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Chronos Auction House has 750~800 Rune books cornered by Farmers

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We're not talking about limited supply so the price is expensive... we're not talking about 5-8 Rune books left or even 50-80 Runes books left.  We're talking about close to 800 Rune books and will be approaching 1000 Rune books that no one can buy.

Chronos Auction House currently has 750~800 Rune books cornered by Farmers...  @225m each where as the old price was at 55m.  It's now costing 1.8b for a person to learn a skill, some ISS, Feoh really need to learn their necessity skills.

@Hime @Juji Please create an event that will crash the farmer's market and make hoarding necessity supply for Covid19 masks (in L2 terms the Rune books) illegal.  As the government of this great game and with the support of your loyal subjects, you can do much to help the people.  

Edited by GhostintheShell
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there is one guy but cant say his name due to "Forum Policy" that has 748 rune stones he links daily and just "LOL 750kk per I want to make you suffer"  He's already admitted he's the one that has the 100 Summoners farming Adena Kartia instance and he put the high price cause no one can afford and he wants to make people suffer.  Hey w/e he's cheating how he gets them botting.  He knows NCSoft will do nothing.. So what can you do but keep playing without skills?

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Frankly, if Rune Stones costed anything they should probably go the way of the price of Crystal of Determination/Protection.. sudden promos of 40 NCoin each (or was it 80?). Realistically speaking, it will probably end up being the price of a Crystal of Dawn ^_^.

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So after my post, that greedy farmer took most of his AH posting off and jack up the price to 250m to artificially seem like there are low quantity.  DO NOT BE DECEIVED!!  He probably has over 1,000 Qty. just sitting out there.  Just resist buying and work together to get Ncsoft to do a 20nc coin promo for a single Rune book and watch his greedy ass BURN and SUFFER.

Edited by GhostintheShell
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it's not the farmer's fault, it's NC Soft's poor design and no bot-protection that resulted in this situation:

1. Multiple people reported those chains of summoners doing aden 100-day quest for rune stone - there was no action from NC West (I saw them on Naia as well)

2. Poor design resulting in very little chance to get rune stones, especially for new players. While one might argue that dev's intention is that rune stones are supposed to be rare and you should work hard to learn you skills you simply can't change an approach out of the sudden, since you create an unfair advantage for people who get head's up.

which brings me to:

3. Clearly the bot owner knew what the update will bring while the majority of players are presented with patch notes a day before launch and they can't prepare.

So overall, NC WEST FAILS, yet again.

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