event (cloak, circlet, agathion), but for the rest it is hard to get it through normal gaming.

Fingers crossed that the upcoming event will help us and let´s continue to play with the friends we got ingame ;)

Don´t lose faith too fast.

Edited by extase1987
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18 hours ago, extase1987 said:

They made barely 102 in 3days (coals everyday and castilla), ran out of arrows at lvl101 where they ran out at lvl103 before. So +-6m investment to get infinite arrow in shop. They are now with 7m in each at lvl102 and running out of free soulshots.

So even their only "income" to make up for soulshots, gearing now has disappeared since it is impossible for them to farm higher places than Enchanted Valley with their main and no soulshots.

For my part, I met a group of 3 people and we were doing daily +- 5% exp easily at lvl107 in Alligator before update. Now this exp is 1,5% +- instead. We barely drop adena from mobs and have to invest saved money for soulshots.

I can understand that the game is not "Truly Free" and I don´t mind to invest a few bucks from time to time for a nice event (cloak, circlet, agathion), but for the rest it is hard to get it through normal gaming.


I feel the same way & I am not a new player. I started in prelude & have been playing on these same ncsoft retail servers this whole time.

I am not a big spender but I would say over all of these years I have probably put close to $1,500-$2,000 in this game during all this time.

But I decided about close to 6 months ago that I was done dumping money into this game.

I have continued to play as best I can without paying more money but L2 has gotten to the point where it is just no fun anymore & no real in-game way to progress.

The way L2 is now it has finally pushed me to just try out different mmo's, etc. & ween myself away from L2. The waiting cues help lol.....If I log in & get a cue screen I will just shut down L2 & play something else.


There should be some real progression in the game but there is not. I don't agree with this whole exalted 1 & 2 free gear handout route & no other drops from mobs approach.

There should be a 1/2 way reasonable way to progress from one hunting zone to the next level hunting  zone in game.


For instance:

Blazing Swamp-lvl 99+ zone......should have a 1/2 way decent chance to drop R95 gear from normal mobs

Giants cave-lvl 100+ zone.......an even higher chance to drop R95 gear from normal mobs

Hellbound-101+ zone......should have a 1/2 way decent chance to drop R99 gear from normal mobs

The 103+ zones.......an even higher chance to drop R99 gear from normal mobs

105+ zone......& even higher chance to drop R99 Gear

& the closer you get to lvl 110 zones & higher, those areas should start to drop R110 gear from normal mobs

This would give people a way in game to gradually get gear in game to support their toon & have a way to actually look forward to being able to hunt in that next higher level zone.

Of course raids should play a part too for faster gear but for the most part I am just talking about the different zones.

At the moment the hunting zones are just dull afk macro-fests that won't get players very far since there are no drops. It is boring as @#^@$&





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As I said in some other posts, there should be some quests other than exalted to get good stuff overtime, I mean cloak scrolls, jewels like ruby lv1 and such, even could be a quest to do to get some shots like once a week or once a month at least, And it could set some goals other than just grinding to next level. Making the stuff you get not tradable would make it useless for farmers and bots to get rich over it and it would please a lot of people in game struggling with the low adena rate they can get from grinding on mobs.

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It is really a pity considering how much work you have put to lvl up ur cp supports to 110. Pt play is once more trashed.

Not only lvling a support past 107-108 requires so much effort but also DDs are not geared enough for new territories.

We need access to gear that is NECESSARY to effectively farm new areas. All other regions have made so much progress... In ncw owning a DW is like winning the lottery...other regions have them available in AH for 200-300b (price for +12 limited here).

Game progress is very slow, expensive and thus unappealing and boring.

Soon all these newcomers will hit the money wall.

How much longer do yoi believe ppl will give 50$ to get 100 random boxes and get 5 elc 10 cod and some pots.

Edited by Quenia
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Yes, we are required to play the - impossible mode of this game for several years now for sure, what we get is exactly 1 step forward - 3 steps backwards.

I can make a list of problems, which need ASAP fix/change and after fixing them - game will be much much better … many of us know what needs to be done !!!!

I am open for discussion so we can really make a huge positive change for all players, low/mid/top tier!

For my own interest last months I started to play on 2 more classes, wanted to see how players progress both on dd's and supports paying and not paying, almost all is messed up, itemization, promos, prices. success rate on enchants, random playstyle changes, random changes to %success rates ( even if they tell us there is no change), lag, disconnects, adena drop. XP zones without any logic, party play, time for server activities, time for oly, server economy, item production by players, consumables prices.. list goes on and on and on ...

I so much love the game, it makes me have a headache thinking about all these problems - AND THE FACT THEY CAN BE FIXED, BUT NOTHING IS BEING DONE >:(

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4 hours ago, Argus said:

Yes, we are required to play the - impossible mode of this game for several years now for sure, what we get is exactly 1 step forward - 3 steps backwards.

I can make a list of problems, which need ASAP fix/change and after fixing them - game will be much much better … many of us know what needs to be done !!!!

I am open for discussion so we can really make a huge positive change for all players, low/mid/top tier!

For my own interest last months I started to play on 2 more classes, wanted to see how players progress both on dd's and supports paying and not paying, almost all is messed up, itemization, promos, prices. success rate on enchants, random playstyle changes, random changes to %success rates ( even if they tell us there is no change), lag, disconnects, adena drop. XP zones without any logic, party play, time for server activities, time for oly, server economy, item production by players, consumables prices.. list goes on and on and on ...

I so much love the game, it makes me have a headache thinking about all these problems - AND THE FACT THEY CAN BE FIXED, BUT NOTHING IS BEING DONE >:(

I think that any event with success rate should clearly state the rates. Or at least they should give a certain item after the player reach a goal (for example the old stable cloak scrolls that in the last event were missing). 

It is true i think none of the devs have played the game after lvl 101. The damage anyone can do the mobs 101+ using the gear you can get playing alone is to low to have been tested. It feels like the test they make to kill mobs is using dragon weapons stage 3 instead of what the majority of the players can use

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I want to point out something here.

The FT and DV mobs had a girt glitch that was fixed with this update. The problem was that they didn't have proper level difference penalty, but now they do and the penalty is really severe (80%+ if you're not within 2 levels).

At what level were you farming there? Since afaik, the mobs in FT/DV are lv 119-120 and I really don't know if there is anyone on these servers that's lv 118 to fully overcome the penalty.

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